23 research outputs found

    Gender Inequality in Bangladesh

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    This study focused on gender inequality and its impact on socio-economic development of rural households in Bangladesh. To know the main reasons and areas of gender inequality and its impact on household development the study was carried out in five villages of Sadar Upazilla of Mymensingh District. Data were collected from a purposively drawn sample of 85 from 900 rural households. The study indicated that disparity exists in targeted area, which on many grounds affects the development of rural households. Findings indicated that women had no or low share in income/ earnings of the family, that there was no equal status of women, female were not allowed to work outside home, women were more vulnerable to poverty, women share more burden of productive and household work. The womenā€™s participation rate was higher in cleaning house, child care, cooking and preparation of meal and lowest in case of tree plantation, dairy farming, poultry rearing etc. About 88 per cent women contributed to increase their family income. Male members dominated in household decision, there was no equal opportunity in higher education, physical and mental health for women, and women were facing difficulties in labor market. The participation rate of women in many decisions making process such as marriage, education of sons and daughters, buying health care facilities, use of contraceptive and participating NGOs were very low. Gender inequality increases maternal mortality (92 per cent agree), increase fertility (88 per cent agree), increase dowry (88 per cent agree) and domestic violence (89 per cent agree). Social norms and values restricted women to participate in development activities

    BiFeO3 fine powder controlled hydrothermal process synthesis and characterization

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    From the technological point of view, the mutual control of electric and magnetic properties is an attractive possibility, but the number of candidate multiferroic materials is limited. One of the most studied of them, BiFeO3 , has critical conditions for synthesizing single phase since the phase temperature stability range is very narrow. Bismuth ferrite (BFO) particles were synthesized by controlled hydrothermal process, where the particles of small sizes and high purity were obtained. A fitting refinement procedure using the Rietveld method was performed. Bismuth ferrite crystallizes in the perovskite type structure (Ī±-BiFeO3 ) with rhombohedral space group R3c. The effects of thermal treatment through applied hydrothermal method on the obtained BFO grains morphology were evaluated by SEM and TEM analyses.SEM analysis showed that grains are very well crystallized, with non- fragmented crystal flats. Individual particles HRTEM analysis confirmed the evidence of ultra-fine single crystal particles, with characteristic (012) crystal planes. Furthermore, HRTEM confirmed the existence of twin stacking faults responsible for synthesized fine particles enhanced magnetic properties. The EPR results suggested the existence and participation of electrons trapped by vacancies or defects. It has been proposed that the existence of Fe 3+āˆ’OV defect complex could be generated at elevated temperatures followed by formation of Fe 3+ ions, which intensely provide the local 3d moments.IX Serbian Ceramic Society Conference - Advanced Ceramics and Application : new frontiers in multifunctional material science and processing : program and the book of abstracts; September 20-21, 2021; Belgrad

    Assessment of the residual life of a pipeline bend by metallographic measurements of cavitation damage-Determination of the A-parameter

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    The residual service life of the components of power plants under conditions of creep can be measured by various methods. As a rule, these methods can be classified as destructive, nondestructive, or analytical. The nondestructive method is based on the determination of the metallographic A-parameter, i.e., a quantity equal to the ratio of the number of damaged grain boundaries to the total number of boundaries in the direction of the principal normal stress. By using this method, we determine the residual service life of a pipeline bend operating at a temperature of 530Ā°C under a stress of 100 MPa

    Breakdown probability and influence on breakdown delay

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    A method for determination of probability of electrical breakdown of gases is presented in this paper and results are compared with theory. The method is based on the measurements of breakdown time delay at different afterglow periods (relaxation times), where the secondary electron yield initiating breakdown is caused by residual active states reMayning from the preceding glow. Measurements are carried out at low pd (gas pressure times electrode spacing) of nitrogen and higher overvoltages up to 2.1Us (Us: the static breakdown voltage). The experimentally determined breakdown probability is fitted by theoretical expressions for both the Townsend and streamer model of electrical breakdown, with particular attention to the higher overvoltages. On the basis of our measurements and theoretical fit it can be concluded that the Townsend mechanism is applicable at low pd value over the whole range of overvoltage applied and a value of a secondary emission coefficient for gold-plated copper cathode is obtained. With the decrease of the breakdown probability and electron yield the distributions of delay times become broader and centered at larger delay times, and the positive asymmetry and roundness increase

    Strukturne modifikacije tankih slojeva fulerena pri bombardovanju viÅ”estruko naelektrisanim jonima gvožđa

