10 research outputs found

    Perhitungan Kebutuhan Air Bersih dan Perencanaan Kebutuhan Infrastruktur Perpipaan PDAM di Kel Sako, Sako Baru, Sialang dan Sukamaju Kec. Sako Kota Palembang

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    The service of clean water in urban areas is very important to be given special attention. PDAM Tirta Musi The Sako Kenten Service Unit serves 4 sub-districts in Sako sub-district, including Sako, Sako Baru, Sialang, and Sukamaju. As the area grows, the population also increases. It is estimated that in 2029 the total population in Sako sub-district will reach 106,273 people. Meanwhile, for now the population which only reaches 93,326 people, it is felt that there is a shortage of clean water supply from PDAM. Based on the results of surveys and interviews, information was obtained that the availability of clean water from PDAM in the Sako area is only 6,000 liters per month on average. This is not enough for the population. It becomes a big task for PDAM Tirta Musi to prepare it by building an adequate pipeline network. Another problem is the existing piping system does not support the flow with such a large discharge, so it requires a network using the latest material, namely using HDPE pipes. The use of this material was chosen because HDPE does not require much connection and the pipe is stronger than PVC pipe. After carrying out the survey and calculation of the RAB, it was found that the need for a new network system reached Rp. 53,756,600,000, - in order to meet service standards for 80% of the population in Sako District. Keywords : PDAM Tirta Musi, Projection of water demand, Pipeline Network Budget Pla


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    Sanitation is one of the basic services that often get less attention. Poor sanitation conditions affect the declining quality of the environment. Kelurahan 11 Ulu - Palembang is a densely populated area located on the banks of the Musi River and heavily affected by the tides of the Musi River. The purpose of this research is to identify the existing condition of community sanitation, to make prototype of sanitation facilities in the form of MCK and septic that best suits the existing condition, calculate the estimated cost of construction, and the willingness and ability of the community to build according to the prototype Based on the analysis of the survey results, the existing condition, and the wishes of the respondents, the sanitation system in each MCK is the most suitable and with the waste handling technique using the Tripikon-S installation. The S-Tripic-installation is 3 (three) septic pipes each with different sizes concentrically installed, mounted perpendicularly. Intake PipeÆ different according to the number of residents in each home. There are 4 types of prototypes that match the conditions in this environment, ie Tripikon-S without closet, Tripikon-S with closet, wooden toil with Tripikon-S, and Stone-to-Tripokon with S-Tripic. Cost Type 1 - Tripic-S Installation (No Closet) for capacity 1 - 5 soul with ÆEstimated cost of tripikon with 10”: Rp.2.567.000, for capacity  6 – 10 people  with Æ pipe 14”: Rp.3.137.000, for cpacity  11 – 20 people with Æ Pipa 17” & 20”/asphalt thin: Rp.4.454.500. The costs for type 2 are : - Tripikon-S instalation (with Closet), for capacity 1 – 5 people with Æ Pipe 10”: Rp.2.732.000,for capacity 6 – 10 people with Æ Pipe 14”: Rp.3.302.000,for capacity 11 – 20 people with Æ Pipe 17” & 20”/asphalt drum: Rp.4.619.500. The costs for type 3 are - MCK wood with Tripikon-S instalation , with MCK made from wood (1,20 x 1,75 M): Rp. 2.000.000, added with Tripikon–S. For type 4 costs are  - - MCK made by wood with Tripikon-S installation , added with MCK made from brick stone (2 x 1,5 M); Rp. 5.200.000, with Tripikon–S installation.Key Words : Riverfront Sanitation, Tripikon – S, WC made from brick stone, Wcmade by woo


