26 research outputs found

    Health in surroundings: Application of the theory of environment in nursing practice

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    Nursing practices are guided by theoretical frameworks which provide functional basis to nursing care. This paper discusses the application of Nightingale’s theory of environment in nursing practices. The theory highlights and explains 13 environmental cannons which include ventilation, cleanliness of walls/rooms, light, noise, personal cleanliness, bed and bedding, and taking food. Florence exquisitely explains the influence of environmental health on patients wellbeing. The application of the theory in nursing practices will help to understand and reflect the direct relation of environment on patients health

    Routine episiotomies without consent

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    Evolving nurse leadership role in 2020

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    Improving nursing documentation via reducing the written work load

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    With the growth in the health care industry around the world and introduction to new technologies in the system, the uses of traditional methods in nursing practices are reducing. These modern work practices are meant to reduce human effort without compromising on the quality. Where as dealing with documentation whereas always has been a major challenge in providing the better health care. The project thus outlines the improving nursing documentation via reducing the written work load to increase work efficiency

    Nursing and #metoo

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    The year 2018 revealed a number of sexual harassment stories into public conversation as part of the #MeToo movement. The campaign has relatively spread across all professions and work industries. Today, the society is already hypersensitive towards sexual talks, and the campaigns such as #MeeToo make it even more difficult to overlook these stories; it has challenged the demarcation of important and superfluous accusations which gives rise to various ethical dilemmas. Therefore, the #MeToo movement becomes significant to evaluate both sides of a coin, and assess a situation from various ethical paradigms in order to reach an ethically acceptable solution


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    This study was meant to explore preadolescents’ (8-13 years) perception of violent television content and the degree to which they like and watch such programs and the reasons for watching them. Firstly, an open ended questionnaire was developed using an interview guide and administered upon 10 preadolescents. Secondly, it was administered after pilot testing to children from the schools of Islamabad and Rawalpindi (n=100). Content analysis was applied on the data using emergent coding (data-driven). Results indicated that the favorite genres turned out to be cartoons, crime shows and comedy shows. Pre-adolescents perceived violence in the television content, liked that violence, and identified with the aggressive heroes. Thus, most of the program telecast in Pakistan comprise of truly violent content perceivable and liked by children; which is an alarming signal for parents, media authorities and the children’s personality.  Article visualizations

    Turnover propensity among nurses in Pakistan: Overview and management

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    Human resource management is an important stake of health care systems. Today, the increase in the burden of diseases has increased the demands of health care professionals in particular Nurses who are the key assets to these agencies. Unfortunately, there is a huge difference between the numbers of nurses between developed and developing countries. Various databases were used to identify this gap, rationales behind its existence and recommendations to improve it

    Silence in violence: A curse or a goodwill

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    Healthcare professionals face dilemmas regarding maintaining and breaching confidentiality while dealing with victims of sexual violence. The sensitivity of the cases of violence and the aim to prevent harm generates ambiguity for sound ethical and legal decision making. In Pakistan, maintaining silence is often preferred over breaking the silence. Thus, it is essential to view the risks and benefits of the conflicting positions keeping in mind the diverse perspectives and the bigger picture. Organizations, community and government can plan different strategies to put an end to this obscene game of “silence in violence”

    A race inside the body: Decision of the fate of newborn

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    Sex-selective abortion is the killing of a girl fetus merely due to its gender. It has become an emerging problem in developing countries mainly due to lack of resources and cultural stereotypes. Illegal abortions have increased and are jeopardizing not only the gender ratio but also the health of the mother by exposing them to complications and violating their rights. The aim of this paper is to evaluate a case scenario based on many ethical dilemmas and questions that arise form it. The paper presents the problem in light of major ethical principles and theories by counteracting each argument with a counter argument. Pakistan is a country with increasing population and gender misbalance. Hence, it is crucial to view the positive and negative side of the conflicting situation considering the larger benefit and bigger impact. Government and institutions can implement many strategies to protect the rights of women and put an end to the race between X and Y chromosome