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    In this paper, the results of structural modification of fullerene thin films bombarded by highly charged iron ions (Fe6+) have been presented. The properties of as-deposited and irradiated fullerene thin films have been investigated by Raman spectroscopy, UV/Vis spectrophotometry and atomic force microscopy (AFM). Results of Raman spectroscopy have indicated structural changes of irradiated thin films depending on fluences. It was found that iron doped fullerene films are dominated by sp3 rather than sp2 bonds after bombardment which might be due to formation of nano-diamond structures. AFM analysis showed that ion beam had destroyed the surface ordering. The optical band gap was found to be in the range of 0.6 to 1.4 eV for irradiated films by Fe6+ ions at the highest fluences.U radu su prikazani rezultati strukturne modifikacije tankih slojeva fulerena koji su bombardovani viÅ”estruko naelektrisanim jonima gvožđa (Fe6+). Osobine deponovanih i bombardovanih tankih slojeva fulerena su ispitivane Ramanovom spektroskopijom, mikroskopom atomske sile (AFM), kao i UV/Vis spektrometrijom. Na osnovu rezultata dobijenih Ramanovom analizom može se zaključiti da dolazi do strukturnih promena u bombardovanim fulerenskim slojevima u zavisnosti od doze zračenja. Utvrđeno je da u tankim slojevima koji su bombardovani viÅ”estruko naelektrisanim jonima gvožđa dominiraju sp3 veze u odnosu na broj sp2 veza. Dominantno prisustvo sp3 veza u bombardovanim slojevima ukazuje na moguće formiranje dijamantu slične strukture. AFM analiza je pokazala da je promenjena morfologija bombardovanih uzoraka. Utvrđeno je da je energetski procep ozračenih slojeva u opsegu od 0.6 do 1.4 eV u zavisnosti od primenjene doze zračenja

    Sinteza amorfnog bor karbida bombardovanjem tankih slojeva fulerena jonima bora

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    In this paper, results of structural modification of fullerene thin films by single and multiple charged boron ions (B+, B3+) are presented. The applied ion energies were in the range of 15 to 45 keV. The characterization of as-deposited and irradiated specimens has been performed by atomic force microscopy, Raman and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and UV/VIS spectrophotometry. The results of Raman analysis have shown the formation of amorphous layer after irradiation of fullerene thin films. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy has confirmed the formation of new B-C bonds in irradiated films at higher fluences (2x1016 cm-2). The morphology of bombarded films has been changed significantly. The optical band gap was found to be reduced from 1.7 to 1.06 eV for irradiated films by B3+ ions and 0.7 eV for irradiated films by B+ ions.U radu su prikazani rezultati strukturne modifikacije tankih slojeva fulerena bombardovanjem jednostruko i viÅ”estruko naelektrisanim jonima bora (B+, B3+). Energije koriŔćenih jona su bile u opsegu od 15 do 45 keV. Osobine deponovanih i ozračenih fulerenskih slojeva su proučavane pomoću mikroskopa atomske snage (AFM), Ramanovom i Furijeovom infracrvenom spektroskopijom (FTIR) i UV/VIS spektrometrijom. Rezultati koji su dobijeni na osnovu Ramanove spektroskopije su pokazali da se posle ozračivanja formirao sloj amorfnog ugljenika na povrÅ”ini uzorka. Furijeova infracrvena spektroskopija je pokazala da su se unutar ozračenog sloja formirale veze bora i ugljenika. Morfologija fulerenskih slojeva se značajno promenila posle bombardovanja jonima bora. Utvrđeno je da se energetski procep ozračenih slojeva smanjio sa 1.7 eV na 1.06 eV za slojeve bombardovane trostruko naelektrisanim jonima bora, i na 0.7 eV za slojeve bombardovane B+ jonima

    Structural modification of fullerene thin films by highly charged iron ions

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    In this paper, the results of structural modification of fullerene thin films bombarded by highly charged iron ions (Fe6+) are presented. The properties of as-deposited and irradiated fullerene thin films have been investigated by Raman spectroscopy, UV/Vis spectrophotometry and atomic force microscopy (AFM). The results of Raman spectroscopy have indicated structural changes of irradiated thin films depending on fluences. It was found that iron doped fullerene films are dominated by sp(3) rather than sp(2) after bombardment which might be due to formation of nanodiamond structures. AFM analysis showed that the ion beam had destroyed the surface ordering. The optical band gap was found to be in the range of 0.6 to 1.4 eV for irradiated films by Fe6+ ions at the highest fluences