64 research outputs found


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    The authors presented a patient with schizophrenia and with early parallel development of neurologic symptoms. At first, symptoms were manifested by extrapyramidal syndrome due to appliance of typical neuroleptics. Therefore, therapeutic approach was diverted to implementation of atipycal antiypsychotics. Consequently patient developed orofacial diskyinesias which progrediated in unilateral choreo-atetoid movements. This followed two hospitalizations for diagnostic workup and correction of therapy. Only repeated brain MR showed moderate cortical atrophy. However, even with different therapeutic changes and approaches, we were not able to reach any significant shift neither in psychiatric nor neurologic disturbances. The resistence on pharmacologic threapy led to suspicion of parallel development of neurologic disorder in form of Huntington chorea. Still remains the question whether primary neurologic disorder provoked psychotic process or there were two separate disorders where pharmacologic intervention accelerated expansion of neurologic disorder


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    Depressive disorders are more common in the population affected with dermatologic disorders. Comorbidity of depression and dermatologic disorders is around 30%. The correlation between depressive and dermatologic disorders still remains unclear. In psychodermatology three disorders are described: a) psychophysiological disorders (both disorders induced and maintained by stressors), b) secondary psychiatric disorders (mental disorder as a result of skin leasions and treatment) and c) primary psychiatric disorders (skin alterations as a result of mental disorders and treatment). In depression and dermatology disorders in which certain precipitating factors are required thereby causing alteration of the patient\u27s immunological identity causing a combination of hereditary features and ones acquired through adaptation occur to cause the disorder to develop. The cytokines are vital in the regulation of the immunology response and are also mediators of non-infective inflammatory processes leading to recurrent hormonal secretion affecting the function of the vegetative and central nervous system leading to so called ā€žsickness behaviourā€œ, marked by loss of appetite, anhedonia, anxiety, decrease of concentration and interest along with other changes which generate a picture of depressive disorder. Treatment of depressive and dermatologic disorders is complex and requires an integral therapeutic approach encompassing all aspects of both disorders and their comorbidity. Therefore therapeutic success lies in a team approach to the patient under the auspice of consultative-liason psychiatry by setting the frame for efficient collaboration and bridging the gap between the mental and the physical in everyday clinical practice


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    Our research objective was to estimate the characteristics of major depressive disorder and social adaptation of women displaced during the war in Croatia in the early 1990s. We aimed to establish the relationship between major depressive disorder and displacement and study its impact on the outcome of depression in order to improve treatment and avoid possible complications. A group of 20 women, 35 to 55 years of age, displaced some time during the 199l.-1995. war in Croatia were compared to 27 women of the same age but with no experience of exile. All the patients suffered from major depressive disorder based upon DSM-IV diagnostic criteria. The Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression, the Zung Self Rating Depression Scale and the Social Adaptation Self-evaluation Scale were used. The objective intensity of depression of the displaced significantly decreased over time but not their personal experience of depression. All depressed patients manifested poor social adaptation. Many aspects of social functioning remained poor even after the improvement of depressive disorder. Displacement characteristics were: the length of time spent in exile, the place, and the circumstances of displacement regarding the members of the family accompanying the displaced women. These characteristics significantly influenced the expression of their major depressive disorder as well as social functioning. Displaced persons/refugees are at high risk of developing depressive disorder. Recognition of all risk factors and early diagnosis of depressive disorder followed by appropriate treatment could decrease the risk of chronic and complicated depression as well as the risk of poor social adaptation

    Important bacterial diseases and their control in rainbow trout in Serbian aquaculture

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    Global freshwater fish production in aquaculture has grown rapidly in recent decades. This constant growth, involving novel forms of intensive aquaculture, has increased global movements of fish and boosted various anthropogenic stresses to aquatic ecosystems, so rainbow trout aquaculture has encountered the emergence and outbreaks of many bacterial diseases. Due to the need to effectively prevent and control disease outbreaks, vaccines have become an important technology in intensive trout aquaculture. In this review, the applications of specific vaccines against important bacterial diseases of rainbow trout in Serbian aquaculture are summarized

