79 research outputs found

    Inventory of Beekeeping in the Algerian north (Tizi-ouzou and Bejaia)

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    The objective of this study is to make an inventory of the honey production in the counties of Bejaia and Tizi-Ouzou in northeastern Algeria. To achieve this, a survey was carried out on 31 beekeepers (14 in Bejaia and 17 in Tizi-Ouzou). The survey shows a social, cultural and religious role for 61.29% of the beekeepers. The beekeeping is primarily held by men (93.55%). It is the basic source of income for 64.52% of the respondents. The average age of the beekeepers is 42.90years (Min-Max: 28-67 years, Median: 40.5 years). The main products of the hive are honey (100%), swarms (16.13%), royal jelly (9.68%) and propolis (9.68%). The average honey production per hive is 7.70kg (Min-Max: 0.4-15kg hives, Median: 10kg). The average number of hives per beekeeper is 42.20 hives (Min-Max: 3-300 hives, Median: 17.50 hives). The average selling price of one kg of honey is 4000.00 DA / kg (Min-Max: 2000-5000DA; Median: 4000DA). The phenotype of the bee reported by 74.19% of the surveys is of small size with a long body and dark pigmentation corresponding to the breed “Apis mellifera intermissa”. Two apiculturists described another phenotype corresponding to the “Apis mellifera major”. The factors behind the motivations for beekeeping are consumption of honey (100%), income generation (90.32%), hobby (58.06%) and conservation of biodiversity (22.58%). The multiple constraints associated with several diseases, notably Varroase (mentioned by 80.65% of beekeepers), cause difficulties for the breeders. Thus they cannot profit maximum from beekeeping. Other constraints which were reported are; forest fires (35.48%), wasps (32.26%), absence of beekeeping professionals or technicians (29.03%), harsh and cold winters with snow (19.35%), high density of hives in the region (16.13%) and uncontrolled spreading of pesticides and crop protection products at farms (12.90%). The economic situation of the Algerian beekeepers can be optimized by improving the production potential of the local bees

    Potpomognuta oplodnja Clarias gariepinus Burchell, 1822.

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    The objective of this work was to set up an experimental protocol concerning artificial reproduction in the catfish Clarias gariepinus with the induction of spawning using GnRH. The experiment was carried out at an aquaculture farm in Khemis Meliana (Ain Defla), Algeria. In the study, five African catfish broodstock (3 females and 2 males) were used. Hormonal injection was made into the back muscle below the fin, and doses of GnRH were determined according to the weight of each individual. Fertilisation was performed artificially using the dry method. After incubating the eggs, a binocular magnifying glass was used to check egg condition and embryonic development over time. The results obtained show that artificial insemination of this species, and survival and growth of larvae, are possible. After injection with GnRH, C. gariepinus females displayed successful ovulation, fertilisation, larval hatching, and larval monitoring. For this species, a latency period of 22 hours was recorded, and approximately 35,700 larvae were obtained. The fertilization rate was 48%. At the end of this experiment, we can conclude that it is possible to improve reproduction through the proper use of hormonal stimulation techniques and by improving the diet and abiotic factors that are dominant in fish farming.Cilj je ovog rada bio uspostaviti eksperimentalni protokol u svezi potpomognute oplodnje soma Clarias gariepinus s induciranjem mriještenja pomoću GnRH. U tu smo svrhu proveli studiju na akvakulturnoj farmi u Khemis Meliana (Ain Defla), u Alžiru. U radu smo koristili pet jedinki afričkog soma iz matičnog jata, 3 ženke i 2 mužjaka. Hormonske injekcije ubrizgane su u leđni mišić, ispod peraje. GnRH doze određene su ovisno o težini svakog roditelja. Oplodnja je obavljena umjetno, suhom metodom. Tijekom vremena, za provjeru stanja jajašaca i razvoja embrija nakon inkubiranja jajašaca, rabljeno je binokularno povećalo. Dobiveni rezultati pokazali su da je potpomognta oplodnja ove vrste moguća, kao i preživljavanje i rast ličinki. Naime, nakon ubrizgavanja GnRH, ženke C. gariepinus pokazale su uspješnu ovulaciju, oplodnju, rast ličinki, kao i njihovo praćenje. Za ovu vrstu, zabilježeno je vrijeme latencije od 22 sata uz dobivanje oko 35700 ličinki vrste Clarias. Stopa oplodnje iznosila je 48%. Na kraju ovog eksperimenta možemo zaključiti da je moguće poboljšati reprodukciju ispravnom primjenom tehnika hormonalne stimulacije i poboljšanjem prehrane te abiotičkih čimbenika koji prevladavaju u uzgoju ribe

