5 research outputs found

    Investigation of numerical dissipation in classical and implicit large eddy simulations

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    The quantitative measure of dissipative properties of different numerical schemes is crucial to computational methods in the field of aerospace applications. Therefore, the objective of the present study is to examine the resolving power of Monotonic Upwind Scheme for Conservation Laws (MUSCL) scheme with three different slope limiters: one second-order and two third-order used within the framework of Implicit Large Eddy Simulations (ILES). The performance of the dynamic Smagorinsky subgrid-scale model used in the classical Large Eddy Simulation (LES) approach is examined. The assessment of these schemes is of significant importance to understand the numerical dissipation that could affect the accuracy of the numerical solution. A modified equation analysis has been employed to the convective term of the fully-compressible Navier–Stokes equations to formulate an analytical expression of truncation error for the second-order upwind scheme. The contribution of second-order partial derivatives in the expression of truncation error showed that the effect of this numerical error could not be neglected compared to the total kinetic energy dissipation rate. Transitions from laminar to turbulent flow are visualized considering the inviscid Taylor–Green Vortex (TGV) test-case. The evolution in time of volumetrically-averaged kinetic energy and kinetic energy dissipation rate have been monitored for all numerical schemes and all grid levels. The dissipation mechanism has been compared to Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) data found in the literature at different Reynolds numbers. We found that the resolving power and the symmetry breaking property are enhanced with finer grid resolutions. The production of vorticity has been observed in terms of enstrophy and effective viscosity. The instantaneous kinetic energy spectrum has been computed using a three-dimensional Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). All combinations of numerical methods produce a k−4 spectrum at t∗=4 , and near the dissipation peak, all methods were capable of predicting the k−5/3 slope accurately when refining the mesh

    Turbulence statistics and transport in compressible mixing driven by spherical implosions with narrowband and broadband initial perturbations

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    Compressible turbulent mixing evolving from Richtmyer-Meshkov and Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities and Bell-Plesset effects has been investigated using high-resolution implicit large eddy simulations of fundamental spherical implosion problems. Broadband (BB) and narrowband (NB) initial perturbations consisting of multimode cosine perturbations are considered at a high Atwood number (At=0.9) corresponding to a density ratio of 20. This research examines the turbulent transport and budgets of turbulent kinetic energy, turbulent mass flux, and density self-correlation, and the balance of the terms in the transport equations is used to approximate the numerical discretization effect on the derived equations. Strong non-Boussinesq effects and asymmetries were observed in the distribution of the anisotropy terms and budgets within the mixing layer. The production and destruction terms dominate the late stages of the mixing process in all the equations compared to the other transport terms. The BB layer showed higher levels of density self-correlation compared to the NB case, which showed larger destruction levels relative to the state of the layer. Higher levels of turbulent mass flux and turbulent kinetic energy (e.g., larger potential to kinetic energy conversion rates) were observed in the BB case due to the longer-wavelength perturbations in the BB layer that dominate the growth at late times. The numerical discretization terms implicitly modeling the effect of the unresolved scales contribute to both diffusion and dissipation and the current study shows that their effect may be both examined indirectly through residuals and quantified directly through observed destruction.</p

    Biases in Estimating Long‐Term Recurrence Intervals of Extreme Events Due To Regionalized Sampling

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    Abstract Preparing for environmental risks requires estimating the frequencies of extreme events, often from data records that are too short to confirm them directly. This requires fitting a statistical distribution to the data. To improve precision, investigators often pool data from neighboring sites into single samples, referred to as “superstations,” before fitting. We demonstrate that this technique can introduce unexpected biases in typical situations, using wind and rainfall extremes as case studies. When the combined locations have even small differences in the underlying statistics, the regionalization approach gives a fit that may tend toward the highest levels suggested by any of the individual sites. This bias may be large or small compared to the sampling error, for realistic record lengths, depending on the distribution of the quantity analyzed. The results of this analysis indicate that previous analyses could potentially have overestimated the likelihood of extreme events arising from natural weather variability

    Design, evaluation and future projections of the NARCliM2.0 CORDEX-CMIP6 Australasia regional climate ensemble

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    NARCliM2.0 comprises two Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) regional climate models (RCMs) downscaling five CMIP6 global climate models contributing to the Coordinated Regional Downscaling Experiment over Australasia at 20 km resolution, and south-east Australia at 4 km convection-permitting resolution. We first describe NARCliM2.0&rsquo;s design, including selecting two, definitive RCMs via testing seventy-eight RCMs using different parameterisations for planetary boundary layer, microphysics, cumulus, radiation, and land surface model (LSM). We then assess NARCliM2.0's skill in simulating the historical climate versus CMIP3-forced NARCliM1.0 and CMIP5-forced NARCliM1.5 RCMs and compare differences in future climate projections. RCMs using the new Noah-MP LSM in WRF with default settings confer substantial improvements in simulating temperature variables versus RCMs using Noah-Unified. Noah-MP confers smaller improvements in simulating precipitation, except for large improvements over Australia&rsquo;s southeast coast. Activating Noah-MP&rsquo;s dynamic vegetation cover and/or runoff options primarily improve simulation of minimum temperature. NARCliM2.0 confers large reductions in maximum temperature bias versus NARCliM1.0 and 1.5 (1.x), with small absolute biases of ~0.5 K over many regions versus over ~2 K for NARCliM1.x. NARCliM2.0 reduces wet biases versus NARCliM1.x by as much as 50 %, but retains dry biases over Australia&rsquo;s north. NARCliM2.0 is biased warmer for minimum temperature versus NARCliM1.5 which is partly inherited from stronger warm biases in CMIP6 versus CMIP5 GCMs. Under shared socioeconomic pathway (SSP)3-7.0, NARCliM2.0 projects ~3 K warming by 2060&ndash;79 over inland regions versus ~2.5 K over coastal regions. NARCliM2.0-SSP3-7.0 projects dry futures over most of Australia, except for wet futures over Australia&rsquo;s north and parts of western Australia which are largest in summer. NARCliM2.0-SSP1-2.6 projects dry changes over Australia with only few exceptions. NARCliM2.0 is a valuable resource for assessing climate change impacts on societies and natural systems and informing resilience planning by reducing model biases versus earlier NARCliM generations and providing more up-to-date future climate projections utilising CMIP6