6 research outputs found

    A tool for evaluating heterogeneity in avidity of polyclonal antibodies

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    Diversity in specificity of polyclonal antibody (pAb) responses is extensively investigated in vaccine efficacy or immunological evaluations, but the heterogeneity in antibody avidity is rarely probed as convenient tools are lacking. Here we have developed a polyclonal antibodies avidity resolution tool (PAART) for use with label-free techniques, such as surface plasmon resonance and biolayer interferometry, that can monitor pAb-antigen interactions in real time to measure dissociation rate constant (kd) for defining avidity. PAART utilizes a sum of exponentials model to fit the dissociation time-courses of pAb-antigens interactions and resolve multiple kd contributing to the overall dissociation. Each kd value of pAb dissociation resolved by PAART corresponds to a group of antibodies with similar avidity. PAART is designed to identify the minimum number of exponentials required to explain the dissociation course and guards against overfitting of data by parsimony selection of best model using Akaike information criterion. Validation of PAART was performed using binary mixtures of monoclonal antibodies of same specificity but differing in kd of the interaction with their epitope. We applied PAART to examine the heterogeneity in avidities of pAb from malaria and typhoid vaccinees, and individuals living with HIV-1 that naturally control the viral load. In many cases, two to three kd were dissected indicating the heterogeneity of pAb avidities. We showcase examples of affinity maturation of vaccine induced pAb responses at component level and enhanced resolution of heterogeneity in avidity when antigen-binding fragments (Fab) are used instead of polyclonal IgG antibodies. The utility of PAART can be manifold in examining circulating pAb characteristics and could inform vaccine strategies aimed to guide the host humoral immune response

    Multivariate analysis of FcR-mediated NK cell functions identifies unique clustering among humans and rhesus macaques

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    Rhesus macaques (RMs) are a common pre-clinical model used to test HIV vaccine efficacy and passive immunization strategies. Yet, it remains unclear to what extent the Fc-Fc receptor (FcR) interactions impacting antiviral activities of antibodies in RMs recapitulate those in humans. Here, we evaluated the FcR-related functionality of natural killer cells (NKs) from peripheral blood of uninfected humans and RMs to identify intra- and inter-species variation. NKs were screened for FcγRIIIa (human) and FcγRIII (RM) genotypes (FcγRIII(a)), receptor signaling, and antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC), the latter mediated by a cocktail of monoclonal IgG1 antibodies with human or RM Fc. FcγRIII(a) genetic polymorphisms alone did not explain differences in NK effector functionality in either species cohort. Using the same parameters, hierarchical clustering separated each species into two clusters. Importantly, in principal components analyses, ADCC magnitude, NK contribution to ADCC, FcγRIII(a) cell-surface expression, and frequency of phosphorylated CD3ζ NK cells all contributed similarly to the first principal component within each species, demonstrating the importance of measuring multiple facets of NK cell function. Although ADCC potency was similar between species, we detected significant differences in frequencies of NK cells and pCD3ζ+ cells, level of cell-surface FcγRIII(a) expression, and NK-mediated ADCC (P<0.001), indicating that a combination of Fc-FcR parameters contribute to overall inter-species functional differences. These data strongly support the importance of multi-parameter analyses of Fc-FcR NK-mediated functions when evaluating efficacy of passive and active immunizations in pre- and clinical trials and identifying correlates of protection. The results also suggest that pre-screening animals for multiple FcR-mediated NK function would ensure even distribution of animals among treatment groups in future preclinical trials

    Viral vector delivered immunogen focuses HIV-1 antibody specificity and increases durability of the circulating antibody recall response.

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    The modestly efficacious HIV-1 vaccine regimen (RV144) conferred 31% vaccine efficacy at 3 years following the four-shot immunization series, coupled with rapid waning of putative immune correlates of decreased infection risk. New strategies to increase magnitude and durability of protective immunity are critically needed. The RV305 HIV-1 clinical trial evaluated the immunological impact of a follow-up boost of HIV-1-uninfected RV144 recipients after 6-8 years with RV144 immunogens (ALVAC-HIV alone, AIDSVAX B/E gp120 alone, or ALVAC-HIV + AIDSVAX B/E gp120). Previous reports demonstrated that this regimen elicited higher binding, antibody Fc function, and cellular responses than the primary RV144 regimen. However, the impact of the canarypox viral vector in driving antibody specificity, breadth, durability and function is unknown. We performed a follow-up analysis of humoral responses elicited in RV305 to determine the impact of the different booster immunogens on HIV-1 epitope specificity, antibody subclass, isotype, and Fc effector functions. Importantly, we observed that the ALVAC vaccine component directly contributed to improved breadth, function, and durability of vaccine-elicited antibody responses. Extended boosts in RV305 increased circulating antibody concentration and coverage of heterologous HIV-1 strains by V1V2-specific antibodies above estimated protective levels observed in RV144. Antibody Fc effector functions, specifically antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity and phagocytosis, were boosted to higher levels than was achieved in RV144. V1V2 Env IgG3, a correlate of lower HIV-1 risk, was not increased; plasma Env IgA (specifically IgA1), a correlate of increased HIV-1 risk, was elevated. The quality of the circulating polyclonal antibody response changed with each booster immunization. Remarkably, the ALVAC-HIV booster immunogen induced antibody responses post-second boost, indicating that the viral vector immunogen can be utilized to selectively enhance immune correlates of decreased HIV-1 risk. These results reveal a complex dynamic of HIV-1 immunity post-vaccination that may require careful balancing to achieve protective immunity in the vaccinated population. Trial registration: RV305 clinical trial (ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT01435135). ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT00223080

    Predicting personality from network-based resting-state functional connectivity

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