    Comparative pathomorphological, mycological and molecular examination of turkey poults with different immunological status experimentally infected with aspergillus fumigatus

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    The aim of this study was to determine the pathological, mycological and molecular findings in turkey poults with different immunological status experimentally infected with Aspergillus fumigatus. The investigation was carried out 1, 3, 7, 14 and 21 days after intratracheal inoculation of 5.056x10(7) spores of A. fumigatus to 14-day-old turkey poults in group G-1, as well as to turkey poults in group G-2 which were treated prior to infection with dexamethasone. A. fumigatus was isolated on day 1 p.i. in both groups, but the number of positive samples was bigger in group G-1. A. fumigatus was isolated from the respiratory organs of group G-1as early as on day 1 and 3 p.i. in 4 out of 12 examined specimens (33%). On day 7 p.i. A. fumigatus was possible to isolate from the respiratory organs of 50% of infected birds, on day 14 in 83.33% and on day 21 p.i. A. fumigatus was isolated in 6 out of 6 sacrificed turkey poults (100%). In dexamethasone-treated group A. fumigatus isolates from the respiratory organs on day 1 and 3 p.i. were same as in group G-1, whereas on days 7 and 14 p.i. the number of turkey poults positive to A. fumigatus increased in comparison with the untreated G-1 group. The histopathological lesions in turkey poults treated with dexamethasone developed earlier, were more intensive and extensive. The mycological and nested PCR results revealed a higher number of samples positive for the presence of A. fumigatus DNA in the group G-2, pretreated with dexamethasone

    Sezonska dinamika prisustva culicoides spp u Srbiji u periodu 2015-2016. godine

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    Genus Culicoides spp. includes small insects 0.5-2 mm in length, usually grey or black and at first glance very similar to mosquitoes. They are strictly hematophagous, feeding by attacking hosts outdoors and indoors (although they are less susceptible to the stationing like Aedes mosquitoes do). The sting is very painful at the injection site and often followed by hypersensibilisation with the consequent formation of allergic dermatitis. In addition, the insects carry and transmit a multitude of diseases, often of a zoonotic character, and therefore are of great epidemiological importance. In our country, continuous monitoring of Culicolides spp. has been carried out and seasonal dynamics of their appearance in the period 2015-2016 is presented in this article. During October 2015, the presence of Culicolides spp. was confirmed in 10.00% of samples; in November, their presence was not established, whereas in December, 2.35% of samples proved positive for the presence of Culicolides spp. During 2016, from January to March, no Culicolides spp. were found in any of the examined samples. During April, their prevalence was 9.63%, in May - 6.74%, in June - 3.70%, in July - 15.78%, in August - 18.07%, in September - 27.27%, and in October - 45.65%. In Serbia, the dominant Culicoides spp. species are Obsoletus complex and Pulicaris complex established in 57.21% and 33.37% of samples, respectively. Other species are present in lesser extent. In Obsoletus complex, the dominant species was Culicoides obsoletus/scoticus. The percentage of Culicoides obsoletus /scoticus males in samples was 25.52%. Non-pigmented (young) females were present in 66.06% of samples; females who took blood in 7.55% and 0.87% were gravid females. In Pulicaris complex, the dominant species was Culicoides pulicaris. Males of Culicoides pulicaris were found in 19.23% of samples, non-pigmented (young) females in 70.96%, females who took blood in 9.08% while 0.73% were gravid females.Rod Culicoides spp. su mali insekti veličine 0,5-2 mm, većinom sivkaste ili crne boje i na prvi pogled veoma slični komarcima. Oni su striktne hematofage. Ubod je veoma bolan, a mesta uboda su često hipersenzibilisana uz posledično nastajanje alergijskih dermatitisa. Uz to oni prenose mnoÅ”tvo oboljenja često zoonotskog karaktera tako da su od izuzetnog epidemioloÅ”kog značaja. U naÅ”oj zemlji se vrÅ”i stalni monitoring Culicolides-a i ovde dajemo prikaz sezonske dinamike njihovog pojavljivanja u periodu 2015-2016.godine. Tokom 2015. godine u oktobru je njihovo prisustvo ustanovljeno u 10.,00% uzoraka, u novembru ih nije bilo, a tokom decembra su bili prisutni u 2,35%. Tokom 2016. godine tokom januara, februara i marta nisu nađeni ni u jednom prispelom uzorku. Tokom aprila meseca njihova prevalencija je iznosila 9,63%, u maju je bila 6,74%, u junu 3,70%, u julu 15,78%, u avgustu 18,07%, u septembru 27,27% i u oktobru 45,65%. U Srbiji su dominantne vrste Culicoides spp. iz Obsoletus kompleksa i ustanovljeni su u 57,21%. Culicoides spp. iz Pulicaris kompleksa ustanovljeni su 33,37% dok su ostale vrste manje zastupljene. Kod Culicoides spp. iz Obsoletus kompleksa dominantna vrsta je bila Culicoides obsoletus/scoticus. Mužjaci su nađeni u 25,52%, nepigmentisane (mlade) ženke u 66,06%, ženke koje su uzele krv u 7,55%, a 0,87% su bile gravidne ženke. Kod Culicoides spp. iz Pulicaris kompleksa dominantna vrsta je bila Culicoides pulicaris. Mužjaci su nađeni u 19,23%, nepigmentisane (mlade) ženke u 70,96%, ženke koje su uzele krv u 9,08%, a 0,73% su bile gravidne ženke

