152 research outputs found

    DC and optical signatures of the topological reconstruction of the Fermi surface for electrons with parabolic band dispersion

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    We study the main intra-band and inter-band transport properties at zero temperature of free electron-like system undergoing a topological reconstruction of the Fermi surface for the two-dimensional and three-dimensional case. The calculated intra-band properties include the single-particle density of states, the total and the effective concentrations of electrons and the thermopower. As for the inter-band case, the real part of the conductivity has been calculated within the vanishing inter-band relaxation approximation as a function of the incident photon energy. Within this approach, it is shown that the optical conductivity has a nonvanishing component parallel to the reconstruction wave vector and the shape which depends on the value of the Fermi energy. Each dimensionality has its particular features in the transport quantities presented in the paper, which are discussed and compared with those in the free electron scenario. Finally, we identify the signature of the topological reconstruction of the Fermi surface in the intra-band and inter-band transport functions

    Certain raletions between triangles and bicentric hexagons

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    In this article we prove, using relatively very elementary mathematical facts, that every triangle completely determines a bicentric hexagon. Obtained relations can be interesting

    Realizacija projekata sanacije kliziŔta u Srbiji u 2016. g.

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    After activation of numerous landslides in Serbia in the spring of 2006 and especially after the floods in May 2014, as well as after occurrences of new and reactivation of older landslides, there was an evident need for the national authorities to choose the systematic approach. This enabled, along with providing financial resources and after finalising project proposals, the start of the implementation of various engineering works on remediation of landslides across Serbia and especially in urbanised areas and where transport infrastructure was at the highest risk. The current dynamics of the implementation of projects related to landslide remediation, implemented through The Public Investment Management Office is presented in this paper. The endeavor of the state is evident to use financial support received from international community for the purpose of water damage recovery after the floods in May 2014 in a most possible effective and useful way, with the entire process completely transparent. Through Serbian Government's Public Investment Management Office (former Office for Flood Affected Areas Assistance and Rehabilitation) the implementation of remediation of over thirty landslides in different areas in Serbia is in its final phase. More precise data on the degree of implementation of the works on stabilisation of the terrain and prices of construction works are presented in this paper in detail, concerning that the data is being updated almost daily. Some of the landslides were repaired during the spring; for some supplementary project documentation had been develope; for all landslides tendering procedures were implemented in order to select the contractor with the most favorable offer. For projects and conduction of remedial works (mostly related to slope stabilization in zones of transport routes) financial resources were obtained through EU Solidarity Fund. Remedial works at the location of all the included landslides have to be finished by the middle of September 2016. Dozens of experts in the field of engineering geology and geotechnical engineering from the entire country participated in the development of necessary geotechnical basis for the appropriate design of remediation measures. Directly under the UNOPS-ROADS project within the next year, around 30 more landslides of different sizes, activated on the roads of Serbia will be repaired

    Realizacija projekata sanacije kliziŔta u Srbiji u 2016. g.

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    After activation of numerous landslides in Serbia in the spring of 2006 and especially after the floods in May 2014, as well as after occurrences of new and reactivation of older landslides, there was an evident need for the national authorities to choose the systematic approach. This enabled, along with providing financial resources and after finalising project proposals, the start of the implementation of various engineering works on remediation of landslides across Serbia and especially in urbanised areas and where transport infrastructure was at the highest risk. The current dynamics of the implementation of projects related to landslide remediation, implemented through The Public Investment Management Office is presented in this paper. The endeavor of the state is evident to use financial support received from international community for the purpose of water damage recovery after the floods in May 2014 in a most possible effective and useful way, with the entire process completely transparent. Through Serbian Government's Public Investment Management Office (former Office for Flood Affected Areas Assistance and Rehabilitation) the implementation of remediation of over thirty landslides in different areas in Serbia is in its final phase. More precise data on the degree of implementation of the works on stabilisation of the terrain and prices of construction works are presented in this paper in detail, concerning that the data is being updated almost daily. Some of the landslides were repaired during the spring; for some supplementary project documentation had been develope; for all landslides tendering procedures were implemented in order to select the contractor with the most favorable offer. For projects and conduction of remedial works (mostly related to slope stabilization in zones of transport routes) financial resources were obtained through EU Solidarity Fund. Remedial works at the location of all the included landslides have to be finished by the middle of September 2016. Dozens of experts in the field of engineering geology and geotechnical engineering from the entire country participated in the development of necessary geotechnical basis for the appropriate design of remediation measures. Directly under the UNOPS-ROADS project within the next year, around 30 more landslides of different sizes, activated on the roads of Serbia will be repaired

