27 research outputs found

    Utilizing Vulnerability and Risk Indexes for Cultural Heritage in Yogyakarta and Central Java

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    Indonesia is home to many cultural heritages which are exposed to natural disaster, its number has grown by 400% within the years of 1975-2010.  In order to protect the cultural heritages, the national government released InaRisk – a web based geospatial data to identify risk information. This application, however, not fully apprises its users of the potential loss that cultural heritage objects, especially temples, may sustain. For these reasons, the research set out to evaluate the potential loss of temples by making use of disaster vulnerability and risk approaches. Seven temples were exposed to earthquake and landslide hazards; hence, observed as the research object on a micro-scale. The research method combined tabular, spatial, and temporal data of several indicators, namely types of building materials, building’s structural integrity after earthquakes and landslides, the number of salvageable objects, building age, significance, historical value, and the number of visitors. The results showed that Prambanan and Sewu Temples had the most substantial amounts of potential losses incurred from damages to at-risk elements, namely the numbers of visitors, employees, and supporting facilities and their distances to sources of hazards. Assessing the numerical values of losses requires further improvements in accuracy as it has not thoroughly factored in the significance of the temples, which is composed of historical value, building age, number of visitors, and other components. Valuation of this significance is still limited to currently available data, including the price of the constituent rocks, area and volume, and supporting facilities


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    Nugget is a processed meat products made from minced meat that is printed in the form of rectangular pieces and coated with seasoned flour. Gravestone processing into nuggets will increase the economic value gravestone. With the addition of meat gravestone and pumpkins as a filler material will affect whether or not the quality of the resulting nuggets. A research on the processing nuggets gravestone (Pseudodon vandenbushianus) with concentration gravestone meat and pumpkin (Curcurbita moschara).The treatment in this study, namely the concentration of gravestones and pumpkin meat (225 g: 50 gr, 200 gr: 75 g, and 175 g: 100 gr). The analysis in this study include organoleptic parameters (color, flavor, aroma and texture).The results of organoleptic test for color, aroma and texture nuggets gravestone gravestones by treatment with meat and pumpkin on a significant level of 5% showed no bedanyata, while based on the parameters of taste showed significant differences in which panelists preferred the treatment with concentrations gravestone meat and pumpkin 225 gr : 50 ounces with a value of 3.95 (like).Keywords: Nugget, Kijing, Yellow Pumpki

    Morphological Changes due to Anthropogenic Interferences in Gendol River Valley, Merapi Volcano

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    This research aims to identify the morphological changes in Gendol river, Merapi volcano. After the eruption 2010, Gendol river filled up by pyroclastic materials, then utilized as mining area. As the volcanic materials are abundance in Gendol river, sand mining activities are dominant, causing antrophogenic interferences that changes the morphology of Gendol valley. In this study, the morphological changes is measured by terrestrial survey, aerial mapping, and materials analysis through petrographic and granulometric analysis. Aerial mapping was conducted in February and August 2019 in order to identify the dynamic changes during 6 months observation. Vertical changes is found in the active mining zone, in western-side of research area, while horizontal changes was found in eastern-side. The comparison of widening and narrowing valley is 13:1 due to horizontal changes. Result of petrographic analysis showes that three different sampling locations originated from similar provenance, which is undissected arc provenance but may differ in period of sedimentation. Grain material found in research are categorized as suitable material for mining with the 0,733 mm grain size. However, the mining activities should be aware of material availability to minimize the riverbank failure


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    The conservation of kinetic energy in automobile engine is very essential. To keep the kinetic energy in efficient way, an automobile system utilizes an additional unit that functions as temporary kinetic energy storage called flywheel. However, the existing flywheels still unable to anticipate energy draining when it receives high rate of deceleration. This drawback should be eliminated to gain more energy conservation in the automobile powertrain. To address this issue, the present research proposes a better flywheel concept with improved energy handling capability. The proposed flywheel is constructed with multi-inertia discs, called primary flywheel and secondary flywheel. Furthermore, between the primary and secondary inertias, there are magnets and conductive plate that would produce a magnetic engagement based on Eddy current coupling. In this design, the flywheel offers a new advantage that introduces as an auto-reinforcement feature which means that it has an ability to recover the draining kinetic energy when drastic deceleration occurs due to sudden loading or sudden braking


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    Spirituality directs individuals to be more supportive in various work activities, especially in entrepreneurship context. This study examine the effect of subjective spirituality on entrepreneurs’ well-being by using data from the Indonesian Family Life Survey (IFLS) from 2007 to 2014.  We dissect the analysis into three groups that are self-employed, business owner or employer, and employee. The result stated that spirituality does matter only for those who run the business as self-employed in terms of generating income, although they tend to have lower levels of well-being rather than those who run businesses as business owners and those who work as employees within company. We found no significant evidence that spirituality affects the well-being of business owners, on the other hand this group has the highest level of well-being. The contributions of the study are explained further in this pape

    Where Three Dreams Cross: 150 Years of Photography from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh

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    Exhibition catalogue produced to accompany the landmark exhibition at the Whitechapel Gallery: Where Three Dreams Cross. Co-published with Fotomuseum Winterthur and Steild, this publication gives an inside view of how modern India, Pakistan and Bangladesh have been shaped through the lens of their photographers. Like the exhibition, the catalogue is arranged over five themes with works selected from the last 150 years. 'The Portrait' shows the evolution of self-representation; 'The Family' explores close bonds and relationships through early hand-painted and contemporary portraits; 'The Body Politic' charts political moments, movements and campaigns; 'The Performance' focuses on the golden age of Bollywood, circus performers and artistic practices that engage with masquerade; while 'The Street' looks at the built environment, social documentary and street photography. Over 70 photographers including Pushpamala N., Rashid Rana, Dayanita Singh, Raghubir Singh, Umrao Singh Sher-Gil, Rashid Talukder, Ayesha Vellani and Munem Wasif are represented in the catalogue, with works drawn from important collections of historic photography, including the influential Alkazi Collection, Delhi and the Drik Archive, Dhaka. They join many previously unseen images from private family archives, galleries, individuals and works by leading contemporary artists. ISBN: 978-0-85488-179-6, softback, 288 pages, colour illustrations. Co-published by the Whitechapel Gallery, Fotomuseum Winterthur, and Steidl, 2010