79 research outputs found


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    Tantangan pembelajaran semakin di rasakan diera pandemi. Proses pembelajaran secara daring/online merupakan efek dari kebijakan WFH dimana peserta didik dan guru belajar dari rumah (BDR). Bangun ruang merupakan kajian materi yang bersifat abstrak sehingga membutuhkan proyeksi obyek bangun ruang.selanjutnya dikembangkan perangkat MAR, yaitu Matematika Augmented Reality . perangkat mar di uji coba di sd kedung pedaringan, uji coba menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap. Hasil analisis menyimpulkan pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran MAR untuk materi bangun ruang kelas V SD terbukti secara statistik berpengaruh pada hasil belajar


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    The purpose of this study is to produce character building learning media based on m-learning mathematics with a contextual approach that is expected to provide convenience for students and teachers in supporting the revitalization of vocational education. This research is a development research. This research method refers to the 4D development model (Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate). Development of Math-Cha applications with the help of Android Studio IDE software, and Fire Base. The result of the development in the form of a learning media product is the Math-Cha application which is installed on an Android device. The Math-Cha application consists of material and evaluation. The m-learning media on mathematics is given reinforcement by integrating character education and contextual presentation so that it supports the revitalization of vocational education. Content in the application begins by introducing character values into mathematical problems at the apperception, material and evaluation stages. Evaluation of validity aspects is based on the validation of media experts and material experts who are valid criteria with an average of 3.61. The evaluation of practicality aspects based on student response questionnaire was in the good criteria of 3.72 and the teacher's questionnaire in the criteria of good was 3.40. The assessment of effectiveness aspects based on student test results is in good criteria with an average of 86.6. Math-Cha supports learning, use easily, and it can be used anywhere and anytime.AbstrakTujuan penelitian ini untuk menghasilkan produk media pembelajaran matematika m-learning berbasis pendidikan karakter dengan pendekatan kontekstual yang diharapkan memberikan kemudahan siswa dan guru dalam menunjang revitalisasi pendidikan SMK. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan. Metode penelitian ini mengacu pada model pengembangan 4D (Define, Design, Develop, dan Disseminate). Pengembangan aplikasi Math-Cha dengan bantuan software Android Studio IDE, dan Fire Base. Hasil dari pengembangan berupa produk media pembelajaran yaitu aplikasi Math-Cha yang terinstall di perangkat Android. Aplikasi Math-Cha terdiri dari materi dan evaluasi. Media pembelajaran m-learning pada matematika diberikan penguatan dengan mengintegrasikan pendidikan karakter dan disajikan secara kontekstual sehingga mendukung revitalisasi pendidikan vokasi. Konten dalam aplikasi dimulai dengan mengenalkan nilai-nilai karakter kedalam permasalahan matematika pada tahap apersepsi, materi dan evaluasi. Penilaian aspek kevalidan berdasarkan penilaian validator ahli media dan ahli materi yang berada pada kriteria valid dengan rata-rata 3,61. Penilaian aspek kepraktisan berdasarkan angket respon siswa berada pada kriteria baik sebesar 3,72 dan angket respon guru yang berada dalam kriteria baik sebesar 3,40. Penilaian aspek keefektifan berdasarkan hasil tes siswa berada pada kriteria baik dengan rata-rata 86,6. Math-Cha mendukung dalam pembelajaran, tingkat penggunaannya relatif mudah, pembelajaran dapat digunakan dimana saja dan kapanpun

    English Corner Using Creative Work: Supplement and Booster to Enhance Students’ English Performance