    Analiza zagrebačkih klimatoloÅ”kih nizova pomoću empirijski određenih prirodnih sastavnih funkcija

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    The empirical mode decomposition method (EMD) (Huang, 1998) is applied to the series of annual and seasonal averages of temperature, cloudiness, air pressure and annual and seasonal sums of global radiation and precipitation, all observed in Zagreb-Gri~ in the period 1862ā€“2002. The method itself decomposes the original series into so called intrincic mode functions (IMF), each being characterized by its own, intrinsic time scale. Sums of the low-frequency IMFs for the single element revealed present climatic fluctuations on the decade-to-century scale. It is confirmed that climatic fluctuations of every single element, particularly temperature and cloudiness, are the results of variations in the global atmospheric circulation above the whole Europe. Trend and long-term variations of Zagreb temperature fits to globally observed increase of temperature but also to variations of zonal circulation index. Exchange of Hadleyā€™s zonal and Rossbyā€™s wave regime of the general atmospheric circulation at the beginning of the 20th century is observed in the long-term variations of almost every element. Linear correlation coefficients between annual and seasonal long-term variations are calculated. It is shown that spring and winter variations mostly influenced annual fluctuations that is due to internal feed-back processes. Also, correlation coefficients for every pair of climatic element are calculated, enabling conclusions about interaction between elements on long-term scales.Metoda empirijskog rastavljanja (engl. empirical mode ecomposition) EMD, (Huang, 1998) primjenjena je na godiÅ”nje i sezonske nizove srednjaka temperature, tlaka, naoblake te godiÅ”nje i sezonske sume globalnog zračenja i količine oborine mjerene u Zagrebu-Grič, za razdoblje 1862ā€“2002. Metoda rastavlja originalne nizove na tzv. prirodne sastavne funkcije, intrinsic mode functions (IMFs), od kojih je svaka karakterizirana svojstvenom vremenskom skalom. Međusobnom superpozicijom dugoperiodičnih prirodnih sastavnih funkcija pojedinog elementa uočena je prisutnost klimatskih fluktuacija. Potvrđeno je kako su klimatske fluktuacije svakog pojedinog elementa, posebno temperature i naoblake, rezultat varijacija opće cirkulacije atmosfere nad cijelom Europom. Trend i dugoperiodičke varijacije zagrebačke temperature dobro odgovaraju globalnom trendu općeg porasta temperature, ali i varijacijama zonalnog cirkulacionog indeksa. Pretpostavljena izmjena Hadleyevog zonalnog i Rossbyevog valnog režima opće cirkulacije atmosfere početkom 20. stoljeća očituje se u dugoperiodičkim varijacijama gotovo svih elemenata. Izračunati su koeficijenti linearne korelacije između godiÅ”njih i sezonskih dugoperiodičnih varijacija te je pokazano kako se proljetne i zimske varijacije većine elemenata osjetno odražavaju na fluktuacije godiÅ”njih srednjaka, Å”to je u skladu s dominacijom internih procesa povratne sprege (engl. feed back). Također su izračunati koeficijenti korelacija između svaka dva klimatska elementa {to je omogućilo zaključke o interakcijama među elementima na dugoročnoj skali


