4 research outputs found

    Routing Strategies for Smart City Applications Based On Intelligent Clubbing Of Multi Parameters

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    ABSTRACT: The Smart City platform can play a key role by providing a fully automatic service. The platform will enable the transmission of timely and spatial information on the whereabouts of the people having requested the service through a personal device, the Internet of things based Foot Patrol service will enable tracking the location of the service user .The design and development of applications such as the aforementioned require the use of smart wireless communications. In this paper, algorithms for self organization of wireless sensor network & intelligent routing using fuzzy logic with multiple parameters are proposed. Due to this approach, the routing delay is reduced & the throughput is increased

    A Novel and Secure Fake-Modulus Based Rabin-Ó  Cryptosystem

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    Electronic commerce(E-commerce) transactions require secure communication to protect sensitive information such as credit card numbers, personal identification, and financial data from unauthorized access and fraud. Encryption using public key cryptography is essential to ensure secure electronic commerce transactions. RSA and Rabin cryptosystem algorithms are widely used public key cryptography techniques, and their security is based on the assumption that it is computationally infeasible to factorize the product of two large prime numbers into its constituent primes. However, existing variants of RSA and Rabin cryptosystems suffer from issues like high computational complexity, low speed, and vulnerability to factorization attacks. To overcome the issue, this article proposes a new method that introduces the concept of fake-modulus during encryption. The proposed method aims to increase the security of the Rabin cryptosystem by introducing a fake-modulus during encryption, which is used to confuse attackers who attempt to factorize the public key. The fake-modulus is added to the original modulus during encryption, and the attacker is unable to distinguish between the two. As a result, the attacker is unable to factorize the public key and cannot access the sensitive information transmitted during electronic commerce transactions. The proposed method’s performance is evaluated using qualitative and quantitative measures. Qualitative measures such as visual analysis and histogram analysis are used to evaluate the proposed system’s quality. To quantify the performance of the proposed method, the entropy of a number of occurrences for the pixels of cipher text and differential analysis of plaintext and cipher text is used. When the proposed method’s complexity is compared to a recent variant of the Rabin cryptosystem, it can be seen that it is more complex to break the proposed method—represented as O(ɲ× τ) which is higher than Rabin-P (O(ɲ)) algorithms

    Enhancing Cloud Communication Security: A Blockchain-Powered Framework with Attribute-Aware Encryption

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    The global production of information continuously increases in quantity and variety. However, the tools and technologies developed to handle such large volumes of data have not adequately met the security and privacy requirements. Existing cloud security systems, often managed by a trusted third party, are susceptible to various security risks. To address these challenges and ensure the protection of personal information, blockchain technology emerges as a crucial solution with substantial potential. This research uses the blockchain-powered attribute-aware encryption method to establish a real-time secure communication approach over the cloud. By employing attribute-based encryption technology, data owners can implement fine-grained search permissions for data users. The proposed solution incorporates accessible encryption technology to enable secure access to encrypted data and facilitate keyword searches on the blockchain. This study provides a functional comparison of recently developed attribute-based encryption algorithms. The access control strategy comprises two access tree types and a linear secret-sharing system, serving as the main components. The elliptic curve’s base field was set to 512b, and the bilinear pairing parameter type used was Type-A. This approach involves storing keywords on a remote server and encrypting them using attribute-based encryption. Furthermore, the encrypted data blockchain and the corresponding ciphertext are stored in the blockchain. Numerical experiments were conducted to evaluate the system’s key generation, trapdoor building, and keyword retrieval capabilities