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    This study aims to investigate EFL students’ perception of English Corner (EC) and how EC is constructively designed and developed in English Education at Galuh University as a non-credit course that consists of five programs that all participants might optionally select dealing with their interests and talent. Singing, poetry reading, storytelling, drama, and public speaking are sophisticated complete packages to predominantly uphold participants’ English performance due to English as the only language used in EC. It is as opposed to the preliminary EC that originated in China that was undertaken for the public elsewhere. However, EC at Galuh University consists of the statement of the problem of this study consists of finding out how EC using creative work is developed and investigating EC participants’ perception of participating in EC using creative work. This is the exploration of the case study because EC has been practiced for the last four semesters in English Education. The data to be analyzed were collected from the observation and questionnaire from 40 participants of EC and the data analysis used Triangulation. The findings showed that all facilitators and participants get involved to opt, adjust and match the materials over steps and strategy. They opt for one of the programs following their interest and talent. Based on the questionnaire computation using SPSS, from the highest scale 5, the average of participants’ responses is 4,43 for improving their English vocabulary, 4,4 for improving their English speaking skills, 4,35 for improving their English grammar, 4,38 for affecting other academic courses, and 4,38 of dismissing their fear of making mistakes in using English vocabulary. In conclusion, EC using creative work is beneficial to use and it can be a booster and supplement to support participants’ English performance.

    The Effectiveness of Entrepreneurship Teaching Materials for Engineering Students at Faculty of Engineering of Universitas Negeri Semarang

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    This research aims to test the effectiveness of entrepreneurship teaching materials for students majoring on Family Wealth Education Department at Faculty of Engineering, Universtas Negeri Semarang. Entrepreneurship teaching materials were developed by researchers by using ADDIE model, and the research only focused on the effectiveness of entrepreneurship teaching materials. It was a quasi-experimental study with a before-after or one group pretest-posttest technique. The research was conducted for 4th semester students of Family Wealth Education Department who studied entrepreneurship subject. In the experimental group, students were taught by teaching materials which were developed by the references of entrepreneurship subject on Higher Education and also was adapted by the conditions of students. Data were collected by using test, questionnaires and learning observation sheets. To test the hypothesis, it used paired t-test analysis and gain-score testing to measure the effectiveness of teaching materials in supporting the Entrepreneurship subject at Family Wealth Education Department of Faculty of Engineering. Findings  show that the entrepreneurship teaching materials are effective and the results of other analysis show that students’ scores are increased from pre-test to post-test who were taught with Entrepreneurship teaching materials.</p

    Bimbingan pendekatan behavioral dalam pengembangan kreativitas menulis santri: Studi di Yayasan Pesantren Yatim Al-Kasyaf, Kecamatan Cibiru, Kota Bandung

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    Bimbingan adalah suatu hal yang sangat dibutuhkan oleh setiap manusia. Generasi muda Indonesia yang ketinggalan jauh dengan generasi bangsa lain dalam bidang literasi dibuktikan dengan hasil penelitian Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) tahun 2012 bahwa Indonesia menduduki peringkat kedua terburuk dari 65 negara di dunia. Yayasan Pesantren Yatim Al-Kasyaf memiliki program bimbingan dalam pengembangan kreativitas menulis dan public speaking untuk mengatatasi rendahnya budaya literasi di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses dan dinamika yang terjadi dalam kegiatan bimbingan pendekatan behavioral dalam pengembangan kreativitas menulis santri di Yayasan Pesantren Yatim Al-Kasyaf. Penelitian dilandaskan pada dasar pemikiran bahwa perilaku manusia adalah bentuk dari hasil belajar atas pengamatannya terhadap tingkah laku orang lain dan lingkungan (modelling). Teori yang di gunakan adalah teori bimbingan behavioral dari Albert Bandura (Yusuf dan Nuruihsan, 2004: 132) yaitu bahwa perilaku, kognitif, dan lingkungan dapat saling mempengaruhi (reciprocal determinism). Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Penelitian ini menggambarkan situasi dan kondisi sosial santri Al-Kasyaf. Adapun teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, dokumentasi, dan wawancara langsung dengan pengurus dan pembimbing Yayasan Pesantren Yatim Al-Kasyaf. Proses bimbingan behavioral dalam pengembangan kreativitas menulis santri dilakukan dengan teknik modelling (peniruan) dan dinamika yang terjadi selama proses bimbingan ditangani dengan penggunaan teknik terapi aversi (pemberian reward dan punishment) bagi para santri. Di kalangan santri menulis menjadi suatu kegiatan yang membudaya, setiap santri berhasil menciptakan karya tulis berupa satu buah buku dalam waktu satu bulan. Studi ini menyimpulkan bahwa bimbingan behavioral terbukti efektif dalam mengembangkan dan meningkatkan kreativitas literasi bagi para santri