    Prevalence of Subclinical Mastitis in the Local Goats in the Province of Laghouat (ALGERIA)

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    Subclinical mastitis is a disease of the udder that passes mostly unnoticed. Or several germs associated with it and their presence in milk constitutes a major risk to consumer health. Our study aims to determine the prevalence of subclinical mastitis in local goats in Laghouat region (Algeria). We undertook a study based on the detection of sub-clinical mastitis by Califirnian Mastitis Test (CMT) in 60 goats aged 1 to 9 years and weighing 18 to 45 kg of live weight and whose lactation number varies from 2 to 8. We found a prevalence of subclinical mastitis reaching 46.6%. A clearly significant difference (P <0.05) is reported on this prevalence compared to age. The highest rate is recorded especially in goats aged between 3 to 7 years with 62% of detected subclinical mastitis, followed by the older goats (over 7 years) with a prevalence of 27%, and at the end the youngest goats (1-3 years) with a prevalence of 11%. A significant difference was also recorded between the different lactation ranks (P <0.05). The goats having the highest rank of lactation were most affected by subclinical mastitis. Prevalence of 46%, 31%, 11% and 8% respectively are found for the 6th rank of lactation and more, 4 lactations, 5 lactations and 1 lactation. We noticed that the majority of diagnosed mastitis were caused by poor hygiene conditions. This study allows us to conclude that there is a high prevalence of subclinical mastitis in the local goats in the province of Laghouat (Algeria)

    Umjetno osjemenjivanje šarana (Cyprinus carpio)

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    The aim of this study was to establish an experimental protocol for the artificial reproduction of royal carp ‘Cyprinus carpio’ with the hormonal induction of spawning. For this purpose, we conducted this study at an aquaculture farm in Khemis Meliana (Ain Defla, Algeria). The study included six royal carp broodstock, 4 females and 2 males. Hormone injection was performed in the dorsal muscle under the fin. The induction of carp was done successively in females by GnRH at a dose of 3 mg/kg and in males by hCG at a dose of 500 IU per kg weight. Fertilisation was done artificially by the dry method. After incubation of eggs, a binocular magnifying glass was used to check the condition of eggs and the development of the embryos over time. The results obtained show that the artificial reproduction of this species was possible, with success of ovulation and fertilisation, and hatching and growth of the larvae. Stripping was done after 24 h of hormonal stimulation at a temperature of 21°C. Disaggregation of eggs was performed efficiently with whole milk. The total number of eggs was 552,000 eggs with a weight of 1104 g. The average latency time was 22 hours. The hatching rate after 3 days of incubation on artificial spawning grounds at 21±1°C was 441,600 larvae (80%). Larvae food follow-up started from the 3rd day post-hatching with a combination natural food (rotifers) and artificial food. At the end of this experiment, we can conclude that it is possible to improve reproduction through the proper use of hormonal stimulation techniques and by improving feeding and abiotic factors that are dominant in fish farming.Cilj je ovoga bio rada utvrditi eksperimentalni protokol u svezi umjetnog osjemenjivanja šarana ‘Cyprinus carpio’ s hormonalnom indukcijom mriještenja. U tu smo svrhu proveli studiju na akvakulturnoj farmi u Khemis Meliana (Ain Defla, Alžir). U ovom smo radu koristili šest šarana iz matičnog jata: 4 ženke i 2 mužjaka. Hormonalne injekcije dane su u dorzalni mišić ispod peraja. Indukcija šarana u ženki obavljena je sukcesivno putem GnRH pri dozi od 3 mg/ kg i mužjaka dozom hCG po stopi od 500 IU po kg mase. Oplodnja je obavljena umjetno, suhom metodom. Nakon inkubacije jajašaca za provjeru stanja jajašaca i razvoja embrija tijekom vremena rabljeno je binokularno povećalo. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da je umjetno osjemenjivanje ove vrste moguće, kao i preživljavanje i rast ličinki s uspješnom ovulacijom, oplodnjom i izlijeganjem ličinki. Prikupljanje zametnih stanica obavljeno je nakon 24 sata od hormonalne stimulacije na temperaturi od 21 °C. Deagregacija jajašaca učinkovito je obavljena pomoću punomasnog mlijeka. Ukupni broj jajašaca bio je 552,000 jajašaca s masom od 1104 g. Prosječno vrijeme latencije bilo je 22 sata. Postotak izlijeganja nakon 3 dana inkubacije na umjetnoj podlozi za mriještenje na temperaturi od 21 °C +/- 1 bio je 441,600 ličinki (80 %). Naknadna hranidba ličinki započela je trećeg dana od izlijeganja s diversifikacijom između prirodne hrane na bazi rotifera i umjetne hrane. Na kraju pokusa, možemo zaključiti da je moguće ispravnom uporabom tehnika hormonalne stimulacije i poboljšanjem hranidbe i abiotičkih čimbenika koji su dominantni u uzgoju ribe poboljšati reprodukciju


