85 research outputs found

    Greenhouse gas emissions from soil cultivated with vegetables in crop rotation under integrated, organic and organic conservation management in a Mediterranean environment

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    A combination of organic and conservation approaches have not been widely tested, neither considering agronomic implications nor the impacts on the environment. Focussing on the effect of agricultural practices on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from soil, the hypothesis of this research is that the organic conservation system (ORG+) may reduce emissions of N2O, CH4 and CO2 from soil, compared to an integrated farming system (INT) and an organic (ORG) system in a two-year irrigated vegetable crop rotation set up in 2014, in a Mediterranean environment. The crop rotation included: Savoy cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. sabauda L. cv. Famosa), spring lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. cv. Justine), fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill. cv. Montebianco) and summer lettuce (L. sativa cv. Ballerina). Fluxes from soil of N2O, CH4 and CO2 were measured from October 2014 to July 2016 with the flow-through non-steady state chamber technique using a mobile instrument equipped with high precision analysers. Both cumulative and daily N2O emissions were mainly lower in ORG+ than in INT and ORG. All the cropping systems acted as a sink of CH4, with no significant differences among treatments. The ORG and ORG+ systems accounted for higher cumulative and daily CO2 emissions than INT, maybe due to the stimulating effect on soil respiration of organic material (fertilizers/plant biomass) supplied in ORG and ORG+. Overall, the integration of conservation and organic agriculture showed a tendency for higher CO2 emissions and lower N2O emissions than the other treatments, without any clear results on its potential for mitigating GHG emissions from soil

    Competition for Light Affects Alfalfa Biomass Production More Than Its Nutritive Value in an Olive-Based Alley-Cropping System

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    Cropping among trees with perennial legumes is one option for increasing agro-ecosystem services, such as improving the nitrogen supply and increasing soil protection by herbaceous vegeta-tion. Moreover, cropping under the canopy of olive trees should diversify the farm production, compared to the traditional fallow management. Among perennial legumes, alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) produces abundant biomass under Mediterranean rainfed condition. Based on this, a two-year field experiment was implemented in southern Tuscany in a rainfed olive orchard to test the competition for light effects on alfalfa biomass production and nutritive value. Light availability under the tree canopy was measured by hemispherical photos. In both years, the alfalfa yield of under-canopy varied according to the tree presence. A significant relationship between biomass production and light availability was recorded. The nutritive value of under-canopy alfalfa was similar to that of the open-grown alfalfa. However, same significant differences did however occur, between shaded and sole crop. When differences were found, under-canopy herbage was characterised by a higher content of crude protein and a lower content of fibre with respect to open-grown. In a hilly silvoarable olive orchard, alfalfa biomass accumulation was reduced mainly due to scarce light availability, therefore tree management such as pruning and plantation layout can enhance the herbage productivity. Studying shade tolerant forage legumes in order to enhance the yield and nutritive value of herbage production in rainfed agroforestry systems is essential

    Effect of tree presence and soil characteristics on soybean yield and quality in an innovative alley-cropping system

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    Agroforestry is indicated as a farming practice suited to enhance ecosystem services generated by cropping systems. However, farmers are often reluctant to implement agroforestry systems due to the potential yield loss of crops. In a field trial, soybean was intercropped with poplar short-rotation-coppice rows in an alley-cropping system with 13.5 m wide alleys, in order to assess the effect of tree presence on soybean yield and quality. The light availability (LA) was significantly affected by the tree presence, with an increasing effect along the season due to tree growth, being at its lowest in the tree–crop interface positions (West and East). Significant effects of the tree-distance and LA were registered on soybean yield, with the highest reduction of soybean yield in the West (−78%) and East (−35%) positions. Crude fat content in soybean grain did not vary among positions in the alley, while crude protein content was the lowest in the most shaded position (West −8% than the highest value). The assessment of spatial variability among plots of measured soil characteristics highlighted no significant effect of pedological conditions upon soybean yield. Thus, in our study, the LA effect was more important than soil characteristics in determining a detrimental effect of competition for resources between soybean and poplar. Conversely, soybean quality was affected by soil characteristics, since crude fat significantly correlated with soil nutrients, pH, soil organic matter and soil texture

    Integrated cascade biorefinery processes for the production of single cell oil by Lipomyces starkeyi from Arundo donax L. hydrolysates