    Kepuasan Pelanggan Terhadap Produk Bisnis Inkubator Program Studi Pkk Konsentrasi Tata Busana

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    Home Economics Incubator Bussiness was created as a result of a National Strategy research in 2013, created some products. The quality of the products will be known by asking to the costumer satisfaction. The aim of this research want to know how high the costumer satisfaction after used the products of Home Economic Incubator Business. By using survey method the research was conducted. The population and the samples of this research were all of the buyer who used the products. Data were collected by using Costumer Satisfaction Quetionary, and were analized by prosentase descriptive analyze. The result of this research shew that the costumers' satisfaction were very high (82 %). The suggestions were submitted: (1) Needs design product development, (2) Needs coordination of all faculty members, such as: dean, the chief of Home Economics study programs, lecturers, and students, (3) Needs a new work to promote the products

    Survival Analysis of Covid-19 Patients Based on Time of Recovery

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    Corona virus is a virus that can cause the respiratory tract to become infected, and this viral infection is called COVID-19. This virus spreads so fast that it has spread to several countries, including Indonesia. In Indonesia, COVID-19 was detected in early March, precisely on March 2, 2020. The uncertain increase in the number of COVID-19 patients will have an impact on society and the country. This condition is compounded by the high number of deaths due to the COVID-19 virus. Therefore, this study was conducted to analyze survival based on the healing rate of COVID-19 patients, in order to obtain information about the time period and the factors that cause a person with COVID-19 to survive. The method used in the survival analysis is the Kaplan-Meier test as a counter to the estimated recovery time of COVID-19 patients and the Log-Rank test to test for differences in the survival function of the recovery time of COVID-19 patients in the two groups. Kaplan-Meier and Log-Rank tests are part of the non-parametric method which is a statistical test that does not require any assumptions about the distribution of population data. The data used is data on COVID-19 patients at the Malahayati Hospital from January to May 31, 2021. The conclusion obtained is the survival function curve / length of time on the recovery rate of COVID-19 patients based on gender, age, and positive and suspected COVID-19 patients. with and without comorbidities. However, based on the Log-Rank test with = 0.05, it was concluded that there was no significant difference in the length of time for recovery of COVID-19 patients based on gender, age and positive patients and patients with suspected COVID-19 with comorbid and without comorbidities.Corona virus adalah virus yang dapat membuat saluran pernapasan mengalami infeksi, dan infeksi virus ini disebut dengan COVID-19. Virus ini menyebar dengan sangat cepat hingga telah menyebar ke beberapa negara, termasuk Indonesia. Di Indonesia, COVID-19 terdeteksi pada awal bulan Maret tepatnya pada 2 Maret 2020. Kota Medan memiliki jumlah terkonfirmasi positif COVID-19 terbanyak di Sumatera Utara yaitu 18.522 orang. Selain jumlah terkonfirmasi positif, di kota Medan juga tercatat angka kematian sebanyak 631 pasien dan menjadi kota dengan jumlah meninggal terbanyak di Provinsi Sumatera Utara. Kota Medan mencatat pasien yang sembuh dari COVID-19 adalah sebanyak 16.596 pasien. Peningkatan jumlah pasien COVID-19 yang tidak menentu akan berdampak bagi masyarakat dan Negara. Hingga peneliti melakukan penelitian dengan maksud untuk mencari fungsi survival/lama waktu pada laju kesembuhan pasien COVID-19 di salah satu rumah sakit kota Medan yaitu RSI Malahayati Medan. Tingginya angka kematian dikarenakan virus COVID-19 ini sangat berbahaya bagi masyarakat. Untuk itu dilakukan analisis survival pada waktu laju kesembuhan pasien COVID-19 di RSI Malahayati dengan uji Kaplan-Meier sebagai penghitung estimasi waktu sembuh pasien COVID-19 dan uji Log-Rank untuk menguji adanya perbedaan pada fungsi survival waktu sembuh pasien COVID-19 pada dua kelompok. Data yang digunakan adalah data pasien COVID-19 di RSI Malahayati sejak Januari sampai 31 Mei 2021. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh adalah kurva fungsi survival/lama waktu pada laju kesembuhan pasien COVID-19 berdasarkan jenis kelamin, usia, dan pasien positif serta suspect COVID-19 dengan komorbid dan tanpa komorbid. Namun berdasarkan uji Log-Rank dengan α=0.05, disimpulkan tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan pada lama waktu sembuh pasien COVID-19 berdasarkan jenis kelamin, usia dan pasien positif serta pasien suspect COVID-19 dengan komorbid dan tanpa komorbid