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    Conditional deferral (and withdrawal) of criminal prosecution is a typical institution of negotiated criminal justice. It is usually applied in relation to less serious criminal offences with the aim to relieve the court system workload and humanise the treatment of the offender. This institution was introduced into the Croatian criminal justice system more than 20 years ago. Despite such a long presence within the system, it has never acquired the status of an important and widely applied institution. Quite the contrary, its application in practice is quite scarce. In order to identify possible reasons for this at the normative level, the authors have undertaken a comparative legal analysis of said institution. Main characteristics of conditional deferral (and withdrawal) of criminal prosecution in Croatia have been compared with the main characteristics of identical or equivalent institutions in five other jurisdictions: Austria, Germany, Italy, England, and France. Special attention has been devoted to five highlighted issues: the goal(s) of the institution, the offences in relation to which it may be applied, the role of the court, the rights of the defendant, and the position of the victim.Uvjetna odgoda (i odustanak) od kaznenog progona tipičan je konsenzualni institut u kaznenom postupku. Obično se primjenjuje u odnosu na lakÅ”a kaznena djela s ciljem smanjenja opterećenja sudova i humanizacije postupanja prema počinitelju. Iako je uveden u hrvatski kaznenopravni sustav prije viÅ”e od 20 godina, nikada nije stekao status važne i Å”iroko primjenjivane institucije. Upravo suprotno, u praksi se uvjetna odgoda kaznenog progona gotovo uopće ne primjenjuje. Kako bi identificirali moguće razloge za to na normativnoj razini, autori su proveli poredbenopravnu analizu navedenog instituta. Glavne karakteristike uvjetne odgode kaznenog progona u Republici Hrvatskoj uspoređene su s glavnim obilježjima identičnih ili ekvivalentnih instituta u pet drugih komparativnih pravnih sustava: austrijskom, njemačkom, talijanskom, engleskom, i francuskom. Posebna pozornost u radu posvećena je analizi pet istaknutih pitanja: ciljevima ovog instituta, kaznenim djelima na koja se može primijeniti, ulozi suda, pravima okrivljenika i položaju žrtve

    Iskustva praktičara u primjeni uvjetne odgode (i odustanka od) kaznenog progona u Republici Hrvatskoj

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    Conditional deferral of (and withdrawal from) criminal prosecution is a consensual institution of criminal justice regulated by the provision of Art. 206.d of the Croatian Criminal Procedure Act that can be applied in cases of a minor crime (one for which a fi ne or a prison sentence of up to 5 years is prescribed). This institution was implemented more than 20 years ago into the Croatian criminal procedure but is very rarely used in practice. In order to identify possible reasons for this, the authors have conducted, after a comparative legal analysis, empirical research in two phases: the first phase comprised 60 semi-structured interviews with practitioners followed by discussions in four focus groups. The goal of the empirical research was to discover the practitionersā€™ experiences with the application of the institution in practice. The paper presents the results of the conducted research divided into five issues that have been established as the key elements in the application of this institution: the lack of clear legal guidelines, the scope of application, the lack of judicial control, defendantsā€™ rights, and the position of the victim. In conclusion, the paper analyses whether the initial theses are confirmed and provides certain de lege ferenda solutions.Uvjetna odgoda (i odustanak od) kaznenog progona jedan je od oblika sporazumijevanja u okviru kaznenog pravosuđa uređenog odredbom čl. 206.d. hrvatskoga Zakona o kaznenom postupku koji se može primijeniti kod lakÅ”ih kaznenih djela (za koje je propisana novčana kazna ili kazna zatvora do pet godina). Ovaj je institut prije viÅ”e od 20 godina implementiran u hrvatski kazneni postupak, ali se vrlo rijetko koristi u praksi. Kako bi se utvrdili mogući razlozi za to, autori su nakon komparativnopravne analize proveli empirijsko istraživanje u dvije etape. U prvoj je etapi provedeno 60 polustrukturiranih intervjua s praktičarima, a druga je etapa obuhvatila četiri fokus grupe u kojima se raspravljalo o najznačajnijim pitanjima. Cilj je empirijskog istraživanja bio otkriti iskustva praktičara u primjeni navedenog instituta u praksi. U radu su prikazani rezultati provedenog istraživanja koje je obuhvatilo pet pitanja koja su utvrđena kao ključni elementi u primjeni ovog instituta: nepostojanje jasnih pravnih odrednica o primjeni instituta, opseg primjene, nepostojanje sudske kontrole, prava okrivljenika i položaj žrtve. Zaključno, u radu se analizira jesu li početne teze potvrđene te autori daju određena de lege ferenda rjeÅ”enja

