8 research outputs found

    Polikistik over sendromlu hastalarda insülin direnci ve eser elementlerin ilişkisi

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    Objective: The study was investigate serum zinc (Zn),chromium (Cr), cobalt (Co) and manganese (Mn) concentrations in relation to hormone levels and polycystic ovarysyndrome (PCOS).Materials and Methods: Fourty women between 18-40years of age diagnosed with PCOS. We also seleceted 40healty volunteers as the control group. Serum Zn, Cr, Mn,follicular stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone(LH), Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA-S), totaltestosterone (TT), sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG),insulin, glucose, cholesterol, triglyceride, High DensityLipoprotein (HDL-C) and Low density lipoprotein (LDLC) concentrations were determined.Results: Insulin, glucose, triglyceride, DHEA-S levelswere significantly higher in the PCOS group than in thecontrol group, while FSH and Mn levels were significantly lower in the HOMA-IR group than in the controlgroup (p< 0.05).Conclusions: A possible association is perceptible in ourstudy between some of serum trace elements and womenwith PCOS. The association attains a connotative levelwith the involvement of IR in it. Additional studies evaluating the effects of these elements supplementation wouldbe required to confirm the hypothesis as well as to ascertain whether insulin resistance in the presence of manganese deficiency can directly lead to oxidative stress.Amaç: Bu çalışma, polikistik over sendromunda (PKOS) hormon düzeyleriyle çinko (Zn), krom (Cr), kobalt (Co) ve mangan (Mn) konsantrasyonlarının ilişkisini incelemek için tasarlanmıştır. Materyal ve Metot: Çalışmaya endokrinoloji polikliniğine başvuran 18-40 yaş arası PKOS teşhisi konulan 40 kadın ve aynı sayıda sağlıklı gönüllü alındı. Serum Zn, Cr, Mn, Foliküler stimüle edici hormon (FSH), Lüteinleştirici Hormon (LH), Dehidroepiandrosteron (DHEA-S), Total Testosteron (TT), Seks hormonu bağlayıcı globulin (SHBG), insülin, glukoz, kolesterol, trigliserit, yüksek yoğunluklu lipoproteinler (HDL) ve düşük yoğunluklu lipoproteinler (LDL) konsantrasyonları analiz edildi. Bulgular: PKOS grubunda insülin, glukoz, trigliserit, DHEA-S düzeyleri kontrol grubuna göre anlamlı derecede yüksek iken, FSH ve Mn düzeyleri HOMA-IR grubunda kontrol grubuna göre anlamlı derecede düşüktü (p <0.05). Sonuç: Çalışmamızda serum eser elementleri ile PKOS arasında bir ilişki saptanırken, IR’nin dahil edilmesiyle ilişki düzeyi artmaktadır. Ayrıca, mangan eksikliği varlığında insülin direncinin doğrudan oksidatif strese yol açıp açamayacağını belirlemek için bu elementin takviyesinin etkilerini değerlendiren ek çalışmalara ihtiyaç olacağını da düşünmekteyiz

    Protective Effects Of Antioxidants On The Experimental Liver And Kidney Toxicity In Mice