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    Giant reed (Arundo donax L.) is a promising source of carbohydrates that can be converted into single cell oil (SCO) by oleaginous yeasts. Microbial conversion of both hemicellulose and cellulose fractions represents the key step for increasing the economic sustainability for SCO production. Lipomyces starkeyi DSM 70,296 was cultivated in two xylose-rich hydrolysates, obtained by the microwave-assisted hydrolysis of hemicellulose catalysed by FeCl3 or Amberlyst-70, and in two glucose-rich hydrolysates obtained by the enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose. L. starkeyi grew on both undetoxified and partially-detoxified hydrolysates, achieving the lipid content of 30 wt% and yield values in the range 15–24 wt%. For both integrated cascade processes the final production of about 8 g SCO from 100 g biomass was achieved. SCO production through integrated hydrolysis cascade processes represents a promising solution for the effective exploitation of lignocellulosic feedstock from perennial grasses towards new generation biodiesel and other valuable bio-based products

    Carbon budget of an agroforestry system after being converted from a poplar short rotation coppice

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    Poplar (Populus L. spp.) Short Rotation Coppice systems (SRCs) for bioenergy production are being converted back to arable land. Transitioning to Alley Cropping Systems (ACSs) could be a suitable strategy for integrating former tree rows and arable crops. A field trial (Pisa, Central Italy) was set up with the aim of assessing the C storage of an ACS system based on hybrid poplar and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) and comparing it with that of an SRC cultivation system. The carbon budget at the agroecosystem scale was assessed in the first year of the transition using the net biome production (NBP) approach with a simplified method. The overall NBP for the SRC was positive (96 ± 40 g C m−2 year−1), highlighting that the system was a net carbon sink (i.e., NBP > 0). However, the ACS registered a net C loss (i.e., NBP < 0), since the NBP was −93 ± 56 g C m−2 year−1. In the first year of the transition, converting the SRC into an ACS counteracted the potential beneficial effect of C storage in tree belowground biomass due to the high heterotrophic respiration rate recorded in the ACS, which was fostered by the incorporation of residues and tillage disturbance in the alley. Additional years of heterotrophic respiration measurements could allow for an estimate of the speed and extent of C losses

    Suitability of switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) as a forage crop in the Mediterranean area

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    In Mediterranean rainfed cropping systems, drought-resistant crops can increase yield and availability of forage during the summer period. In North America, switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) has been used for decades as pasture and fodder. In Europe, switchgrass has been investigated mainly for its potential as an energy crop. e overall aim of the present study was to analyse the suitability of switchgrass as a forage crop in a Mediterranean environment. A eld trial was carried out in Central Italy (Pisa) to evaluate the productivity and nutritive value in mature stands of two switchgrass varieties (Alamo and Blackwell). Alamo reached the maturity for hay harvest (boot stage) in August, about one-month delay with respect to Blackwell. At this stage, the biomass was 13.3 and 7.5 t ha-1 of dry matter (DM) in Alamo and Blackwell, respectively. Both varieties produced a summer regrowth harvested in autumn. Nutritive value declined during the growing season due to the increase of bre and the reduction of protein content. Saponin content signi cantly di ered between varieties and according to the growth stage, ranging from 1.8 to 4.5 mg g-1 DM. is study provides useful knowledge to favour the introduction of perennial grasses as forage crops in the Mediterranean, leading to several environmental bene ts when compared with the annual species that currently cover half of the forage cropland in Tuscany

    Modelling the effect of context-specific greenhouse gas and nitrogen emission mitigation options in key European dairy farming systems

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    Understanding the environmental consequences associated with dairy cattle production systems is crucial for the implementation of targeted strategies for emission reduction. However, few studies have modelled the effect of tailored emission mitigation options across key European dairy production systems. Here, we assess the single and combined effect of six emission mitigation practises on selected case studies across Europe through the Sustainable and Integrated Management System for Dairy Production model. This semi-mechanistic model accounts for the interacting flows from a whole-farm perspective simulating the environmental losses in response to different management strategies and site-specific conditions. The results show how reducing the crude protein content of the purchased fraction of the diet was an adequate strategy to reduce the greenhouse gas and nitrogen emission intensity in all systems. Furthermore, implementing an anaerobic digestion plant reduced the greenhouse gas emissions in all tested case studies while increasing the nitrogen emissions intensity, particularly when slurry was applied using broadcast. Regarding the productivity increase, contrasting effects were observed amongst the case studies modelled. Moreover, shallow slurry injection effectively mitigated the intensity of nitrogen losses from the fields due to strong reductions in ammonia volatilisation. When substituting urea with ammonium nitrate as mineral fertiliser, site-specific conditions affected the mitigation potential observed, discouraging its application on sandy-loam soils. Rigid slurry covers effectively reduced the storage-related nitrogen emissions intensity while showing a minor effect on total greenhouse gas emission intensity. In addition, our results provide novel evidence regarding the advantages of cumulative implementation of adapted mitigation options to offset the negative trade-offs of single-option applications (i.e. slurry covers or anaerobic digestion and slurry injection). Through this study, we contribute to a better understanding of the effect of emission mitigation options across dairy production systems in Europe, thus facilitating the adoption of tailored and context-specific emission reduction strategies
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