258 research outputs found
Gerakan Anti-Kolonialisme Menuju Indonesia Merdeka dalam Perspektif Smelserian
This paper aims to provide an overview of Indonesia's social, political and economic conditions at the beginning of the 20th century. Changes in the movement of history are marked by the emergence of political resistance and revolutionary movements, including the establishment of the Islamic nationalist movement represented by the Sarekat Islam, the radical nationalist movement represented by Indische Partij and Insulinde, and the Marxist Communist Party of the Dutch East Indies. This study uses a library study method to explain the constellation of the movement of anti-colonialism in the Smelserian perspective. This research shows that social movements in Indonesia at the beginning of the 20th century arose due to dissatisfaction with existing social structures. Indisce Partij, for example, dared to declare itself a political party for all ethnic groups in Indonesia and collaborated with Sarikat Islam which was a large Islamic organization at that time. Likewise with the emergence of the communist movement which was initially brought in by a handful of Dutch people, it began to dare to voice its demands more radically in opposing Dutch imperialism and capitalism in Indonesia. This is the embryos of political resistance which color the constellation of the history of the Indonesian people towards their ideals of independence
The Development of Business Strategy and Business Model of Sushi Haikara
The growth of food and beverage industry in Indonesia is rampant. It can be seen from the growth in the culinary industry with a number of people who engaged in this industry and sell any kind of foods. One kind of food which is grown today is Japanese food, especially sushi. The numbers of sushi's outlets that offer sushi with high prices without focusing on quality encourage the emergence of sushi's outlets that offer medium prices without neglecting the quality of sushi. By looking at these opportunities, Sushi Haikara tries to offer sushi with medium price and high quality. As a start-up business, Sushi Haikara faces some issues as well as challenge in operating the business. It still does not have strong brand awareness and business model yet to focus on its position, concept, and make its brand well-known to the public; as well as develops strategy for the future. This final project focuses on improving business strategy for Sushi Haikara using three business strategies in order to solve the issues and challenge, as well as prepare development strategy for the future of this business. In order to be able to develop the business, Haikara should improve and strengthening its brand, so that public know the presence of this brand, by improving products (both in quality and taste), services, employees, and all aspects which are needed for supporting the business. After focusing on strengthening its brand, Haikara could continue the planning of business development, one of those is by opening branch in other areas. Those strategies as the solutions should be balanced with good implementation, which needs to be applied systematically. It is divided into short-term and long-term plan. The aspects that should be considered for implementation, consists of human resources, marketing and promotion, operational, and financial. Those aspects are very crucial for the business process and need to be improved in order to survive in the industry and develop its business
Makrozoobenthos sebagai Bioindikator Kualitas Air Sungai di Sub DAS Ciliwung Hulu
Macrozoobenthos has a relatively sedentary nature and the very limited movement which will directly affected in the event of changes in water quality, therefore markozoobenthos often used as bio-indicators of water quality. This research was conducted form March to June 2015 in the Ciseuseupan sub watershed, Cisukabirus sub watershed and Cisuren sub watershed with the purpose of determining level of water quality and influence of land-use on the quality water by using macrozoobenthos community structure. Biological indices were used to analyze the macrozoobenthos are FBI and SIGNAL2. FBI values in the Ciseseupan sub watershed are 5,02 with criteria the quality of water moderate, in Cisukabirus sub watershed are 3,96 with criteria the quality of water very good and in Cisuren sub watershed 4,37 with criteria the quality of water good. Extensive use of forest land larger than the residential land use in Cisukabirus sub watershed were the major factor in the high quality in the sub watershe
Fakor Determinan Yang Memengaruhi Budaya Keselamatan Pasien Di RS Pemerintah Kabupaten Kuningan
Safety culture is a key to support the achievement of occupational health and safety in an organization. An effort to build safety culture is the first step in ensuring patient safety. There are some factors that contribute in the development of safety culture, namely, individual and organizational attitude, leadership, team work, communication, and work load. This study aimed to identify the determinant factors that are related to achievement of patient safety culture in a government-owned hospital in Kuningan Regency. Eighty eight samples of nurses were recruited using incidental sampling technique. The research design was using cross sectional study, the hypothesis testing were using Chi Square and multiple logistic regression. The results showed that there were significant influenced between perception towards management (p= 0.0005, odd rasio 21.3), team work support (p= 0.0005, odd rasio 13.34), work-related stress (p= 0.006, odd rasio 3.94), work satisfaction (p= 0. 002) with patient safety culture. There was not significant influenced between work condition and patient safety (p= 0.507). The multivariate analysis showed that perception towards management was the determinant factor for patient safety culture (p 0.000 < α 0.05). In conclusion, leaders have significant influence in creating patient safety culture. Leaders have authority to implement systems in the organization. Therefore, leadership style, communication technique, and managerial ability are important in order to create a conducive atmosphere for developing patient safety culture. As recommendation, transformational leadership is a model that is appropriate to be applied in order to increase patient safety culture, trainings of effective communication and inter-professional education model are also needed to increase the collaboration skills among health professionals
Peningkatan Kemampuan Siswa Menyelesaikan Soal Matematika Berbahasa Inggris Menggunakan Lembar Kerja Siswa Bilingual Di Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 1 Muara Enim
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan siswa menyelesaikansoal matematika berbahasa Inggris melalui penggunaan LKS Bilingual dalampembelajaran matematika di kelas X-C SMA Negeri 1 Muara Enim. Penelitian inimenggunakan desain penelitian tindakan kelas. Pembuatan instrumen penelitianmenggunakan konsep penelitian pengembangan, sampai dengan tahap smallgroup, serta desain Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X.C SMA Negerin 1Muara Enim, berjumlah 34 orang. Pengumpulan data penelitian menggunakanmetode walk through, tes hasil belajar, observasi, dokumentasi, dan angket.Analisis data penelitian menggunakan teknik analisis deskriptif. Khusus untuksoal tes digunakan analisis validitas dan reliabilitas soal tes. Berdasarkan hasilpenelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan LKS Bilingual dalampembelajaran matematika di kelas X-C SMA Negeri 1 Muara Enim dapatmeningkatkan kemampuan siswa menyelesaikan soal matematika berbahasaInggris. Indikator keberhasilan dalam penelitian ini adalah meningkatnyakemampuan siswa Kelas X-C SMA Negeri 1 Muara Enim dalam menyelesaikansoal matematika berbahasa Inggris dengan pencapaian kriteria ketuntasan minimal(KKM) mata pelajaran matematika sebesar 75% oleh sekurang-kurangnya 80%siswa tercapai. Banyaknya siswa yang mencapai KKM di atas, pada siklus Isebanyak 79% dan pada siklus II sebanyak 88%. Penulis menyarankan beberapahal, yaitu: 1) LKS Bilingual kiranya dapat dijadikan sebagai salah satu sumberbelajar yang dapat memberikan siswa kesempatan untuk mengkonstruksi sendiripengetahuannya, dan 2) para guru matematika, ataupun guru mata pelajaran lain,dapat menggunakan atau mengembangkan LKS Bilingual ini dalam kegiatanpembelajaran pada mata pelajaran masing-masing dan dapat menjadikannyasebagai motivasi untuk mengembangkan profesinya
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