27 research outputs found

    Achievement of the K1 & K4 Program with Standar Practices of Pregnancy Services during the Covid-19 Pandemic

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    WHO has designated the Covid-19 (Corona Virus 2019) case as a Pandemic. Covid-19, caused by the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), is a new type of respiratory disease (pneumonia) and is contagious. The state has made various efforts to control covid-19, but there are still many infected victims. Pregnant women have changes in their i mmune system and anatomy, making them susceptible to viral infections. Pregnancy examinations at the hospital will be at risk of transmitting covid-19 to pregnant women, while antenatal care is very important to identify any pregnancy complications. This study aims to identify the K1 and k4 programs' achievements with midwives' practice in standard pregnancy services during the Covid 19 Pandemic, using a questionnaire given to midwives as health service workers. The study design used a cross-sectional with a chi-square statistical test, with 30 midwives as respondents who opened independent practice services during the Covid-19 pandemic. The research instrument used a questionnaire. This study indicates that 70% of midwives have good knowledge but do not implement standard pregnancy care during the pandemic. The analysis results show no relationship between knowledge and standard practice of pregnancy services during the Covid-19 pandemic. Conclusion: Most midwives have good knowledge and do not practice standard pregnancy services during the Covid-19 pandemic. Suggestion. The following research is to identify the achievements of the pregnancy care program during the Covid-19 pandemic

    Efektivitas Inhalasi Aromaterapi Lavender (Lavendula Augustfolia) dan Neroli (Citrus Aurantium) terhadap Penurunan Nyeri Proses Persalinan

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    Labor pain is a normal process with different intensity felt in each individual. Even though it is normal in labor, labor pain is painful, unpleasant and even very feared for the mother. Pain in labor occurs 85 - 90%, and only 10-15% labor that occurs without pain, termination of pain intensity non-pharmacological labor can be used incorrectly using aromatherapy. In this study, we tried to compare the effectiveness of inhalation of lavender and neroli aromatherapy to reduce the intensity of labor pain. The research method uses Quasi Experimental Design with Nonequivalent Control Group Design method using pretest - posttest design. The population used was first-time active maternity mothers in RB Delta Mutiara Candi Sidoarjo. The sampling technique used was consecutive sampling. Data collection was carried out by observing 2 groups of maternity mothers, 30 respondents given lavender aromatherapy (Lavendula Augustfolia) inhalation and 30 respondents given inhalation neroli (Citrus Aurantium). The number of respondents was 60, measuring using an observation sheet containing a scale of measurements with observations of behavior (FLACC behavior scale). Data analysis using Independent Sample T-Test with significance level � = 0.05. The results of this study showed that difference reduction in pain scores lavender aromatherapy inhalation was 4.96 � 0.15, while in the group of neroli aromatherapy the mean reduction in total score was 4.01� 0.067 with value P<0.002 shown there is significant result. The conclusion of this study is that inhalation aromatherapy lavender (Lavendula Augustfolia) and neroli (Citrus Aurantium) can reduce the intensity of postpartum pain, but in the inhalation neroli aromatherapy group has greater pain reduction score than the lavender group

    Specification Acupuncture Points Li4 and Sp6 in Postpartum Sectio Caesarea Pain

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    Postoperative pain can affect the postpartum SC's mobility, and the physical healing process after surgery can also trigger physiological stress and anxiety due to wound pain. The presence of side effects from analgesic use prompts the exploration of non-pharmacological treatments as an alternative for pain management in post-SC clients, as they are considered to have low side effects. Acupuncture, as one of the non-pharmacological complementary therapies, has been developed to address pain. This research aims to identify the Specific Points of Acupuncture, Li4 and Sp6, in Postpartum Cesarean Section (SC) Pain. The research design employed a quasi-experimental clinical approach, specifically a non-equivalent pre-posttest with a control group. This involved identifying pain reduction before and 24 hours after administering acupuncture intervention at specific points, LI4 and SP6, for a duration of 30 minutes. The study included a total of 34 participants in both the treatment and control groups. The research was conducted at Airlangga University Hospital in Surabaya. The subjects of the study were patients who met the inclusion criteria. The Pain Numeric Rating Scale was used as the research instrument. Statistical analysis involved employing oneway ANOVA to observe the mean change in values between the pretest and post-test within each group. The administration of acupuncture therapy targeting points LI4 and SP6 in this study proved effective in reducing postpartum SC pain compared to the control group. In future research, further investigation could be conducted to identify changes in chemical reactions within the body following acupuncture treatment