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    Aim: Liver and kidney are exposed to a lot of oxidant substances that are both from exogen and endogen sources. The aim of this study was to investigate the antioxidant effects of C vitamine, Melatonine (MLT) and N-acetylcystein (NAC) in carbon tetrachlorur (CCl4) induced oxidative stress in mouse. Methods: The study involved 6 groups; control group (Group 1), CCl4 group (Group 2), CCl4 + C vitamine group (Group 3), CCl4 + MLT group (Group 4), CCl4 + NAC group (Group 5) and combined (CCl4 + C vitamine + MLT + NAC) group (Group 6) with each group containing 10 mice. Starting from the 4th day of the study 0,4 ml/kg CCl4 were given intraperitoneally (i.p.) to all groups except the control group. In Groups 3, 4, 5 and 6; 150 mg/kg/day C vitamine, 10 mg/kg/day MLT, 150 mg/kg/day NAC and C vitamine + MLT + NAC combination, respectively, were given for 7 days. The malondialdehyde (MDA) level and superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutatyon peroxidase (GSH-Px), catalase (CAT) and myeloperoxidase (MPO) activities were measured in the tissues of liver and kidney of the mice. Results: The MDA and MPO levels in the tissues of liver and kidney of the toxicity group (Group 2) were significantly higher than those of the control group (p<0.01), but the GSH-Px and CAT activities were significantly lower than those of the control group (p<0.01). Compared with the toxicity group; in groups 3, 5 and 6 liver MDA and MPO levels showed a significant decrease (p<0.05) while GSH-Px and SOD activities in group 4 and GSH-Px activity in group 5 showed a significant increase (p<0.05). In kidney, MDA levels in groups 3 and 5 and MPO levels in groups 4 and 6 showed a significant decrease (p<0.05). SOD in group 3; GSH-Px and CAT in group 4; GSH-Px, SOD and CAT in group 5 and SOD activities in group 6 showed a significant increase. Conclusion: The results showed that C vitamine therapy and the combined therapy were effective in preventing oxidative stress in both liver and kidney while MLT increased antioxidant enzyme activities more effectively. Furthermore, NAC was more effective in preventing oxidative stress and increasing antioxidant enzyme activities

    The Relationship of Oxidation Sensitivity of Red Blood Cells and Carbonic Anhydrase Activity in Stored Human Blood: Effect of Certain Phenolic Compounds

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    It has been reported that many modifications occur with the increase of oxidative stress during storage in erythrocytes. In order to delay these negative changes, we evaluated whether the addition of substances likely to protect antioxidant capacity in stored blood would be useful. Therefore, we investigated the effects of resveratrol, tannic acid, and caffeic acid in lipid peroxidation and antioxidant capacity of erythrocytes in stored blood. Donated blood was taken into four CPD containing blood bags. One bag was used as the control, and the others were supplemented with caffeic acid (30 μg/mL), resveratrol (30 μg/mL), and tannic acid (15 μg/mL), respectively. Erythrocyte lipid peroxidation, sensitivity to oxidation, glutathione levels and carbonic anhydrase, glutathione peroxidase, and catalase activities were measured on days 0, 7, 14, 21, and 28. In the control group, erythrocyte malondialdehyde levels and sensitivity to oxidation were increased whereas glutathione, glutathione peroxidase, and catalase levels were decreased (p<0.05). Resveratrol and caffeic acid prevented malondialdehyde accumulation and preserved glutathione, glutathione peroxidase, and catalase activities in erythrocytes. We demonstrated that resveratrol, caffeic acid, and tannic acid in stored blood could decrease the sensitivity to oxidation of erythrocytes in vitro but did not exhibit such effects on CA activity

    The Relationship of Oxidation Sensitivity of Red Blood Cells and Carbonic Anhydrase Activity in Stored Human Blood: Effect of Certain Phenolic Compounds

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    It has been reported that many modifications occur with the increase of oxidative stress during storage in erythrocytes. In order to delay these negative changes, we evaluated whether the addition of substances likely to protect antioxidant capacity in stored blood would be useful. Therefore, we investigated the effects of resveratrol, tannic acid, and caffeic acid in lipid peroxidation and antioxidant capacity of erythrocytes in stored blood. Donated blood was taken into four CPD containing blood bags. One bag was used as the control, and the others were supplemented with caffeic acid (30 μg/mL), resveratrol (30 μg/mL), and tannic acid (15 μg/mL), respectively. Erythrocyte lipid peroxidation, sensitivity to oxidation, glutathione levels and carbonic anhydrase, glutathione peroxidase, and catalase activities were measured on days 0, 7, 14, 21, and 28. In the control group, erythrocyte malondialdehyde levels and sensitivity to oxidation were increased whereas glutathione, glutathione peroxidase, and catalase levels were decreased (p<0.05). Resveratrol and caffeic acid prevented malondialdehyde accumulation and preserved glutathione, glutathione peroxidase, and catalase activities in erythrocytes. We demonstrated that resveratrol, caffeic acid, and tannic acid in stored blood could decrease the sensitivity to oxidation of erythrocytes in vitro but did not exhibit such effects on CA activity

    Polikistik Over Sendromlu Hastalarda İnsülin Direnci ve Eser Elementlerin İlişkisi

