164 research outputs found

    Primena inovativnog svetlosnog menadžmenta u koordinaciji optimalne ishrane, visoke ekonomičnosti i dobrobiti nosilja u proizvodnji konzumnih jaja

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    Glavni cilj u proizvodnji konzumnih jaja je obezbeđivanje kontinui- rane i visoke nosivosti kokošaka tokom cele godine. Pored održava- nja adekvatnog zdravstvenog stanja i ishrane jata, jedan od najvažni- jih faktora koji omogućava ispunjavanje ovog cilja je primena optimal- nog programa osvetljenja. Programi osvetljenja (prvenstveno različita dužina trajanja i intenzitet svetlosti) koji se primenjuju, kako tokom fa- ze rasta, tako i tokom proizvodnog perioda u životu kokošaka nosilja, predstavljaju ključne faktore u dostizanju polne zrelosti i određivanju početka proizvodnje jaja. „Zlatno pravilo“ kojeg se treba pridržavati u dizajniranju programa osvetljenja je da se kokice nikada ne izlažu po- većanju dužine dana (dužine svetlosnog perioda) sve dok ne počne planirana svetlosna stimulacija i nikada se ne izlažu skraćenju dužine dana tokom proizvodnog ciklusa. Pridržavajući se navedenog princi- pa, nakon smeštaja jednodnevne piladi na farmu, dužinu dana potreb- no je konstantno i postepeno smanjivati (“step down” faza), sve do dostizanja minimuma, nakon čega sledi faza stalne (nepromenjene) dužine dana (“konstantna” faza), da bi se, na kraju, dužina svetlosnog perioda postepeno povećavala (“step up” faza), kako bi se postigao krajnji cilj, odnosno podstakao početak leženja. Programe osvetljenja neophodno je prilagoditi tipu objekata, uslovima proizvodnje, klimat- skim faktorima, težini jaja koju zahteva tržište, kao i zakonskim propi- sima koji se odnose na dobrobit životinja u toku eksploatacije

    Risk assessment and risk management of contaminants in the feed to food chain

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    In feed production processes, factories usually produce different mixtures within the same production line. Consequently, remainders of the first-produced feed can stay in the system and be mixed with the following feed charge. This type of transfer (carry-over) is unavoidable in the production systems currently used, and thus, non-medicated feed can be contaminated with veterinary drugs present in a previously manufactured charge of medicated feed. The carry-over of veterinary medicinal products is associated with the risk of residues remaining in the tissues of treated animals at the time of slaughter and poses a health hazard to consumers. Producing safe feed and food products is, first and foremost, a question of good management practices at each stage of the feed and food chain, from primary production to final processing. Primary responsibility for feed safety rests with the feed business operator, who must ensure that all stages of production, processing and distribution under their control are carried out in accordance with relevant legislation, good manufacturing practice and principles contained in the HACCP system. Concrete steps for feed manufacturers to prevent drug carry-over are using one or more approved cleanout procedures of manufacturing equipment, such as cleaning, flushing or sequencing