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    The region of Ksar el Boukhari is an important site for sheep farming in the high plateaus of central Algeria, the main product of which is the lamb. However, the prevalence of neonatal mortality has been scarcely studied. A longitudinal study involving ten veterinary facilities in the region provided us with a detailed description on 171 cases of dystocia, including bad presentations (39%), cervical atony/non-dilation of the cervix (19%), (true) cervical atresia (10%), and uterine torsion (8%). Twenty-nine percent of the cases of dystocia were presented at the veterinary facilities on the same day. Manual relief was provided in 62% of the cases. The remaining cases were relieved surgically

    Ciste jajnika u goveda: pregledni članak

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    Ovarian cysts (OC) are one of the major factors affecting the fertility of dairy cattle due to their negative effects on reproductive performances, causing great economic losses. They have been traditionally defined as anovulatory follicular structures with a diameter exceeding 20 or 25 mm, lasting at least 10 days on the ovary in the absence of a functional corpus luteum. However, in recent years, the development of ovarian ultrasound and hormonal assays, particularly progesterone (P4), have provided additional information, thus changing the definition of this disease. These methods were proposed as the most effective combination for the diagnosis of OC. Treatments are primarily based on the use of different hormones or hormonal associations. Particularly, the standard treatment is GnRH. PGF2α is very effective in the case of luteal cyst. However, treatment failures observed with commonly administered hormones require the use of second-line treatments. Therefore, the Ovsynch protocol and progestogen appear to be a possible alternative in OC treatment. In order to prevent OC formation and to reduce OC incidence, strategies should focus on reducing diseases and stress and optimizing food intake during dry-off and post-partum (PP) periods. Medical prevention has been proposed with the same substances commonly used in treatment (GnRH, PGF2α).Ciste jajnika (OC) jedan su od glavnih čimbenika koji utječe na plodnost mliječne stoke uslijed njihovih negativnih učinka na reproduktivne pokozatelje, prouzročeći velike ekonomske gubike. Tradicionalno se definiraju kao anovulatorne folikularne strukture promjera većeg od 20-25 mm koje perzistiraju najmanje 10 dana na jajniku u izostanku funkcionalnog žutog tijela. Međutim, posljednjih godina, uporaba ultrazvuka u dijagnostici stanja jajnika, kao i hormonskih testova, posebice progesteronskih (P4), osigurao je dodatne informacije, mijenjajujući time definiciju ove bolesti. Ove metode predložene su kao najučinkovitija dijagnostička kombinacija za dijagnozu OCa. Glavne terapije baziraju se na uporabi različitih hormona ili njihovoj kombinaciji. Standardno liječenje posebice predstavlja uporaba GnRH. U slučaju luteinskih cista PGF2α je vrlo učinkovit. Međutim, neuspjesi liječenja zamijećeni s uobičajeno primijenjenim hormonima zahtijevaju drugu i drugačiju metodu liječenja. Stoga se Ovsynch protokol i gestageni čine kao moguća alternativa u liječenju OC-a. Kako bi se spriječilo formiranje OC-a i smanjila incidencija OC-a, strategije je potrebno usredotočiti na smanjenje bolesti i stresa i optimizaciju unosa hrane tijekom suhostaja i razdoblja nakon teljenja (PP). Predložena je medicinska prevencija s istim molekulama koje se uobičajeno rabe u liječenju(GnRH, PGF2α)