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    To improve clean water distribution services in an area, several steps must be considered. This step is to calculate the available water supply, then calculate the projected population growth until the end of the planning year and calculate the need for clean water in Kertapati District. PDAM Tirta Musi, especially the Kertapati booster which is in the service area opposite Ulu 1, is the agency responsible for providing clean water for residents in the service area of Kertapati District. However, currently PDAM services are still 50.87% of the total population of Kertapati District. After conducting the research, the results of the water supply received from the Ogan IPA were 90.47 liters / second or 7,816 m3 / day, when compared to the supply needed to serve the community's clean water needs in the Kertapati Booster service area in 2018 plus a number leakage of 89.54 liters / second or 7,736 m3 / day. With a service level of 50.87% of the population. Meanwhile, the water supply that must be provided to serve all the water needs of the people of Kertapati District is 176.01 liters / second or 15,207 m3 / day and at the end of the planning year it is 235.73 liters / sec or 20,367 m3 / day. It can be concluded that for the projection in 2027 the available water supply will not be able to serve daily water needs for 24 hour


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    The need for raw water for a variety of clean water, needs for households, public places and industries will continue to increase in line with the speed of development in various sectors and fields, as well as the ever-increasing population. On the other hand, the amount of raw water supply and infrastructure available today is still relatively limited, so it has not been able to meet all these needs, especially during the dry season. This, if left unchecked, will have a negative impact on the welfare and health of the community and its environment. Dempo sub-district is located in Pagaralam city, is a developing area that needs raw water to meet the needs in the region. Based on the above circumstances, and to meet / meet the needs of clean water Dempo Tengah city Pagaralam, the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing plans to build a means of providing raw water Dempo Tengah city Pagaralam. But whether the development will be feasible or not, then the study of clean water needs analysis for the community in 2 districts, namely Dempo Tengah and Kota PagaralamKeywords : Feasibility, raw water, developmen

    Aplikasi Program Plaxis 2D untuk Menghitung Safety Factor Perkuatan Tebing Sungai Sekanak Sepanjang 240m dengan Menggunakan Sheet Pile

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    Dinding penahan tanah adalah sebuah struktur yang didesain dan dibangun untuk menahan tekanan lateral tanah ketika terdapat perubahan dalam elevasi tanah yang melampaui sudut geser dalam tanah. Untuk mendapatkan solusi yang optimal dari masalah tersebut diperlukan analisis yang tepat dalam perkuatan lereng. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan perkuatan lereng alternatif dengan menggunakan perkuatan sheet pile atau perkuatan geogrid, Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui nilai Safety Faktor (SF). Penelitian ini menggunakan pemodelan dengan program Plaxis 2D. Pemodelan dilakukan untuk mendapatkan nilai faktor keamanan pada lereng alami, Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa perkuatan geogrid dan sheet pile dapat meningkatkan nilai faktor keamanan lereng. Pemodelan sheet pile memiliki nilai faktor keamanan terbesar untuk setiap lereng sebesar 1,831  untuk alternatif 1 dan 1,934. untuk untuk alternatif 2. Nilai yang di dapat pada alternatif 1 dan 2 memenuhi syarat perkuatan tebing.

    Analisa Pemetaan dan Swot untuk Rencana Pembangunan Kawasan Pasar Ikan Modern di Kecamatan Muara Beliti, Purwodadi dan Tugumulyo