    Aflatoksini u hrani za životinje

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    Background. Mycotoxins are toxic secondary metabolites, which are synthesized from a large number of intermediates from the primary metabolism of saprophytic molds. Aflatoxins, due to their genotoxic and carcinogenic effects, are the most important group of mycotoxins from the aspect of their impact on human and animal health. Of all known aflatoxins, AFB1 is the most frequent, with the most harmful impact on human and animal health. Scope and Approach. Due to their prevalence and toxicity, monitoring the presence of aflatoxins in the food chain is required. The scope of this paper is to provide information on the presence of aflatoxins in animal feed and in milk. This paper describes temperature increases in Europe that are contributing to the increased presence of aflatoxins in food, as well as aflatoxin prevention and protection measures. Key Findings and Conclusions. During the last decade, serious contamination of corn with aflatoxins was recorded in southern Europe. In the summer of 2012, Serbia recorded high concentrations of aflatoxins in corn and milk. Based on climate change data, it is expected that aflatoxin contamination in corn will become more frequent.Uvod. Mikotoksini su toksični produkti sekundarnog metabolizma saprofitskih plesni, koji se sintetišu od velikog broja međuprodukata primarnog metabolizma. Aflatoksini zbog genotoksičnog i kancerogenog dejstva predstavljaju najznačajniju grupu mikotoksina sa aspekta uticaja na zdravlje ljudi i životinja. Od svih poznatih aflatoksina, AFB1 je najfrekventniji sa najštetnijim uticajem na zdravlje ljudi i životinja. Cilj i pristup. Zbog svoje zastupljenosti i toksičnosti aflatoksini zahtevaju praćenje njihovog prisustva u lancu hrane. Cilj ovog rada je da pruži informaciju o prisustvu aflatoksina u hrani za životinje i u mleku. U radu su opisane globalne temperaturne promene koje povećavaju prisustvo aflatoksina u hrani, kao i mere prevencije i zaštite Ključni nalazi i zaključak. Tokom poslednje decenije, zabeleženo je ozbiljno zagađenje kukuruza sa aflatoksinima u južnoj Evropi. Republika Srbija je u leto 2012. godine zabeležila visoke koncentracije aflatoksina u kukuruzu i u mleku. Na osnovu podataka o klimatskim promenama, očekuje se da kontaminacije aflatoksinima u kukuruzu postanu učestalije

    Prisustvo i značaj mikotoksina u hrani za svinje

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    Mycotoxins present a significant problem in the diet of pigs. Secondary metabolites of fungi are toxic matter that have a negative effect on health and the performance of animals, as well as on the quality of their products. The creating of mycotosins is a complex process and it is difficult to predict which toxin will be produced and in which concentration. Food is most often contaminated by low concentrations of different mycotoxins (aflatoxins, ochratoxins, trichothecenes, fumonisinsi and zearalenone) which cause a series of undesired effects, depending on the amount that the animal has ingested into the organism. Mycotoxin interactions in the organism are complex, and they can have antagonistic, synergistic or a joint effect, depending on the combination and quantity in which they appear. The pig is a domestic animal which is most sensitive to the effects of mycotoxins. Long-term consumption of feed contaminated with mycotoxins results in a decline in production, a deterioration of the general health and reproductive disorders. One of the most important negative effects in pigs which receive low doses of mycotoxins in the longterm, is immunosuppression. Mycotoxins present very stable links that remain in raw materials and animal products for a long time and thus pose a major health risk for humans. .Mikotoksini predstavljaju značajan problem u ishrani svinja. Sekundarni metaboliti plesni su toksične materije koje negativno utiču na zdravlje i proizvodne rezultate životinja, kao i na kvalitet njihovih proizvoda. Stvaranje mikotoksina je složen proces i teško je predvideti koji će toksin biti proizveden i u kojoj koncentraciji. Hranu najčešće kontaminiraju niske koncentracije različitih mikotoksina (aflatoksini, ohratoksini, trihoteceni, fumonizini i zearalenon) koji uzrokuju niz nepoželjnih uticaja, u zavisnosti od količine koju životinja unese u organizam. Interakcije mikotoksina u organizmu su kompleksne, a mogu imati antagonistički, sinergistički ili zbirni učinak, u zavisnosti od kombinacije i količine u kojoj se pojave. Svinja je jedna od najosetljivijih domaćih životinja na delovanje mikotoksina. Pri dugotrajnom konzumiranju hrane kontaminirane mikotoksinima dolazi do pada proizvodnje, pogoršanja opšteg zdravstvenog stanja i reproduktivnih poremećaja. Jedan od važnijih negativnih delovanja kod svinja koje dugo unose niske doze mikotoksina je imunosupresija. Mikotoksini predstavljaju vrlo stabilna jedinjenja koji dugo ostaju u sirovinama i životinjskim proizvodima i tako predstavljaju veliki rizik i za zdravlje ljudi.

