27 research outputs found

    Assessment of the implementation of step-by-step adult basic life support sequence by emergency medical technicians and drivers during regular annual training

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    Objective. Evaluation of the efficiency of practicing step-by-step (SBS) BLS/AED (basic life support/automatic external defibrillator) sequence by emergency medical technicians (EMT) and ambulance drivers (AD) working in medical transport teams. Methods. A prospective two-month study was conducted in which EMTs and ADs working in medical transport teams performed their regular 4-hour annual training (1 h of lectures, 1.5 h of practical training and 1.5 h of testing). Each participant performed SBS of BLS/AED sequences in front of a three-member team of instructors. The implementation of BLS/AED sequence was evaluated by scoring from 0 to 2 (0 ā€“ not, 1 ā€“ partially, 2 ā€“ properly), separately for EMTs, ADs and in total. The final analysis compared a properly implemented SBS sequence (S1-S36) of actions: IA ā€“ initial assessment (S1-S10), BLS (S11-S18), AED (S19-S25), RP ā€“ recovery position (S26-S32) and FBAO ā€“ foreign body airway obstruction (S33-S36) for use by the BLS/AED between EMTs and ADs. The criterion for a completed regular training was at least 47 (65.0%) of the total number of points won for properly implemented procedures. Results. The study involved 31 EMTs and 63 Ads, regardless of gender and average age, with EMTs having slightly longer work experience (p>0.05). The results of our study show that EMTs are more skilled at IA, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and AED, whereas ADs were better at implementing RP and performing the Heimlich maneuver (p<0.001). Conclusion. Although EMTs and ADs implement SBS BLS/AED procedures correctly and satisfactorily in more than 65.0%, future research should focus on finding more efficient, shorter and cheaper BLS/AED trainings

    Screening of vascular calcifications in patients with end-stage renal diseases

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    Abstract. Vascular calcifications (VC) are a major contributor to the massively increased mortality in hemodialysis (HD) patients. The present study aimed to detect arterial media and intima calcifications in HD patients and to evaluate potential risk factors. 214 patients aged 59.0 Ā± 11.0 years on HD for 6.39 Ā± 4.59 years were studied. VC were scored based on to plain radiographs. Potential risk factors were assessed. Out of the 214 patients studied, only 14% did not display any detectable VC. Using plain radiographs calcifications could be detected in 136 (63.6%) patients. Calcified plaques on carotid arteries were detected in 168 (78.4%) patients. There was the highest frequency of patients with the most pronounced calcifications. Calcifications of heart valves were detected in 89 (44.1%) patients. Univariante analysis indicate that risk to develop VC is present in older patients, patients with longer dialysis vintage, thicker intima media, higher lumen diameter and mitral valve calcifications. Multivariate multinomial logistic regression analysis revealed these factors as independent predictors of VC in dialysis patients. Our data confirm a high prevalence of VC in HD patients, their association with older ages, longer dialysis vintage, and presence of valvular calcifications and early markers of atherosclerosis

    Vrste saobraćajnih nesreća sa traktorima u Makedoniji

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    In this paper are the results of the variety of traffic accidents with tractors in the agriculture of Macedonia. In the period of investigation from 1999 to 2008 occurred 883 traffic accidents with tractors of which 593 accidents in places in the cities and 290 near the cities. From total number 539 accidents resulting from collisions between tractors and other motor vehicle and 334, are divided into 6 types of accidents. Due to loss of control during accidents, usually lead to overturning and landing vehicles from the road where the individually recorded 110 accidents and 94 of these types of accidents. Most accidents occur in places near the cities where tractors and often moving on to regional and local roads.U radu su prikazani rezultati istraživanja vrste nesreća sa traktorima u poljoprivredi Makedonije. U periodu istraživanja 1999 do 2008 godine dogodilo se ukupno 883 nesreća, od kojih 593 van naseljenih mesta i 290 u naseljenim mestima sa traktorima. Od ukupnog broja saobraćajnih nesreća 539 su rezultat međusobnih sudara traktora i ostalih motornih vozila, a 334 nesreća, su podeljene u 6 vrsta saobraćajnih nesreća. Zbog gubljenja kontrole nad vozilom u saobraćajnim nesrećama, najčeŔće dolazi do prevrtanja ili sletanja vozila sa puta gde je evidentirano 110, odnosno 94 nesreća ovih vrsta. NajviÅ”e nesreća događa se van naseljenih mesta gde se traktori i najčeŔće kreću po regionalnim i lokalnim putevima

    Effects of Chronic Psychosocial Stress on Reduction of Basal Glucocorticoid Levels and Suppression of Glucocorticoid Levels Following Dexamethasone Administration in Animal Model of PTSD

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    Aim: To further examine the neurobiological mechanisms and their outcomes responsible for the PTSD sequelae induced by laboratory animal model and to explore the effects of chronic psychosocial paradigm. We tested the hypothesis that our animal model of PTSD would display abnormalities in glucocorticoid levels that are manifest in people with PTSD and that psychosocially stressed rats exhibit a significantly greater suppression of corticosterone levels than control rats following the administration of dexamethasone.Methods: Animals were divided into two groups. The experimental group was scheduled to exposure to two types of stressors: double exposure to acute immobilization stress, and combined predator-threat stress and daily social stress. There was also administration of dexamethasone in combination with stress exposure.Results: There was a statistical difference between masses of thymus in the stress group and stress group with dexamethasone appliance (p=0.024). We found statistical significance between baseline cortisol and stress induced levels of cortisol and between stress induced group and return to baseline group.Conclusion: Significant changes in HPA activity, reductions in basal glucocorticoid levels and enhanced dexamethasone induced inhibition of glucocorticoid levels have been manifested. All of this is manifested in PTSD patients also as many other stress induces changes