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    Abstract Musi Rawas Regency is the largest fish producer in South Sumatra Province. Based on the Musi Rawas regency RTRW, there are 3 sub-districts that can be developed into integrated fisheries areas, namely Muara Beliti, Tugumulyo, and Purwodadi. According to a mapping survey, SWOT analysis and technical analysis of the three sub-district locations were held found that Muara Beliti  the location was still quiet from the population and far from the fishery center. But technically, the location that has been prepared, and it is very suitable with the RTRW of Musi Rawas Regency. There are already general facilities, has a hard soil structure, and the area of land that can be used is around 5.7 Hectare. The location of Purwodadi is in the middle of the city and on the edge of a big road. However, at this location there is a public market, and most of the land plans that will be used for the development of the community-owned land. The land area is around 1.9 Ha, so it is feared that it will create new problems if it is to be developed in the future.Tthe location in Tugumulyo area is located on inter-provincial road which is located in the middle of the sub-district, near the community housing, the planned land area is around 3.2 Ha, and there are drainage network on the edge and around the area. So, The most suitable for the development of the minnbisnis area in Musi Rawas Regency is in Tugumulyo.Keywords : Minapolitan Area, Mapping Survey, SWOT Analysis Abstrak Kabupaten Musi Rawas adalah penghasil ikan terbesar di Provinsi Sumatera Selatan. Oleh karena itu kawasan minapolitan sangat bagus untuk dikembangkan di kabupaten ini. Berdasarkan RTRW Kabupaten Musi Rawas, ada 3 kecamatan yang bisa dikembangkan menjadi kawasan perikanan terpadu, yaitu Muara Beliti, Tugumulyo, dan Purwodadi. Menurut survei pemetaan, analisis SWOT dan analisis teknis dari tiga lokasi kecamatan yang telah dilaksanakan didapatkan bahwa kecamatan Muara Beliti lokasinya masih sepi dari penduduk dan jauh dari pusat perikanan. Namun secara teknis, lokasi di Kecamatan ini memang disiapkan untuk pengembangan, dan sangat sesuai dengan RTRW Kabupaten Musi Rawas. Sudah ada fasilitas umum, memiliki struktur tanah yang keras, dan luas lahan yang bisa digunakan adalah sekitar 5,7 Hektar. Untuk kecamatan Purwodadi, lokasinya di tengah kota dan di pinggir jalan besar. Namun, di lokasi ini ada pasar umum, dan sebagian besar rencana lahan yang akan digunakan untuk pengembangan lahan milik masyarakat. Luas lahan sekitar 1,9 Ha, sehingga dikhawatirkan akan menciptakan masalah baru jika ingin dikembangkan di masa depan. Sedangkan di Kecamatan Tugumulyo, lokasi untuk pengembangan daerah minabisnis terletak di sisi jalan besar (jalan antar provinsi) yang terletak di tengah kecamatan, tanahnya terletak di lokasi yang berlawanan dengan masyarakat. perumahan, luas lahan yang direncanakan adalah sekitar 3,2 Ha, dan ada jaringan drainase di tepi dan di sekitar area. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa lokasi yang paling cocok untuk pengembangan kawasan minabisnis di Kabupaten Musi Rawas berada di lokasi di Kecamatan Tugumulyo.Kata kunci : Area Minapolitan, Survey Pemetaan, Analisa SWO

    Pengujian dan Analisa Pilihan Jenis Pasir Terbaik dari Desa Payo, Desa kebur, dan Desa Gunung Agung Kabupaten Lahat Melalui Pengujian Kuat Tekan Beton Mutu K-250

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    One of the constituents of concrete is sand. Good sand for concrete material is one that has a certain size, sharpness and sharpness so that it can bind to each other. South Sumatra, where every city and district is traversed by major rivers, of course has an abundant and sufficient supply of sand material to fulfill development in the South Sumatra region. One of the largest sand-producing areas in the South Sumatra region is the one from Lahat Regency. Sand from Lahat Regency comes from the Lematang River. All locations in the Regency are traversed by the Lematang River, one of which is the West Merapi District. West Merapi District is one of the suppliers of sand for the surrounding districts, including the city of Palembang. Unlike the sand from Ogan Ilir, the sand from West Merapi is more famous for its quality. For this reason, the author is interested in raising local wealth in this West Merapi District. There are 3 largest sand-producing villages in the West Merapi area, namely Kebur Village, Payo Village and Gunung Kembang Village. The author took 3 samples of sand from the three villages in order to know which village was the best. Based on the results of testing in the laboratory, it was found that the concrete product with sand from Payo village is the best, because it has a compressive strength above 260 kg/cm2. Keywords : Local materials, K-250 Quality Concrete, sand, Desa Payo, Desa Kebur, Desa Gunung Kembang

    Public-private partnerships scheme of pioneer train case study in South Sumatera area