    Antimicrobial growth promoters in feed - possibilities and necessity

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    The attention of the scientific and professional communities, as well as of food consumers, has always been directed towards finding adequate nutritional strategies that could improve food production and safety. By using antibiotics as feed additives, farmers gained increased profits based on higher growth rates with better feed conversion and lower costs of therapeutic treatment. The quantities of antibiotics used as growth promoters for farm animals have been increasing constantly, but at the same time, the frequency of bacterial resistance to antibiotics and the presence of antibiotic residues in food have become a global problem. To eliminate or minimize these risks, on 1 January 2006, antibiotics were banned from use as additives in animal nutrition in the European Union. Accordingly, there is interest in developing new nutritional strategies that would support the function of the autochthonous microbiota in the animal gastrointestinal tract to control pathogenic bacteria. Probiotics, prebiotics, phytobiotics and feed enzymes are a new generation of growth promoters and largely achieve their effects by using the physiological mechanisms of animals and/or their intestinal microbiomes, enabling animals to completely fulfil their genetic potential with respect to production properties

    The relationship between the carcass characteristics and meat composition of young Simmental beef cattle

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    The objective was to study the relationships between the carcass characteristics and meat composition of young Simmental beef, classified with regard to conformation and degree of fatness scores, and total lipid content, depending on gender. For this purpose, 90 animals (60 male and 30 female Simmental beef cattle) were analysed. The results of the study showed that gender affected carcass measurement scores and chemical composition of meat through its important effect on overall animal fatness. Referring to correlations, male carcass conformation score was negatively related to slaughter weight, total lipid content and fatness score. On the other hand, slaughter weight, hot and cold carcass weight, dressing percentage and carcass conformation was positively related to fatness score, all of them being significant. However, female carcass conformation score was positively related to slaughter weight, total lipid content and fatness score. Hot and cold carcass weights of female Simmental beef cattle were positively correlated to slaughter weight, total lipid content and carcass conformation score. Carcass conformation score and fatness score were affected by gender of young Simmental beef cattle

    Isoflavones - from biotechnology to functional foods

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    Isoflavones are isolated from about 300 plant species and belong to the group of phytoestrogens. Having structural similarity with estrogens, they are related to the estrogen receptors, and may exhibit estrogenic and anti-estrogenic effects. They are present in many plant nutrients (including soy, alfalfa, flax seed). The main sources of isoflavones are legumes and there are known commercial preparations of isoflavones, which are natural, safe and alternative materials that can provide an effect similar to estrogen. These compounds have effects on the health status, production characteristics of the animals (poultry, pigs), and the characteristics of the final product ingredients

    Prebiotics - modern strategy in growth stimulation of animals

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    Da bi se postiglo pove(anje proizvodnje i poboljšanje kvaliteta namirnica animalnog porekla, pored osnovnih hraniva u smeše se dodaje veliki broj aditiva koji imaju razli'ite namene. Poslednju deceniju karakteriše ispitivanje mogućnosti stimulacije rasta korišćenjem fizioloških potencijala i mehanizama životinja. Prebiotici predstavljaju nesvarljive sastojke hrane koji povoljno deluju na domaćina selektivno stimulišući rast i/ili aktivnost jedne ili ograničenog broja vrsta bakterija u digestivnom traktu, čime poboljšavaju zdravstveno stanje domaćina. Prebiotici direktno stižu u kolon domaćina, poseduju sposobnost da se selektivno fermentišu i pomažu održavanju eubioze, prvenstveno korišćenjem od strane poželjne mikroflore i povećanjem ekskrecije nepoželjne mikroflore fecesom. Pored lokalnog, prebiotici mogu ispoljiti i sistemski, imunomodulatorni efekat. Povećanje imunološkog odgovora je uglavnom rezultat dejstva prebiotika na makrofage i monocite i ogleda se u stimulisanju fagocitoze, oslobađanju arahidonske kiseline, leukotriena, interleukina, interferona i tumor nekrozis faktora. Na opisane načine prebiotici doprinose povećanoj vitalnosti životinja, smanjenju gubitaka i poboljšanju iskorišćavanja hrane, Čime se postižu optimalni proizvodni rezultati i povoljan ekonomski efekat pa već duže vreme u svetu predstavljaju integralni deo mnogih industrijski proizvedenih smeša za ishranu životinja.In order to achieve increase in production and improving the quality of foodstuffs of animal origin, beside of the basic nutrients a large number of additives, which have a variety of purpose, is added in to a feed mixtures. The last decade is characterized by the examination of possibilities for stimulating the use of physiological potential and mechanisms of animals. Prebiotics are indigestible food ingredients that beneficially affect the host by selective stimulation of the growth and/or activity of one or a limited number of species of bacteria in the digestive tract, which enhance the health of the host. Prebiotics are delivered directly to the colon of the host and have the ability to be selectively fermented and thereby they help in maintaining of eubiosis, primarily being used by desirable microflora and increasing excretion of undesirable microflora throughout feces. Beside the local, prebiotics may exhibit systemic immunomodulatory effect. Increase of the immune response is mainly due to the prebiotic effects on macrophages and monocytes, and is reflected by stimulation of phagocytosis, the release of arachidonic acid, leukotriene, interleukins, interferons and tumor necrosis factors. On the basis of described mode of action, prebiotics contribute to the increased vitality of the animals, reduce losses and improve feed efficiency, thus achieving optimal production results and a favorable economic effect and because of that, for a long time, in the world, they represent an integral part of many industrially produced feed mixtures