    Effectiveness of Birth Massage and Heat Theraphy in Reducing Labor Pain

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    Labor pain is a physiological process with a different intensity for each individual. Lamaze in Bobak (2010) states that 85 - 90% of deliveries take place with pain, and only 10-15% of deliveries take place without pain. Monitoring pain in labor is very important because this is a measure of whether labor can proceed normally or end with an action due to complications. Various attempts were made to overcome labor pain both pharmacologically and non-pharmacologically. One method of handling pain in a non-pharmacological way is to provide birth massage and heat therapy. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the combination of birth mass and heat therapy to reduce labor pain in the first phase of active phase. The design in this study is Quasi Experimental Design with Nonequivalent Control Group Design method using pretest - posttest design. The population used was the first phase active mothers in RB Nuril Masrukhah Sidoarjo that met the inclusion criteria. The sampling technique used was consecutive sampling. Data collection was carried out by observing 4 groups of maternal using pre-test and post-test with an observation sheet containing a scale of pain scale assessment with behavioral observation (FLACC behavioral scale). Data analysis using One Way Anova with significance level α = 0.05. The conclusion of this study is that there is no difference in labor pain between groups given a combination of birth massage and heat therapy with a group given birth massage, there is no difference in labor pain between groups given a combination of birth massage and heat therapy with a group given heat therapy, but there are differences between groups that are given a combination of birth massage and heat therapy with the group without treatment

    Pengetahuan dan Praktik Bidan tentang Standar Pelayanan Kehamilan di Era Pandemi Covid-19

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    Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) is a highly contagious new type of respiratory disease (pneumonia) caused by coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). All countries are making various efforts to control covid-19, but there are still many infected victims, so WHO has designated this case as a Covid-19 Pandemic. Pregnant women are more susceptible to viral infections; this is due to changes in the immune system and body anatomy. Pregnancy checks in the hospital will be a significant risk for the threat of covid-19 transmission, while services during pregnancy are essential to avoid complications that can occur during pregnancy. This study aims to identify midwives' knowledge and practice regarding the standard of pregnancy services during the Covid 19 pandemic, using a questionnaire given to midwives as health care workers. The study design used a crosssectional study with a chi-square statistical test to determine health services barriers during the pandemic. They were analyzed descriptively. Samples took with quota sampling, with a total of 30 midwives in Candi Sidoarjo sub-district. The research instrument used a questionnaire. This study indicates that 70% of midwives have good knowledge but do not implement standard pregnancy care during the pandemic. The analysis results show that there is no relationship between knowledge and standard practice of pregnancy services during the Covid-19 pandemic. Conclusion: Most midwives have good knowledge and do not practice standard pregnancy services during the Covid19 pandemic. Suggestion. The next research is to identify the achievements of the pregnancy service program during the Covid-19 pandemi

    Practice of Breast Self-Examination (SADARI) in Adolescent Based on Knowledge

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    Angka kejadian perempuan yang tertinggi adalah kanker payudara yaitu sebesar 42,1 per 100.000 orang dengan rata-rata kematian 17 per 100.000 orang. prevalensi tumor/kanker di Indonesia menunjukkan adanya peningkatan dari 1.4 per 1000 orang pada tahun 2013 menjadi 1,79 per 1000 orang di tahun 2018. Kanker payudara banyak menyerang pada perempuan yang berusia lebih dari 50 tahun, dan pada saat ini mulai menyerang perempuan pada usia yang lebih muda. Desain penelitian ini deskriptif dengan metode survei dengan pendekatan Cross Sectional. Seluruh populasi pada penelitian ini dijadikan sample sebanyak 35 mahasiswa, subjek peneliti dengan kriteria remaja perempuan pada Prodi Manajamen Informasi Kesehatan, Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo. Pengumpulan data menggunakan data primer melalui kuesioner. Kuesioner mencangkup pengetahuan deteksi dini Kanker payudara dan teknik SADARI. Penyebaran kuesioner melalui software google form dan dibagikan secara online kepada responden. Dari hasil penelitian dapat di ketahui bahwa dari 35 responden yang melakukan praktik SADARI dengan cukup dan berpengetahuan cukup sebanyak 14 responden (73,7%). Dalam penelitian ini juga berpengaruh dari pengetahuan yang dimiliki mayoritas responden ialah cukup. Cukupnya informasi juga berkaitan dalam melakukan praktik SADARI dengan cukup. Simpulan dari penelitian ini pengetahuan remaja tentang deteksi dini kanker payudara berdasarkan praktik SADARI sebagian besar cukup

    Educational Models of Infant and Young Child Feeding Among Prenatal and Postnatal women During the Covid-19 Pandemic (January 2020 – January 2023): A Scoping Review

