6 research outputs found

    Work with motivated and gifted students in physics in RCT “Mihajlo Pupin” from Pančevo - a review of the last 15 years

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    Since the very beginning, Regional Center for Talents “Mihajlo Pupin” in Pančevo had a physics group. Over time, the number of classes has grown, but so did the number of students and mentors. Consequently, the achievements on national and even international competitions in physics were growing steadily. After first few years spent in experimenting different possibilities in the field of work with talented students in physics, the standard of classes has been established. Such standard, with the help of motivated students and mentors has produced a successful mechanism for preparing students for various challenges in the field of physics and beyond. This paper presents a model of working in the physics group in Regional Center for Talents “Mihajlo Pupin” in Pančevo, as well as the results our students have achieved on national and international physics and science competitions in the last 15 years of work.BPU11 : 11th International Conference of the Balkan Physical Union : Proceedings book; Aug 11 - Sep 1, 2022S14-PEHPP Physics Education, History and Philosophy of Physic

    The importance of tests applied to evaluate the effectiveness of antiplatelet therapy in patients with recurrent coronary stent thrombosis

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    Background. Stent thrombosis is potentially lethal complication with huge economic burden. The role of insufficient response to antiplatelet therapy is still unclear reason for its occurrence. Case report. We presented 54-year-old man with recurrent stent thrombosis on the 4th, 9th and 12th day after the primary percutaneous coronary intervention in spite of double antiaggregation therapy (aspirin+ clopidogrel). All possible procedural causes were excluded and reimplantation of intracoronary stent was insufficient to resolve the problem, so four platelet tests were performed: flow cytometry, Platelet Function Analyzer-100 test, aggregometry, and determination of gene polymorphism for P2Y12 receptor (directly involved in the mechanism of thienopyridine), and GPIIbIIIa receptor (final receptor in aggregation). The patient was the carrier of the major haplotype H1H1 for P2Y12 receptor and minor A1A2 for GPIIbIIIa receptor. The results of all the performed tests showed insufficient antiplatelet effect of aspirin and sufficient response to thienopyridin (not to clopidogrel, but to ticlopidine). Conclusion. Performance of platelet function tests is necessary in the case of major adverse cardiac events especially stent thrombosis, after implantation of intracoronary stent


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    Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic, inflammatory autoimmune disorder of unknown etiology characterized by synovial hyperplasia and resulting joint destruction. Despite reduced needs for total joint arthroplasty in the treatment of end-stage damage of the hip and knee in RA, many patients still require hip and knee arthroplasty to restore the hip function and quality of life. We present the surgical treatment of young RA patient with bilateral total hip and bilateral knee arthroplasty at the Clinic of Orthopaedics and Traumatology Clinical Center Niš. Male patient with seropositive RA was implanted with bilateral total hip and knee over a period of 4 years (2008 to 2011). At the time of the first left hip arthroplasty, the patient was 32 years old. Surgical treatment in all arthroplasty procedures passed without complications. At the control examination 3 years after the last surgery, the patient was walking without mobility aids. His walk was safe and stable. The postoperative scars on hips and knees were stable, with no signs of inflammation. The flexion of the knees was possible till 110 degrees, and the extension to the full capacity.The patient resumed his work and life activities, and now he works as a game warden. He normally performs everyday activities, including climbing to the watchtower. Total hip and knee arthroplasty in rheumathoid arthritis patients with advanced joint destruction is a successful solution

    Surgical treatment of tibial nonunion after wounding by high velocity missile and external fixators: A case report

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    Introduction. The missiles of modern firearms can cause severe fractures of the extremity. High velocity missile fractures of the tibia are characterized by massive tissue destruction and primary contamination with polymorphic bacteria. Treatment of these fractures is often complicated by delayed healing, poor position healing, nonhealing and bone tissue infection. Case Outline. We present the management of tibial nonunion after wounding by high velocity missile and primary treatment by external fixation in a 25-year-old patient. The patient was primarily treated with external fixation and reconstructive operations of the soft tissue without union of the fracture. Seven months after injury we placed a compression-distraction external fixator type Mitkovic and started with compression and distraction in the fracture focus after osteotomy of the fibula and autospongioplasty. We recorded satisfactory fracture healing and good functional outcome. Conclusion. Contamination and devitalization of the softtissue envelope increase the risk of infection and nonunion in fractures after wounding by high velocity missile. The use of the compression-distraction external fixator type Mitkovic may be an effective method in nonunions of the tibia after this kind of injury. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III 41004

    External fixation in the treatment of shooting proximal humeral fracture with bone defect: A case report

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    Introduction. Shooting injuries of shoulder with destruction of proximal humerus are rare and severe orthopaedic injuries. Case Outline. A 74-year-old patient was wounded at close range by a shotgun. He was wounded in the left shoulder and suffered a massive defect of the proximal humerus and soft tissue. The neurocirculatory finding of the injury extremity was normal. After a short resuscitation, x-ray of the thorax and the left shoulder registered a complet destruction of humeral head. After the primary treatment of the wound under general endotracheal anesthesia, the shoulder was stabilized with an external fixator type Mitkovic, with convergent orientation of the pins, where two pins were placed in the neck of scapula and two in the humeral shaft, because the left scapular acromion was fractured by shotgun projectiles. Conclusion. After radical wound debridement, external fixation is the method of choice for shoulder stabilisation in shooting injury of shoulder with bone defect. If this is not possible, pins of the left external skeletal fixator should be placed into the coracoid process and acromion. The pins can be also placed into the humeral shaft, as done in the presented case, and by which a good stability of the injured proximal humerus, easy approach to the wound for bandaging and reconstructive surgery can be achieved

    Green urban policies –the case of Belgrade [Tenth International Landscape Architecture Exhibition]

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    Рад студената мастер програма је био усмерен на боље разумевање теме ''политике, као намере да се нешто заиста учини'', и као део савремених напора на пољу повезивања и планирања са реалним изворима финансирања, који су утврђени мерама, како УН и ЕУ политика (Париски договор, Циљеви одрживог развоја, Нова ЕУ Кохезиона политика 2021-27, Зелени договор за Западни Балкан), националним и локалним политикама урбаног развоја (Стратегија развоја Града Београда, Стратегија пошумљавања Града Београда, План одрживе урбане мобилности, Акциони план за одрживу енергију и климу за Град Београд, Акциони план за зелени град). Фокус је био на пројектима које Град реализује у сарадњи са међународним програмима и банкама, уз подршку националних институција, градске управе, организација и установа, невладиних организација. Приказ мапираних пројеката није коначан. У питању је модел за приказивање, праћење реализације и евалуацију пројеката од значаја за урбани развој урбаних насеља. Анализа указује на значајан број реализованих пројеката у домену Зелене агенде - заштите животне средине и климатских промена.The work of the master's students was aimed at better understanding the topic of "policy as an intention to actually do something", as part of contemporary efforts to connect planning with real sources of funding outlined in UN and EU policy (Paris Agreement, Sustainable Development Goals, New EU Cohesion Policy 2021-27, Green Deal for the Western Balkans), as well as national and local urban development policies (Development Strategy of the City of Belgrade, Afforestation Strategy of the City of Belgrade, Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan, Action Plan for Sustainable Energy and Climate for the City of Belgrade, Action Plan for a Green City). The focus was on projects that the city implements through cooperation with international programs and banks, with the support of national institutions, city administration, organizations and institutions, and non- governmental organizations. The display of mapped projects is not final, and it represents a model for presenting, monitoring the implementation and evaluating projects of importance for the urban development of urban settlements. The analysis indicates a significant number of implemented projects in the field of the Green Agenda - environmental protection and climate change