    Importance of monitoring the presence of aflatoxin in milk and feeds for dairy cows nutrition

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    Among various natural contaminants, mycotoxins attract the most attention with respect to the implications they have on human and animal health and in particular the economic consequences related to the international exchange of food. Given the frequency of occurring in the feed, in conjunction with conditions in our geoclimatic area, Aspergillus and Fusarium species can be classified as the most important fungi that contaminate feed in the fields and warehouses. The group classified as aspergilotoxins contains numerous mycotoxins (sterigmatocystin, citrulline, patulin), but ohratoksins and aflatoxins are certainly the most important representatives of this group. Climatic factors play an important role in the contamination of feed so that the level of contamination varies among individual years. Using feeds that are low in aflatoxin B1 over a long period exhibit similar effects as short term use of feed with higher levels of mycotoxins. In terms of toxicity, with implications for human health, certainly the most important is metabolite aflatoxin M1, while aflatoxins M2 and M4 are of minor importance. In all parts of the world is permanently conducting screening and monitoring of the presence of aflatoxin B1 in feed grain, by-products derived from the processing and industrially produced feed. Monitoring results are of equal interest to producers of raw materials, as well as for manufacturers and users of finished products. Milk contaminated with aflatoxin M1 is potentially carcinogenic to human population. The maximum level of AFM1 in milk intended for human consumption (regardless of animal that is derived from) must not contain more than 0.05 µg / kg and 0025 µg / kg, if the milk is intended for infants and children (EFSA, 2004). These restrictive measures were introduced in order to reduce human exposure in relation to aflatoxin. The European Commission is seeking to toughen these measures to the extent where the presence of aflatoxin M1 will not be allowed in milk for human consumption.Congress Proceeding

    The effects of using creatine as a growth promoter in poultry nutrition

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    Kreatin je ergogeno pomoćno sredstvo koje odnedavno uživa veliku pažnju domaće i strane naučne javnosti kao potencijalni stimulator rasta u ishrani životinja. Utvrđeno je značajno povećanje ukupne telesne mase i čiste mišićne mase prilikom unosa kreatina kod ljudi, što je navelo na zaključak da bi se dodavanjem kreatina u hrani za živinu uticalo na poboljšanje proizvodnih rezultata. Utvrđena je bolja konverzija kod piladi hranjenih obrokom sa dodatkom 0,63% kreatina. Upotrebom obroka sa dodatkom 5% ili 10% kreatina smanjen je nivo masti u abdomenu kod brojlera. Histopatološke promene nisu bile uočene u ogledima na živini, što dokazuje da kreatin nema patološki uticaj na jetru, bubrege i mišiće.Creatine is an ergogenic supplement that from recently enjoys great attention of national and international scientific community as a potential growth promoter in animal nutrition. A significant increase in total body mass and lean body mass during creatine ingestion in humans was observed, which led to the conclusion that the poultry with added creatine could showe an increase in growth during the period of complementary feeding. There was a better conversion observed in chickens fed diets supplemented with 0.63% of creatine. Using a meal with the addition of 5 or 10% creatine has reduced the level of abdominal fat in broilers. Histopathological changes were not significant in studies on poultry proving that creatine has no pathological effect on the liver, kidneys and muscles