32 research outputs found

    Health risks of extreme heat

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    Metrics for the emissions of F-gas refrigerants

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    This paper examines the metrics used to account for the contribution to global warming from fluorinated gases (fgases) mainly used as refrigerants for cooling. F-gases are key to climate mitigation discussion as they a) are critical to delivering the surging demand for air conditioners which is expected to triple by 2050, b) have strong Global Warming Potential (GWP) as high as 12,000 kgCO2-eq (for e.g., HFC-23) and c) are targeted by international policy agreements such as the Montreal Protocol and Kigali Amendment. F-gases exacerbate atmospheric warming when leaked from cooling equipment, or during other phases of their life cycle. Thus far, the way these gases impact global warming is mostly reported based on their CO2-equivalent emissions with a time horizon of 100 years. However, the problem is that f-gases have significantly different lifespans and the GWP100 does not account for these variations. The debate on metrics to account for warming of other short-lived climate pollutants (SLCP), such as methane is already ongoing. Here, we provide the first step to open such debate for short-lived f-gases. We address this, first, with a critical review of the available metrics for carbon foot-printing of f-gases and present a gap analysis between the existing carbon foot printing metrics and the need to better understand warming from f-gases. Second, we use an atmospheric model to illustrate how the incumbent metric (CO2-equivalent calculated using GWP100), misrepresent the warming of an exemplary f-gas refrigerant (HFC134a). The model outputs novel profiles of atmospheric concentration, radiative forcing, and temperature, in three scenarios. Scenario A models the response to a positive step change in emissions of the HFC, while Scenario B is the inverse. Scenario C models a reduction of 85% by 2036 of emissions according to targets for highemitting countries set in the Kigali Amendment. The modelling results evidence that the commonly used CO2- equivalent with its GWP100 does not represent the atmospheric responses, and particularly the warming of the exemplary short-lived HFC. Through the literature review, however, we identify many other metrics available that could be applied for f-gases, and particularly GWP* is recommended to examine in future works. In summary, the paper offers insights into which metrics can best help to identify the effects of f-gases in terms of reducing global warming in a rapid timeframe, and how CO2-equivalents should not be used as proxy for atmospheric warming in policy discussions

    Understanding thermal justice and systemic cooling poverty from the margins: intersectional perspectives from Rio de Janeiro

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    Heatwaves, which are escalating in frequency, duration and intensity, have prompted governments worldwide to issue vital health warnings to protect populations. These include urging individuals to stay cool, hydrated, avoid direct sun exposure and minimise strenuous activities. Regrettably, a significant segment of the population faces substantial challenges in accessing these crucial recommendations due to a range of issues termed “systemic cooling poverty”. Systemic cooling poverty encompasses intricate layers of physical, social and intangible infrastructural deficiencies, impeding the provision of essential services necessary to ensure thermal safety during extreme heat episodes. Through an intersectional mixed-method examination, this study brings empirical evidence of the structural factors that exacerbate inequalities in attaining thermal safety among the African–Brazilian community, LGBTQI+ and disabled, living in two favelas in Rio de Janeiro. By shedding light on these lived experiences of cooling poverty, we contribute to the understanding of targeted interventions and policy measures that can alleviate the impacts of extreme heat and safeguard public health and well-being as temperatures rise

    The role of supply chains for the sustainability transformation of global food systems: A large‐scale, systematic review of food cold chains

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    Global food systems need an urgent transformation to be compatible with sustainable development. While much of the recent academic discussion has focused on food production and consumption, food supply chains have received considerably less attention. Here, we conduct a large-scale, systematic literature review of 48,014 academic articles to assess the links between the food cold chain literature and sustainable development. We find a multitude of deep links between food cooling and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), but also identify underexplored areas of sustainable food cooling research regarding its (1) goals, (2) analytical depth, and (3) context specificity: There is a limited understanding how several relevant synergies between SDGs can be captured, how to best design sustainable food cold chains across multiple value chain stages, and how to scale sustainable cold chains in low-income and lower-middle-income country contexts. We recommend to explicitly consider the salient interconnections between SDGs, increase the analytical depth by deploying more system-level approaches across entire value chains, and focus on localized solutions in contexts where food supply chains are most underdeveloped

    Beyond technology : demand-side solutions for climate change mitigation

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    The assessment literature on climate change solutions to date has emphasized technologies and options based on cost-effectiveness analysis. However, many solutions to climate change mitigation misalign with such analytical frameworks. Here, we examine demand-side solutions, a crucial class of mitigation options that go beyond technological specification and costbenefit analysis. To do so, we synthesize demand-side mitigation options in the urban, building, transport, and agricultural sectors. We also highlight the specific nature of demand-side solutions in the context of development. We then discuss key analytical considerations to integrate demand-side options into overarching assessments on mitigation. Such a framework would include infrastructure solutions that interact with endogenous preference formation. Both hard infrastructures, such as the built environment, and soft infrastructures, such as habits and norms, shape behavior and as a consequence offer significant potential for reducing overall energy demand and greenhouse gas emissions. We conclude that systemic infrastructural and behavioral change will likely be a necessary component of a transition to a low-carbon society