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    Infant and young children feeding (IYCF) practices, particularly for infants and young children <2 y old, became increasingly challenging during the COVID-19 pandemic. Several studies have discussed various educational models in the pre-pandemic period, most of which were conducted in person. The last reviews on IYCF interventions were conducted in 2020 and were relevant to pre-pandemic contexts. Thus, there is a need to review IYCF interventions to inform educational models adapted to the COVID-19 pandemic. This study aimed to describe the IYCF educational models proposed during the COVID-19 pandemic. For this relevant literature, we searched PubMed, SCOPUS, EBSCO, ProQuest, Sage Journals, and Wiley Online Library. Thirty-five literature sources were screened, and 7 data sources were included for data extraction and analysis. Many studies on the IYCF educational models focused on exclusive breastfeeding and early initiation of breastfeeding; there was only one study on complementary feeding, and no research was found on continued breastfeeding. Four studies found no significant differences in the intervention given. Three studies had a significant effect, one had in-person meetings, and two consisted of WhatsApp discussions. Most IYCF educational models from the pandemic context comprised online education, whereas WhatsApp was the most popular media used. Future researchers may develop these findings to design research on a larger scale and for a longer period, especially on complementary feeding and continued breastfeeding based on IYCF indicators

    Pain score and quality of post cesarean section recovery with ERACS method

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    Background: A cesarean section must be done when regular childbirth is impossible owing to fetal or maternal health issues. One of the complications of cesarean section is pain and quality of recovery. The strategy for managing pain and quality of recovery is using the ERACS method. This method is a new technique in anesthesia with the principles of evidence-based perioperative care, a multidisciplinary approach carried out in a team, carried out on an ongoing basis, and continues to be developed. Objectives: The study aimed to use the ERACS method to calculate the pain score and the quality of recovery following cesarean section. Methods: The study was quasi-experimental with a post-test control group design. Participants in this study were mothers who had a cesarean section. The sample size in this study was 70, namely 35 treatment groups and 35 control groups. The instrument uses VAS (Visual Analog Scale) and obsQor 11. Results: Statistical test for pain obtained P value = 0.000 and for quality of recovery obtained P value = 0.000 Conclusions: There is a sizable distinction in pain scores carried out by the ERACS and Non ERACS methods, where the pain scores carried out by the ERACS method are lower than the non-ERACS methods, and there are differences in the quality of recovery between the ERACS and Non ERACS methods where the recovery quality scores are given by the method. ERACS is higher than non ERACS method. The ERACS method can be an alternative method to reduce postoperative morbidity. Reduction of complications through reduced use of anesthetic doses. And in the future, the development of surgical techniques has reasonable goals, such as improving public health, increasing patient comfort and peace of mind during surgery, and reducing hospitalization, which indirectly reduces cost

    Improving Parenting Self-Efficacy in Postpartum Sectio Caesarea

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    Postpartum cesarean will undergo many physiological changes. In this phase, mothers often become more sensitive due to various changes that occur both physically and emotionally, thus requiring an adjustment or adaptation process for the mother. Parenting Self Efficacy is an effort to foster parental confidence in their ability to manage and carry out caring for the baby, including post-C-section delivery. The research design used a quasi-experimental method through pre and post-test with a control group nonprobability sampling technique with a purposive sampling approach. The research subjects were 30 postpartum cesareans and were divided into experimental and control groups. The intervention group was given booklets and counseling, while the control group was only given booklets. Data collection using the PSE Scale instrument and family support instruments. Data analysis used an independent sample t-test. This research was conducted at Siti Fatimah Hospital, Tulangan Sidoarjo. The research population is all postpartum cesarean mothers. The sample of this research was 30 postpartum mothers (6 hours-1 per day) wreathed at Siti Fatimah Hospital, Tulangan Sidoarjo. The results of the study After being given the booklet and counseling, there was a significant increase in the intervention group. There were differences in PSE scores on cognitive aspects, affective aspects, skills aspects, and parenting self-efficacy, the characteristics of the research subjects in the intervention and control groups were homogeneous, and most of the intervention groups had scores which were as higher 9 (60%) after the intervention was given significantly (p<0.05). Suggestions for providing PSE information through counseling and providing booklets in hospitals by midwives can be given to all postpartum, especially new parents, individually to provide knowledge and self-confidence for mothers in caring for themselves and their babies at home

    Acupuncture at points LI4 and SP6 on Postpartum Sectio Caesarea (SC) Pain

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    This study will look at the effect of acupuncture at LI4 and SP6 points on postpartum SC pain. The research design is a quasi experimental clinical non-equivalent pre-post test control group design. The total sample is 60 respondents consisting of the intervention and control groups. The instrument used was the PNRS pain scale by measuring the level of pain before and after the intervention was given. Bivariate analysis using Independent Sample t-Test. The results of the study stated that the average pain intensity score before acupuncture intervention using PNRS there was a decrease after acupuncture intervention at points LI4 and SP6 after acupuncture intervention at points LI4 and SP6 for 30 minutes, analysis p value 0.00 <0.05. Conclusion There is a significant effect after being given acupuncture intervention at points LI4 and SP6 on reducing pain intensity in postpartum SC