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    Objective: The study was investigate serum zinc (Zn),chromium (Cr), cobalt (Co) and manganese (Mn) concentrations in relation to hormone levels and polycystic ovarysyndrome (PCOS).Materials and Methods: Fourty women between 18-40years of age diagnosed with PCOS. We also seleceted 40healty volunteers as the control group. Serum Zn, Cr, Mn,follicular stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone(LH), Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA-S), totaltestosterone (TT), sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG),insulin, glucose, cholesterol, triglyceride, High DensityLipoprotein (HDL-C) and Low density lipoprotein (LDLC) concentrations were determined.Results: Insulin, glucose, triglyceride, DHEA-S levelswere significantly higher in the PCOS group than in thecontrol group, while FSH and Mn levels were significantly lower in the HOMA-IR group than in the controlgroup (p< 0.05).Conclusions: A possible association is perceptible in ourstudy between some of serum trace elements and womenwith PCOS. The association attains a connotative levelwith the involvement of IR in it. Additional studies evaluating the effects of these elements supplementation wouldbe required to confirm the hypothesis as well as to ascertain whether insulin resistance in the presence of manganese deficiency can directly lead to oxidative stress.Amaç: Bu çalışma, polikistik over sendromunda (PKOS) hormon düzeyleriyle çinko (Zn), krom (Cr), kobalt (Co) ve mangan (Mn) konsantrasyonlarının ilişkisini incelemek için tasarlanmıştır. Materyal ve Metot: Çalışmaya endokrinoloji polikliniğine başvuran 18-40 yaş arası PKOS teşhisi konulan 40 kadın ve aynı sayıda sağlıklı gönüllü alındı. Serum Zn, Cr, Mn, Foliküler stimüle edici hormon (FSH), Lüteinleştirici Hormon (LH), Dehidroepiandrosteron (DHEA-S), Total Testosteron (TT), Seks hormonu bağlayıcı globulin (SHBG), insülin, glukoz, kolesterol, trigliserit, yüksek yoğunluklu lipoproteinler (HDL) ve düşük yoğunluklu lipoproteinler (LDL) konsantrasyonları analiz edildi. Bulgular: PKOS grubunda insülin, glukoz, trigliserit, DHEA-S düzeyleri kontrol grubuna göre anlamlı derecede yüksek iken, FSH ve Mn düzeyleri HOMA-IR grubunda kontrol grubuna göre anlamlı derecede düşüktü (p <0.05). Sonuç: Çalışmamızda serum eser elementleri ile PKOS arasında bir ilişki saptanırken, IR’nin dahil edilmesiyle ilişki düzeyi artmaktadır. Ayrıca, mangan eksikliği varlığında insülin direncinin doğrudan oksidatif strese yol açıp açamayacağını belirlemek için bu elementin takviyesinin etkilerini değerlendiren ek çalışmalara ihtiyaç olacağını da düşünmekteyiz

    The levels of nitrite, nitrate and lipid peroxidation in diabetic mouse brain: The effect of melatonin and pentoxifylline

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    Objective: This study investigated the relationship between diabetes (DM) and nitrite, nitrate and MDA levels and effect of melatonin and pentoxifylline. Methods: Sixty mice were randomly divided into four groups. Control: no action; Diabetes group (DM): after fasting-blood-glucose (FBG) was measured, 150 mg/kg alloxane was applied intraperitoneally three-times every other day; Diabetes + Melatonin (DM + MLT) and Diabetes + Pentoxifylline groups (DM + PTX): following the same procedures with DM, 10 mg/kg melatonin and 50 mg/kg pentoxifylline were administered subcutaneously six days, respectively. Following FBG analysis, brain tissues were taken under the anaesthesia. Nitrite, nitrate and MDA levels were measured. Results: In the all groups with alloxane, FBG were higher than in before application (p <.05). Also, FBG, nitrite, nitrate and MDA levels in the DM + MLT and DM + PTX groups were lower than in the DM (p <.05). Conclusions: Nitrite and nitrate may be related to etiopathogenesis of DM, and pentoxifylline and especially melatonin relatively decrease nitrite, nitrate and lipid peroxidation.Yuzuncu Yil Universit