    Systematizing and upscaling urban climate change mitigation

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    The question of what cities can contribute to mitigation and adapting to climate change is gaining traction among researchers and policy makers alike. However, while the field is rich with case studies, methods that provide rich data across municipalities and potentially at global scale remain underdeveloped, and comparative insights remain scarce. Here we summarize contributions to the focus issue on 'Systematizing and Upscaling Urban Climate Solutions', also drawing from presentations given at an accompanying conference in 2018. We highlight four core areas for systematizing and upscaling urban climate mitigation solutions. First, with more and better (big) data and associated machine learning methods, there is increasing potential to compare types of cities and leverage collective understanding. Second, while urban climate assessments have mostly emphasized urban planning, demand-side action as related to both behavioral change and modified social practices relevant to urban space deserve more academic attention and integration across a diverse set of social sciences. Third, climate mitigation would be intangible as a single objective at the urban scale, and measures and solutions that coordinate mitigation coherently with adaptation and broader sustainable development goals require explicit conceptualization and systematization. Forth, all insights should come together to develop governance frameworks that translate scientific exercises into concrete, realistic and organized action plans on the ground, for all cities

    Advances toward a net-zero global building sector

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    The building sector is responsible for 39% of process-related greenhouse gas emissions globally, making net- or nearly-zero energy buildings pivotal for reaching climate neutrality. This article reviews recent advances in key options and strategies for converting the building sector to be climate neutral. The evidence from the literature shows it is possible to achieve net or nearly-zero energy building outcomes across the world in most building types and climates with systems, technologies, and skills that already exist, and at costs that are in the range of conventional buildings. Maximizing energy efficiency for all building energy uses is found as central to net zero targets. Jurisdictions all over the world, including Brussels, New York, Vancouver, and Tyrol, have innovated visionary policies to catalyze the success of such buildings, with more than 7 million square meters of nearly-zero energy buildings erected in China alone in the past few years. Since embodied carbon in building materials can consume up to a half of the remaining 1.5°C carbon budget, this article reviews recent advances to minimize embodied energy and store carbon in building materials.This work was partially funded by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades de Es-paña (RTI2018-093849-B-C31 - MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE). The authors at the University ofLleida would like to thank the Catalan Government for the quality accreditation given to theirresearch group GREiA (2017 SGR 1537). GREiA is a certified agent TECNIO in the category oftechnology developers from the Catalan Government. This work is partially supported by ICREAunder the ICREA Academia program.Passive House Canada and specifically Chris Ballard partially supported this work throughvolunteer and staff time. Special thanks to Klemens Schloegl from TU Vienna for his valuabledata and insights on the topic. R.K. is grateful for support from the Oxford Martin School and forthe excellent research assistance from Sharmen Hettipol

    Sustainable cooling in a warming world: technologies, cultures, and circularity

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    Cooling is fundamental to quality of life in a warming world, but its growth trajectory is leading to a substantial increase in energy use and greenhouse gas emissions. The world is currently locked into vapor-compression air conditioning as the aspirational means of staying cool, yet billions of people cannot access or afford this technology. Non–vapor compression technologies exist but have low Technological Readiness Levels. Important alternatives are passive cooling measures that reduce mechanical cooling requirements and often have long histories of local use. Equally, behavioral and cultural approaches to cooling play a vital role. Although policies for a circular economy for cooling, such as production and waste, recovery of refrigerants, and disposal of appliances, are in development, more efforts are needed across the cooling life cycle. This article discusses the knowledge base for sustainable cooling in the built environment and its significant, interconnected, and coordinated technical, social, economic, and policy approaches

    Change in cooling degree days with global mean temperature rise increasing from 1.5 °C to 2.0 °C

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    Limiting global mean temperature rise to 1.5 °C is increasingly out of reach. Here we show the impact on global cooling demand in moving from 1.5 °C to 2.0 °C of global warming. African countries have the highest increase in cooling requirements. Switzerland, the United Kingdom and Norway (traditionally unprepared for heat) will sufer the largest relative cooling demand surges. Immediate and unprecedented adaptation interventions are required worldwide to be prepared for a hotter world

    Overcoming the incumbency and barriers to sustainable cooling

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    This article examines cooling in the built environment, an area of rapidly rising energy demand and greenhouse gas emissions. Specifically, the status quo of cooling is assessed and proposals are made for how to advance towards sustainable cooling through five levers of change: social interactions, technology innovations, business models, governance and infrastructure design. Achieving sustainable cooling requires navigating the opportunities and barriers presented by the incumbent technology that currently dominates the way in which cooling is provided—the vapour-compression refrigerant technology (or air-conditioners). Air-conditioners remain the go-to solution for growing cooling demand, with other alternatives often overlooked. This incumbent technology has contributed to five barriers hindering the transition to sustainable cooling: (1) building policies based exclusively on energy efficiency; (2) a focus on temperature rather than other thermal comfort variables; (3) building-centric design of cooling systems instead of occupant-centric design; (4) businesses guided by product-only sales; and (5) lack of innovation beyond the standard operational phase of the incumbent technology. Opportunities and priority actions are identified for policymakers, cooling professionals, technicians and citizens to promote a transition towards sustainable cooling. Policy relevance The priority actions that can overcome key barriers to a sustainable cooling pathway are as follows. (1) Moving building policies beyond energy efficiency to address climate mitigation and adaptation for improving the heat resilience of the built environment. Building indicators are needed to measure the passive survivability to heat. (2) Conventional cooling control and related regulations based exclusively on air temperature require expansion in scope to consider a wider range of thermal comfort variables, thus stimulating technological innovation. (3) Shifting building-centric cooling control to an occupant-centric design, downsizing centralised cooling requirements and enabling adaptive environments integrating personalised environmental control systems. (4) Business models moving from product-oriented to service-based businesses. (5) Environmental cooling considerations that address the humidity influence, the role of energy storage to support renewables through energy flexibility in cooling, and the impact of F-gases. Regulation and citizen empowerment through better environmental labelling can play an important role