    Gastrointestinalni paraziti deva na jugu Alžira

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    This study aimed to identify gastrointestinal parasites in camels (Camelus dromaderius) in the Laghouat region (southern Algeria). The study was carried out over a 5-month period on a total of 100 dromedaries. Dung samples were analysed using different methods such as flotation, sedimentation, and Ziehel-Neelsen staining for research of the cryptosporidiosis. Data showed an overall infestation rate of 78%, with the presence of the following parasites: Cryptosporidium spp. (60%), Nematodes: Nematodirus spp. (23%), Strongyloides spp. (4%), Marshallagia spp. (2%), and Cooperia spp. (3%), different protozoaires: Eimeria spp. (20%), Neobalantidium spp. (2%), and Balantidium coli, cestodes (6%), Moniezia spp. (3%), Multicips spp. (2%), Diphillobothrium spp. (1%), and trematodes: Fasciola hépatica (4%) and Paramphistomum spp. (1%). The results showed a significant influence of study site on the parasitic infestation rate (P=0.039). Other factors (sex, age and clinical aspect) had no significant influence. To conclude, gastrointestinal parasites are a major problem of indigenous camels under traditional husbandry. Therefore, parasite control programmes are recommended to increase the productivity of this useful animal.Ova je studija imala za cilj identificirati gastrointestinalne parazite deva (Camelus dromaderius) u regiji Laghouat na jugu Alžira. Istraživanje je provedeno tijekom razdoblja od 5 mjeseci na 100 jednogrbih deva. Uzorci su analizirani koproskopijom uporabom različitih metoda: flotacije, sedimentacije i Ziehel-Neelsen bojenja za pretragu kriptosporida. Podatci su pokazali sveukupnu stopu infestacije od 78 %. Ova je studija otkrila prisutnost sljedećih parazita: Cryptosporidium spp. (60 %), oblića: Nematodirus spp. (23 %), Strongyloides spp. (4 %), Marshallagia spp. (2 %), i Cooperia spp. (3 %), različitih protozoa: Eimeria spp. (20 %), Neobalantidium spp. (2 %), i Balantidium coli. Ostali paraziti zamijećeni u ovom radu su: trakavice (6 %), Moniezia spp. (3 %), Multiceps spp. (2 %), Diphillobothrium sp. (1 %), metilji: Fasciola hépatica (4 %), Paramphistomum spp. (1 %). Rezultati su pokazali značajan utjecaj lokacije studije na stopu infestacije parazitima (P=0,039). Ostali čimbenici (spol, dob i klinički aspekt) nisu imali značajniji utjecaj. Rezultati našeg istraživanja su pokazali da su gastrointestinalni paraziti veliki problem autohtonih deva u tradicionalnom stočarstvu, stoga se preporučuju programi kontrole parazita za povećanje produktivnosti ovih korisnih životinja


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    This study aimed to assess post-partum elevated nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA) and β hydroxybutyrate (BHB), considered either togetheror separately,relative to the estrus cyclicity and first service pregnancy status of cows and their association withbody condition scores and some metabolites.Blood samples from 50 Montbéliarde dairy cowswere collected from 15 to 52 DIMto measure serum  BHB, NEFA,glucose, triglycerides, total cholesterol, urea nitrogen, total protein, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), γ-glutamyltransferase (γGT), calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium;and progesterone concentrations.Body condition score (BCS) was assessed at calving and at each time when blood samples were taken.Cows were considered as having post-partum elevated NEFA (H-NEFA) concentration if the concentration was≥0.70 mM and post-partum elevated BHB (H-BHB) concentration if the concentration was≥1.20 mM at 30 DIM. Overall, 93.33 % of cows having an elevated BHB show an elevated of NEFA and 51.61% of cows having an elevated NEFA have not an elevated BHB. Indeed, considering postpartum elevated NEFA as a predictor of sub-clinical ketotic cows can overrateresults. Whereas, considering postpartum elevated BHB as a predictor of cows with NEB can underestimate results. Excessive BCS at calving results in increasing the risk of post-partum elevated BHB. Cholesterol, triglycerides, AST, ALT, and urea were increased in cows having elevated BHB and NEFA compared with those having elevated NEFA only or healthy cows. Further, the risk of estrus cyclicity and pregnancy rate at first insemination (P/AI) was decreased in cows having both elevated BHB and NEFA or NEFA only