    Early dementia with psychotic onset: case review

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    Autori su prikazali slučaj 52-godiÅ”nje žene čija je bolest započela pojavom akutne psihotične epizode, ali je u nekoliko mjeseci progredirala do teÅ”ke demencije, čija etiologija joÅ” uvijek nije razjaÅ”njena. Bolesnica je ispoljila psihotičnu epizodu godinu dana ranije. Hospitalno je zbrinuta i liječena haloperidolom uz parcijalni terapijski odgovor sa zaostajanjem izvjesnih teÅ”koća u uobičajenom funkcioniranju. NeÅ”to kasnije sve su izrazitiji miÅ”ićna zakočenost i salivacija. Pet mjeseci od psihotične epizode postaje febrilna, uz progresiju miÅ”ićne zakočenosti i smetnje svijesti. Hospitalizirana je pod sumnjom na meningoencefalitis. Isti nije potvrđen, ali su se dijagnosticirali urinami infekt i upala pluća. Maligni neuroleptički sindrom na koji se posumnjalo, nije potvrđen, dok se radioloÅ”ki prikazala kortikalna atrofija moždanih hemisfera. Opće stanje bolesnice bivalo je sve loÅ”ije. Bila je nadalje febrilna, nepokretna, bez mogućnosti kontrole sfinktera, pomućene svijesti i nekontaktibilna. Klinička slika imponirala je kao uznapredovali stadij demencije. Bolesnica je umrla četrdeset dana poslije hospitalizacije. Autori su u članku raspravili doprinos konstelacijskih čimbenika nepovoljnom tijeku i fatalnom ishodu demencije.The authors reported the case of 52 years old female patient whose illness started as an acute psychotic episode of unknown etiology and progressed to dementia in several months. The patient manifested the psychotic episode a year before. She was treated as inpatient with haloperidole but the therapeutic response was partial with problems in everyday functioning. Later, the rigor and salivation became more and more obvious. Five months after the treated psychotic episode, she became febrile, with more intensive rigor and disturbances of consciousness. The case of hospitalization was suspected of meningoencephalitis, but it was not confirmed. The diagnosis was urethral infection and pneumonia. Malignant neuroleptic syndrome was also suspected but not confirmed. Radio-diagnostic procedures showed cortical atrophy of brain hemispheres. General condition of the patient became worse and worse. She was febrile, immobile, incontinent, with stirred up consciousness, with no contact. The clinical symptoms corresponded to developed level of dementia. The authors discussed the contribution of constellation factors to negative, inviolable treatment and fatal output of dementia
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