    Financial Literacy and Its Effect on Business Performance of Student-Driven Entrepreneurship in The Covid 19 Pandemic

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    The objective of this research is to empirically examine the role of financial literacy and its influence on business performance in the university entrepreneurial students. The research population is entrepreneurship students at Universitas Negeri Semarang (Unnes) with a total of 1215 SMEs with the sample being 105 respondents. The collected data were analyzed using a structural equation model based on Partial Least Squares. The analytical tool used is Smart PLS 3.0 software. The results found that several obstacles faced by student-operated SMEs were found lack of knowledge about business management, especially finance, lack of professional assistance, time allocation constraints that clashed with lectures and motivational constraints to always be consistent in entrepreneurship. The results of the study concluded that financial knowledge, financial attitudes and financial behavior each had a positive effect on the entrepreneurial business performance of student-operated SMEs. The results underscored the need for social support from the universities to boost financial entrepreneurship and financial literacy among entrepreneurial students. Keywords: business performance, entrepreneurial students, financial literacy, student organizations, SME


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    RUTILAHU is a program aimed at low-income people, who have homes that do not meet the standards to live in. With the intention that they can improve their living standards reasonably and have housing that meets the standards. This activity aims to improve social welfare for the poor and low-income communities. This study was conducted to determine the extent of RUTILAHU program implementation in Sukabumi, especially in Sukaraja District. This study uses descriptive research methods with a qualitative approach. Data validation in this study using triangulation methods and data analysis using interactive models. In analyzing the findings, this study uses the implementation theory of Van Meter and Van Horn which explains the success indicators of an implementation looking at Policy Size and objectives, resources, characteristics of implementing agents, communication between organizations, Economic, Social, and Political Conditions &amp; Tendency of the Executor/Implementor. The results showed that each variable of the policy implementation has been appropriate where the RUITLAHU program is appropriate target for low-income communities. In its implementation, there is cooperation between the government, private sector and other stakeholders, physical evidence of the proposal for the non-habitable House program is carried out in accordance with the Peraturan Bupati Nomor 33 Tahun 2021 and the existence of socialization between the government and the private sector and the community in this uninhabitable house program

    Penerapan Pembelajaran Blended Learning melalui Team Based Project

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    Based on the main work indicator or IKU 7, namely collaborative and participatory through the case method and team based project with a student-centred learning orientation. The Mathematics Education Study Program at IKIP Budi Utomo followed up on this by collaborating in PDK (Collaborative Online Learning) together with the University of Flores through a blended learning scheme. This scheme is based on project based learning which requires students to carry out a project as a team to achieve a solution to a problem. This research is qualitative research. The objects of this research are students of the Mathematics Education Study Program at IKIP Budi Utomo and Flores University who are taking Entrepreneurship courses in the odd semester of the 2023/2024 academic year. Determining the research object was carried out by means of purportive sampling. The instrument used in this research is the researcher as an observer or interviewer. The data collected came from interviews, observations and documentation through FGD (Focus Group Discussion). Team based project learning is carried out using blended learning using a learning managing system. Students receive an Entrepreneurship module in which there are assignments that students must complete. Entrepreneurship learning is carried out using blended learning because it is carried out collaboratively by IKIP Budi Utomo and the University of Flores which does not allow for offline lectures. This is done to create effective and efficient lectures. Based on the results of the research and discussion, it can be concluded that blended learning through team based projects can provide students with experience in being able to think critically, analytically and creatively in solving problems. The team based project approach used in entrepreneurship courses is able to increase student creativity in the business world. &nbsp
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