    Nesreće sa vozačima traktora u javnom saobraćaju na teritoriji Beograda

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    According to research agricultural tractors have a high risk of causing accidents and injuries of various degrees of participants in public transport. In the period from 2005. to 2010. in public transport in the city of Belgrade, 26 tractor drivers were tragically killed. In the same period, 79 tractor drivers were heavy injured (permanent disability), and 167 tractor drivers suffered minor injuries. Different and dangerous accidents and injuries caused by the tractor drivers, are still a reality in Belgrade, the largest city in Serbia. According to research of author, measures like: basic and special professional training of tractor drivers, professional and technical courses for the safe and proper use of the tractor, and the strict observance of traffic laws and technical regulations are missing.Prema istraživanju, poljoprivredni traktori imaju visok rizik pojave izazivanja nesreća i različitog stepena povređivanja učesnika u javnom saobraćaju. U periodu od 2005. do 2010. godine, u javnom saobraćaju na teritoriji grada Beograda, tragično je nastradalo 26 traktorista. U istom periodu utvrđen je broj od 79 teÅ”ko povređenih (trajna invalidnost) vozača traktora, kao i 167 lako povređenih osoba. Različite i opasne nesreće i povrede u javnom saobraćaju koje izazivaju vozači traktora, i dalje su realnost na teritoriji Beograda, kao najvećeg grada u Srbiji. Prema istraživanju Autora nedostaju: osnovna i posebno dodatna stručna obuka rukovaoca traktora i maÅ”inama, kao stručno-tehnički kursevi za sigurno i pravilno koriŔćenje traktora, i strogo poÅ”tovanje zakonskih saobraćajno-tehničkih regulativa

    Efekti mehanizovanog načina aplikacije tečnog startnog đubriva u proizvodnji kukuruza

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    Conventional corn production assumes usage of standard inorganic fertilizers which can be added to the soil by different methods. Unlike conventional production, this research was conducted with assumption that by using different application rates of basic and liquid starter fertilizers, as well as, with improved method of their application, higher yield values and lower moisture content of harvested kernels would be realized. This paper explored influence of mechanized application with different rates and ways of broadcasting basic and liquid starter fertilizer to the soil for corn production. Liquid starter fertilizers were applied concurrently with plantation in two ways: in lanes and spots individually for each plant. The results obtained show that kernel yield was higher in areas where starter fertilizer application was performed for 1.79 tā€¢ha-1, while kernel moisture contents was 3.6% lower compared to results obtained over control surfaces.Konvencionalna proizvodnja kukuruza podrazumeva upotrebu standardnih mineralnih hraniva koja se u zemljiÅ”e mogu uneti na različite načine. Za razliku od konvencionalne proizvodnje, ova istraživanja su sprovedena uz predpostavku da će se primenom različitih normi osnovnih i tečnih startnih đubriva kao i unapređenim načinom njihove aplikacije ostvariti veće vrednosti prinosa i niži sadržaj vlage ubranog zrna. U radu je istraživan uticaj mehanizovane aplikacije različitih normi i načina unoÅ”enja osnovnog i tečnog startnog đubriva u zemljiÅ”te pri proizvodnji merkantilnog kukuruza. Aplikacija tečnih startnih đubriva vrÅ”ena je istovremeno sa setvom i to na dva načina: u trake i tačke pojedinačno za svaku biljku. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da je prinos zrna na povrÅ”inama gde je vrÅ”ena aplikacija startnog đubriva viÅ”i za 1,79 tā€¢ha-1, dok je sadržaj vlažnosti zrna niži za 3,6% u odnosu na rezultate dobijene na kontrolnoj povrÅ”ini

    Analiza energetske efikasnosti suÅ”enja semenskog kukuruza u Institutu za kukuruz ā€œZemun Poljeā€œ u Zemunu

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    In this paper actual parameter analysis of corn seed energy eficiency drying process was performed in Maize research institute ā€žZemun poljeā€œ in Zemun. Energy consumption data and performances of old ā€“ natural gas based system and new ā€“ corncob combustion based system were compared and analyzed. This paper deals with basic improvement measures, biomass usage and corncob usage validation in this type of industrial systems.U ovom radu je analizirana i ispitana energetska efikasnost suÅ”enja semenskog kukuruza u doradnom centru Instituta za kukuruz ā€œZemun Poljeā€œ u Zemunu. Podaci o radu starog sistema suÅ”enja koji je kao energent koristio prirodni gas, analizirani su i upoređeni sa energetskim parametrima novog sistema, koji kao energent koristi usitnjeni oklasak dobijen u procesu krunjenja semenskog kukuruza. Rad se takođe bavi i razmatranjem ekoloÅ”kih aspekata koriŔćenja oklaska kao goriva i tehnoekonomskom opravdanoŔću primene primene ovakvog sistema suÅ”enja

    A New Approach in the Evaluation of Team Chess Championships Rankings

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    Classification method in a team chess championship has long been an issue of great concern. In quest of the golden standard," Chess Federation officials applied many different ranking methods. As part of the improvements," significant changes were introduced at the 2009 Serbia Team Chess Championship. In this paper, we will examine results of the 2008 and 2009 tournament by applying the statistical ranking method. Our aim was to compare classification in these two tournaments and for the first time quantitatively evaluate the rankings method in team chess championships. Some significant results were obtained during the process and we see them useful for the quality evaluation procedure of the classification methods. The correlation between 2008 Serbia Team Chess Championship ranking and the ranking based on the I-distance method was very significant with r=0.9639 and p

    Applying coefficients of preference in ranking (CPR)

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