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    Pioneer trains in Indonesia have been fully funded by the government. The construction needs a lot of funding that would burden the state budget. One of the alternatives is the public-private partnership scheme. This study aims to analyze the most effective unbundling scenario for financing and maintaining the Indralaya-Tanjung Senai train. The life cycle costs and conducting sensitivity analysis according to applicable regulations. The scenarios are based on ticket price increases and government support for the operation and maintenance (O&M) for this pioneer train route, calculated net present value (NPV) and internal rate of return (IRR) value. Scenario 1 assumes that tickets do not receive subsidies; private companies are responsible for O&M costs. Scenario 2 assumes that ticket prices are set by private companies; the government is responsible for procurement and maintenance costs. Scenario 3 assumes that the government provides subsidies of IDR 10,000 per passenger as well as railway infrastructure; private companies bear the cost of procuring railbuses and operational expenses. Based on calculations with Scenario 1 NPV is IDR 0.73 billion; with Scenario 2 is IDR 4.64 billion and with Scenario 3 is IDR (–)1.34 billion. The analysis shows that increasing passenger fares according to price raises and inflation rates, and subsidies from governments for maintenance costs will make this railroad project financially feasible

    Penggunaan Foam Agent Pada Beton Untuk Pembuatan Beton Ringan

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    Stabilitas dan level penurunan pada jalan yang menggunakan timbunan di atas tanah lunak akan bergantung pada berat timbunan. Tanah yang lunak akan sulit untuk menahan beban timbunan sehingga sering terjadi penurunan level tanah. Hal ini dapat merusak struktur bangunan di atas tanah timbunan tersebut. Salah satu solusi yang dapat dilakukan adalah dengan menimbun menggunakan material ringan sehingga dapat mengurangi berat timbunan dan mengurangi  tengangan pada tanah timbunan. Hal ini akan berdampak pada penurunan tanah dan membuat tanah menjadi lebih stabil. Salah satu jenis material ringan yang sesuai persyaratan dan dapat menjadi solusi adalah dengan menggunakan beton yang telah ditambahkan foam agent.  Foam Agent sendiri merupakan zat kimia yang mengandung sufaktan yang berguna untuk membentuk gelembung udara pada permukaan sehingga dapat menurunkan tegangan permukaan suatu zat. Dengan penambahan foam agent diharapkan mampu membuat suatu beton dengan kekuatan yang baik, dan ramah lingkungan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui nilai density dan kuat tekan pada beton penambahan 0%,15%,20%,dan25% dari jumlah air. Sampel pengujian yang digunakan adalah kubus berbentuk 15cmx15cmx15 cm sebanyak 9 benda uji pada setiap variasi. Untuk mengetahui nilai density dan kuat tekan beton dilakukan pengujian selama 28 hari. Pada beton normal memiliki nilai density 2,19 kg, beton campuran 15% bernilai 1,66 kg, beton campuran 20% bernilai 1,07 kg, beton campuran 25% memiliki bernilai 0,77 kg. Nilai kuat tekan beton memiliki nilai kuat tekan pada beton normal (0%) 351,3 kg/cm2. beton campuran (15%) 65,7 kg/cm2, beton campuran (20%) 28,0 kg/cm2, beton campuran (25%) 0 kg/cm2


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    The increasing population growth, the more vehicle users. This makes the government also have toimprove transportation services. One way is to improve the quality of asphalt in order to meet its servicelife. But the problem that is happening at this time is the difficulty of getting rock ash filler where in therules it is stated that fine aggregate (fly ash) must pass sieve no. 200 under 10%. This research mixed flyash as much as 1%, 2%, and 3%. The results of the study are the addition of fly ash from burning coalash as a filler for combustion residue from the Tanjung Enim PLTU for Asphalt Concrete WearingCourse (AC WC) asphalt mixture, the best results were obtained on a 2% mixture with the followingvalues: Stability value of 1240, 253 kg, VIM (Void In Mix) Value of 4.233%, VMA (Void in MineralAggregate) Value of 16.139%, VFB (Void Filled Bitumen) Value of 73.782%, Flow (melting) Value of3.63 mm and Marshall Quotient obtained at 329.280 kg/mm