15 research outputs found


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    Recent research suggests that greater business co-operation between enterprises is associated with a higher level of social capital of an individual. Since managers are basically people who base their activity on co-operation, the goal of this paper is to establish a link between the level of social capital of managers in cluster-based companies with their assessment of the activity and results of those activities in clusters. The analysis includes all dimensions and elements of social capital and the perception of managers on the business results of mutual cooperation. For this purpose, the Canonical correlation analysis (CCA) and the nonparametric statistical method (Kendall Tau-b correlation; Ļ„b) were used to avoid the conclusion using only one of the methods. The results have shown that there is a statistically significant, but weak, correlation between trust in institutions and active membership in associations with managers\u27 assessment of joint activities within the cluster. This research has shown that there is a statistically significant association between multiple memberships of managers in associations with their higher grade of activity within the cluster. The results have shown that general trust and perception of compliance with the norms of citizens is negatively associated with a higher grade of cluster activity, but these results are not statistically significant

    Regional early-stage entrepreneurship in the European Union

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    Purpose: Entrepreneurship is often viewed as a driver of the global economy. However, previous research on the relationship between entrepreneurship and economic growth shows contradictory results depending on the research settings. The purpose of this paper is to investigate how early-stage entrepreneurship - including only enterprises that are less than three and a half years old - affects regional economic growth in the European Union. Methodology: The methodology includes three methods: bivariate correlation, fixed effects regression with region and time fixed effects and spatial fixed effects regression. The panel sample consists of 273 NUTS 2 regions between 2008 and 2017. Results: The results support the hypothesis of this research and show that early-stage entrepreneurship has a mild positive effect on the economic growth of European regions. However, the potential bidirectional nature of this relationship obliterates the ability to comment on the causality of this link. The percentage of people in the active population employed in human resources in science and technology and gross fixed capital formation have a significant and impactful effect on regional GDP. Conclusion: The conclusion can be drawn that the effect of early-stage entrepreneurship on regional economic growth is conditioned by the population density of the region. Although these results show that enterprises founded in densely populated areas such as cities and metropolitan areas tend to have a larger effect on the regional economy, the results are ambiguous

    Information, Innovation And Connection ā€“ Limitation In The Cluster Development In Pannonian Croatia

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    The paper presents an analysis of the precondition to create or the potential for the establishment of clusters in the Central and Eastern (Pannonian) Croatia. The starting point of the paper is a theoretical elaboration of the need for entrepreneurs to organize through the cluster model and the defi nition of terms of their self-actualization, related to the importance of traditional values in terms of benefi ts, social capital, and the assessment of a companyā€™s present situation, in order to prove the need to create its own identity in terms of clustering. For this purpose, the paper uses part of the data collected for the study and exploitation plan of clusters in the broader region of Central-South Slavonia with main focus on Brodsko-Posavska and PožeÅ”ko-Slavonska County. Because of the institutional dimensions of social capital where the public sector has the best role in creating the social structure of clusters, and social dimensions of social capital in terms of trust, cooperation and networking, the paper analyses to what extent trust and coherence are present in dealings between companies in Brodsko-Posavska and PožeÅ”ko-Slavonska County, expressed through the readiness to be included in clusters in the NUTS II region ā€“ Central and Eastern (Pannonian) Croatia as a homogeneous economic entity, with the emphasis on limiting factors that stand in the way of greater competitiveness

    The Relationship between the Cryptocurrency Value (Bitcoin) and Interest for it in the Region

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    Recently the term Cryptocurrency is a frequently used in the mainstream media. The main reason for that is a bitcoin occurrence with reference to the technology and cryptographic inventions that stand behind the bitcoin. Cryptocurrency is legal in region because the European Union has liberal monetary regulations and it can be seen that region successfully follows the world trends in this field. The goal of this paper is to indicate a strong relationship between the value of Bitcoin and expressed interest for it in 11 South-East Europe region countries. The last four and half years will be analysed on a monthly base and data from service Google Trends will be used. Spearmanā€™s rank correlation between the expressed interest and bitcoin values for the last four and half years will be calculated. Comment on strong relationship between those variables will be given at the end. This work is licensed under a&nbsp;Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p

    The Role of Managerā€™s Social Capital in Business Results Achievement

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    Cilj rada je prikazati rezultate empirijskog ispitivanja odnosa i povezanosti socijalnog kapitala menadžera u poduzećima udruženim u klastere s njihovom procjenom aktivnosti u klasterima, odnosno potrebno je utvrditi, kako se pretpostavlja, je li veća poslovna suradnja poduzeća unutar klastera i veća financijska potpora institucija pozitivno povezana s povjerenjem, umrežavanjem, poÅ”tivanjem normi od strane sugrađana ili je povezana s ukupnim socijalnim kapitalom. U tu svrhu koriÅ”tena je parametrijska (Canonical correlation analysis ; CCA) i neparametrijska statistička metoda (Kendall Tau-b correlation ; Ļ„b) kako bi se izbjeglo zaključivanje upotrebom samo jedne od metoda.The aim of this article is to show the results of the empirical research on the relation and connection of managerā€™s social capital in companies associated in clusters with their assessment of activities in the clusters or to determine if greater business cooperation within the clusters and better financial support of institutions is positively associated with trust, networking, respecting the norms of citizens or is it the result of the overall social capital. For this purpose the parametric (Canonical correlation analysis; CCA) and nonparametric statistical method (Kendall Tau-b correlation; Ļ„b) is used in order to avoid reasoning using only one method

    UVOD U GOSPODARSKU STATISTIKU Tko kaže da lažem? u potpisu ā€“ Statistika

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    Regional early-stage entrepreneurship in the European Union

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    Purpose: Entrepreneurship is often viewed as a driver of the global economy. However, previous research on the relationship between entrepreneurship and economic growth shows contradictory results depending on the research settings. The purpose of this paper is to investigate how early-stage entrepreneurship - including only enterprises that are less than three and a half years old - affects regional economic growth in the European Union. Methodology: The methodology includes three methods: bivariate correlation, fixed effects regression with region and time fixed effects and spatial fixed effects regression. The panel sample consists of 273 NUTS 2 regions between 2008 and 2017. Results: The results support the hypothesis of this research and show that early-stage entrepreneurship has a mild positive effect on the economic growth of European regions. However, the potential bidirectional nature of this relationship obliterates the ability to comment on the causality of this link. The percentage of people in the active population employed in human resources in science and technology and gross fixed capital formation have a significant and impactful effect on regional GDP. Conclusion: The conclusion can be drawn that the effect of early-stage entrepreneurship on regional economic growth is conditioned by the population density of the region. Although these results show that enterprises founded in densely populated areas such as cities and metropolitan areas tend to have a larger effect on the regional economy, the results are ambiguous

    Social Capital in Function of Cluster Development

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    This paper analyze the role of social capital in shaping inter-firms relations within the cluster and identifies whether a lack of social capital can be considered an impediment to cluster formation and development. Social capital is determinants that have a positive value for clusters. Attention is focused on some major features that characterise social capital and that positively impact business clusters development: a sound base of trust among economic and institutional actors, together with valued and acknowledged co-operation. Parallel definitions of social capital and clusters are provided and the links between the two concepts are analysed in particular the impact of social capital on cluster building and performance