    Examples of landslide stabilization costs on the road infrastructure

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    Pri sanaciji kliziÅ”ta, pojave koja je veoma česta na putevima Srbije, brojne su nepoznanice kod procene troÅ”kova radova predviđenih za njihovu stabilizaciju. Veoma su važni uticajni činioci većeg broja promenljivih (kojima se opisuju svojstva terena i dimenzije kliznog tela) na cenu konstrukcije pri saniranju kliziÅ”ta. Takođe, građevinski zahvati koji se izvode u cilju poboljÅ”anja stabilnosti padina su dosta raznovrsni, Å”to uz različite uzroke pojave kliziÅ”ta i njihove elemente, ima za posledicu Å”iroke raspone utroÅ”enih sredstava po sanaciji. Kako je apsolutno neophodno stabilizovati ugrožene saobraćajnice ili druge objekte na nestabilnim terenima, veoma je važno, svakako i za naÅ”u državu, racionalno koriŔćenje sredstava koja se opravdano izdvajaju u tu svrhu.Landslides are frequent natural hazard occurrence on the road network in Serbia. During their stabilization, there are usually uncertainties regarding stabilization work price evaluation. Conditioning factors of numerous variables (that are describing the terrain properties and landslides dimensions) which are affecting the final price of stabilization are of great importance. Also, construction works that are usually performed for the purpose of slope stabilization are various, and when they are combined with different landslide triggering factors and their elements - as a consequence we have a significant discrepancy of funds that are spent for stabilization. Since absolute stabilization of landslides that are occurring across infrastructure and other objects on unstable slopes is necessary, it is very important for each country and Serbia as well to rationalize the use of budget funds that are allocated for that purpose

    Examples of landslide stabilization costs on the road infrastructure

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    Pri sanaciji kliziÅ”ta, pojave koja je veoma česta na putevima Srbije, brojne su nepoznanice kod procene troÅ”kova radova predviđenih za njihovu stabilizaciju. Veoma su važni uticajni činioci većeg broja promenljivih (kojima se opisuju svojstva terena i dimenzije kliznog tela) na cenu konstrukcije pri saniranju kliziÅ”ta. Takođe, građevinski zahvati koji se izvode u cilju poboljÅ”anja stabilnosti padina su dosta raznovrsni, Å”to uz različite uzroke pojave kliziÅ”ta i njihove elemente, ima za posledicu Å”iroke raspone utroÅ”enih sredstava po sanaciji. Kako je apsolutno neophodno stabilizovati ugrožene saobraćajnice ili druge objekte na nestabilnim terenima, veoma je važno, svakako i za naÅ”u državu, racionalno koriŔćenje sredstava koja se opravdano izdvajaju u tu svrhu.Landslides are frequent natural hazard occurrence on the road network in Serbia. During their stabilization, there are usually uncertainties regarding stabilization work price evaluation. Conditioning factors of numerous variables (that are describing the terrain properties and landslides dimensions) which are affecting the final price of stabilization are of great importance. Also, construction works that are usually performed for the purpose of slope stabilization are various, and when they are combined with different landslide triggering factors and their elements - as a consequence we have a significant discrepancy of funds that are spent for stabilization. Since absolute stabilization of landslides that are occurring across infrastructure and other objects on unstable slopes is necessary, it is very important for each country and Serbia as well to rationalize the use of budget funds that are allocated for that purpose
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