6 research outputs found

    Anterior Spinal Artery Syndrome in 13-year Old boy:A Case Report

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    We herein report a rare case of a child patient with anterior spinal artery syndrome. The patient presentedwith mobility impairment in the lower limbs after suffering from a common cold. Temperature perceptionand pain perception were lost in both sides below the level of the fourth thoracic spine. In a thoracicspine MRI, abnormal signals were detected in the ventral side of the spinal cord below the Th3 level, thusleading to our diagnosis of anterior spinal artery syndrome. Gamma globulin therapy and steroid pulse therapywere applied concomitantly but no obvious effects were obtained. Continuing treatment with rehabilitationstarted for one month. Four months later, he was able to maintain a standing position and walk using awalking stick. The loss of temperature perception and pain perception in both sides below the Th4 remained.In the present case, movements in daily life became possible through the effects of rehabilitation. However,an impairment in the patient\u27s temperature and pain perception remained, and thus close attention is requiredfor various disorders and in daily life

    Image Analysis with the Brain Easy Analysis Tool (BEAT) Method in Cases of Encephalomalacia Following Shaken Baby Syndrome

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    Brain easy analysis tool( BEAT) is newly released software to calculate composite images both MRI andSPECT on computer graphics. At first, we herein report two cases with shaken baby syndrome associatedwith multicystic encephalomalasia diagnosed based on MRI. Next, we created fusion MRI-SPECT imagesusing BEAT. The result of composited images was not only well recognized in anatomical visually but alsoeasy to explain data to patients. This report is the second case report with this software called BEAT

    Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome Associated with Unilateral Hemispheric Porencephaly

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    We report an 18 year-old male with a hemispheric large porencephaly who demonstrated symptomaticWest syndrome and then developed into Lennox-Gastaut syndrome. An electroencephalogram showed anasymmetrical high voltage slow spike and wave discharges only on the right side as a side of porencephalichemisphere. Interestingly, on the opposite side of the porencephalic hemisphere, an electroencephalogramshowed a low amplitude background activity in general. In this unique features both right side hemisphericporencephaly and asymmetric high voltage slow spike and waves due to Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, theporencephalic hemisphere due to cortical parenchymal loss may be more affected than the other hemisphereby epileptiform discharge in this patient

    Three Cases of Shaken Baby Syndrome without a History of Shaking

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    Three cases of Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS) without a history of abusive shaking have been reported.The reason why SBS without intentional shaking as follows;case 1was throwing, case 2 was dropping, case3 was unknown. For all 3 reported cases, attending physicians suspected the SBS from the presence of subduralhematoma and fundus hemorrhage. All 3 cases occurred at home, and the parents had no knowledgeof SBS. After a detailed interview, the diagnosis of SBS without a history of intentional shaking was made.Although the mechanism in detail was unclear in 3 cases, these SBS may happen by the difference betweenacceleration and the deceleration during the throwing and dropping movement;similar to intentional shakingthat causes of common SBS.For subdural hematoma and fundus hemorrhage of unknown cause, it is important to conduct an interviewwith the possibility of unintentional SBS in mind, without the occurrence of abusive shaking. In addition,attention should be paid to both pediatrician and parents about the risk of SBS in the care of infant inthe everyday life

    シンシンショウ ト シンダン サ レテ イタ TOLOSA - HUNT ショウコウグン ノ 15 サイ ジョシ

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    Tolosa-Hunt症候群(THS)は先行する片側眼窩部痛と眼球運動障害を生じ,病態は海綿静脈洞の非特異的炎症性肉芽腫病変と推測されている.発症は年間100万人あたり1人前後で,40歳台の成人に多く小児例は稀である.今回,1カ月続く右眼をえぐられる様な頭痛を主訴とした15歳のTHSを報告する.発症後,各種頭痛薬で改善がなく,各種検査を施行し異常がないため心身症に伴う反復する片頭痛と診断された.当院で脳MRIを施行し右内頸動脈の狭窄を認めTHSと確定診断した.プレドニゾロン(PSL)1?mg/kg/dayを朝1回開始し,翌日頭痛は改善した.以降,半年かけてPSLを漸減し再発はない.Tolosa-Hunt syndrome(THS)is characterized by periorbital pain accompanying opthalmoplegia. The pathogenesis is considered to involve non-specific granulomatous inflammation in the cavernous sinus, and the frequency is around one case per year per million people. Symptoms usually develop in adulthood, and pediatric cases are rare. We report herein a case of THS in a 15-year-old girl whose headache was diagnosed as psychosomatic disease in the early stage of the clinical course. Her chief compliant was headache with strong pain in the right eye, continuing for 1 month. Although several medications were trialed to alleviate headaches, no improvement was achieved. Various physical examinations proved uninformative. Headache was therefore tentatively diagnosed as psychosomatic disease associated with migraine. Brain magnetic resonance imaging in our university hospital revealed strangulation of the internal carotid artery, and headache was diagnosed as confirmed THS. Oral administration of prednisolone was started at 1 mg/kg/day, given once in the morning. Headache improved from the next day. Oral therapy with prednisolone was tapered over the course of 6 months and headache did not recur

    Computer-aided Diagnosis of Breast Elastography

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    Ultrasonography has been an important imaging technique for detecting breast tumors. As opposed tothe conventional B-mode image, the real-time tissue elastography by ultrasound is a new technique for imagingthe elasticity and applied to detect the stiffness of tissues. The red region of color elastography indicatesthe soft tissue and the blue one indicates the hard tissue. The harder tissue usually is classified as malignancy.In this paper, the authors proposed a computer-aided diagnosis( CAD) system on elastography tomeasure whether this system is effective and accurate to classify the tumor into benign and malignant. Accordingto the features of elasticity, the color elastography was transferred to hue, saturation, and value(HSV) color space and extracted meaningful features from hue images. Then the neural network was utilizedin multiple features to distinguish tumors. In this experiment, there are 180 pathology-proven cases including113 benign and 67 malignant cases used to examine the classification. The results of the proposedsystem showed an accuracy of 83.89 %, a sensitivity of 82.09 % and a specificity of 84.96 %. Compared withthe physician\u27s diagnosis, an accuracy of 78.33 %, a sensitivity of 53.73 % and a specificity of 92.92 %, theproposed CAD system had better performance. Moreover, the agreement of the proposed CAD system andthe physician\u27s diagnosis was calculated by kappa statistics, the kappa 0.64 indicated there is a fair agreementof observers