    Alternativno liječenje mastitisa krava

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    The treatment of mastitis is based mainly on the use of antibiotics. However, in recent times, an increase in resistance phenomena and the presence of residues in milk and their derivatives has been reported. Few studies have focused on the treatment of mastitis by homeopathy elsewhere or in Algeria. The objective of this current study aimed to clarify in particular the interest of homeopathy in the treatment of mastitis. The study was carried out on two dairy farms on a total of 14 cows located in Laghouat region (southern Algeria). Before the start of the experiment, a tolerance test was performed on two cull cows free from any apparent infection (except mastitis). Local and general reactions were noted at specific times. A total of 31 mammary quarters received 4 intramammary injections of a homeopathic preparation containing several natural products every 12h over 48h. A clinical examination and an analysis of the milk samples on D0, D7 and D14 were performed on all cows and the conclusion was made on the day 14. Data showed a very good tolerance to the homeopathic preparation and a 75% cure rate of the clinical mastitis. An improvement with a decrease in CMT score was also noted. In addition, healing rates of 51.85% for subclinical mastitis on D7 and 59.29% on D14 were also reported. Ultimately, homeopathy could, in some cases, represent an alternative to antibiotic therapy and bring an advantage to breeders. Further investigations should be performed in the future.Liječenje mastitisa uglavnom se temeljina uporabi antibiotika. Međutim, u novije vrijeme, postoje izvještaji o povećanju fenomena otpornosti i o prisutnosti rezidua u mlijeku i mliječnim prerađevinama. Nekoliko studija usredotočilo se na liječenje mastitisa pomoću homeopatije širom svijeta kao i u Alžiru. Cilj ove studije posebno je bio pojasniti primjenjivost homeopatije u liječenju mastitisa. Rad je proveden na dvije farme mlijeka na sveukupno 14 krava u regiji Laghouat (jug Alžira). Prije početka eksperimenta, obavljeno je ispitivanje tolerancije na dvije krave izdvojene za klanje bez ikakve očite infekcije [osim mastitisa]. U određeno vrijeme zamijećene su lokalne i opće reakcije. Ukupno 31 mamitska regija zaprimila je 4 intramamarne injekcije homeopatskog preparata koji sadrži nekoliko prirodnih proizvoda svakih 12 sati tijekom razdoblja od 48 sati. Obavljen je klinički pregled i analiza uzoraka mlijeka na dan D0, D7 i D14 na svim kravama te je donesena odluka na 14. dan. Podatci su pokazali vrlo dobru toleranciju homeopatskog preparata i izlječenje 75% kliničkog mastitisa. Zamijećeno je i poboljšanje sa smanjenjem CMT bodova. Uz to, prijavljena je i stopa ozdravljenja od 51,85% za supklinički mastitis na dan D7 i od 59,29% na dan D14. U konačnici, homeoterapija bi, u nekim slučajevima, mogla predstavljati alternativu antibiotskoj terapiji i osigurati prednosti za uzgajivače. Potrebno je obaviti dodatna ispitivanja u budućnosti


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    The chemical composition and nutritional value of 16 perennial alfalfa varieties Medicago sativa L. from different origins, newly introduced in Algeria were determined. The methods of analysis were those of the AOAC. The nutritive value was calculated from the forecasting equations of INRA.The results obtained are more than convincing, indeed the results of the chemical composition are very interesting and sometimes even superior to the results of the literature. By its richness in UFL (>0,87 and up to 0,90) and in PDI, the alfalfa shows a very good nutritional value, that it is in irrigated or in dry, our varieties showed a very good adaptation even in condition of hydric stress