357 research outputs found

    The art of fitting p-mode spectra: Part II. Leakage and noise covariance matrices

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    In Part I we have developed a theory for fitting p-mode Fourier spectra assuming that these spectra have a multi-normal distribution. We showed, using Monte-Carlo simulations, how one can obtain p-mode parameters using 'Maximum Likelihood Estimators'. In this article, hereafter Part II, we show how to use the theory developed in Part I for fitting real data. We introduce 4 new diagnostics in helioseismology: the (m,ν)(m,\nu) echelle diagramme, the cross echelle diagramme, the inter echelle diagramme, and the ratio cross spectrum. These diagnostics are extremely powerful to visualize and understand the covariance matrices of the Fourier spectra, and also to find bugs in the data analysis code. These diagrammes can also be used to derive quantitative information on the mode leakage and noise covariance matrices. Numerous examples using the LOI/SOHO and GONG data are given.Comment: 17 pages with tex and ps files, submitted to A&A, [email protected]

    The art of fitting p-mode spectra: Part I. Maximum Likelihood Estimation

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    In this article we present our state of the art of fitting helioseismic p-mode spectra. We give a step by step recipe for fitting the spectra: statistics of the spectra both for spatially unresolved and resolved data, the use of Maximum Likelihood estimates, the statistics of the p-mode parameters, the use of Monte-Carlo simulation and the significance of fitted parameters. The recipe is applied to synthetic low-resolution data, similar to those of the LOI, using Monte-Carlo simulations. For such spatially resolved data, the statistics of the Fourier spectrum is assumed to be a multi-normal distribution; the statistics of the power spectrum is \emph{not} a χ2\chi^{2} with 2 degrees of freedom. Results for l=1l=1 shows that all parameters describing the p modes can be obtained without bias and with minimum variance provided that the leakage matrix is known. Systematic errors due to an imperfect knowledge of the leakage matrix are derived for all the p-mode parameters.Comment: 13 pages, ps file gzipped. Submitted to A&

    SO(5) superconductor in a Zeeman magnetic field: Phase diagram and thermodynamic properties

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    In this paper we present calculations of the SO(5) quantum rotor theory of high-Tc_{c} superconductivity in Zeeman magnetic field. We use the spherical approach for five-component quantum rotors in three-dimensional lattice to obtain formulas for critical lines, free energy, entropy and specific heat and present temperature dependences of these quantities for different values of magnetic field. Our results are in qualitative agreement with relevant experiments on high-Tc_{c} cuprates.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. B, see http://prb.aps.or

    A solvable model of the genesis of amino-acid sequences via coupled dynamics of folding and slow genetic variation

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    We study the coupled dynamics of primary and secondary structure formation (i.e. slow genetic sequence selection and fast folding) in the context of a solvable microscopic model that includes both short-range steric forces and and long-range polarity-driven forces. Our solution is based on the diagonalization of replicated transfer matrices, and leads in the thermodynamic limit to explicit predictions regarding phase transitions and phase diagrams at genetic equilibrium. The predicted phenomenology allows for natural physical interpretations, and finds satisfactory support in numerical simulations.Comment: 51 pages, 13 figures, submitted to J. Phys.

    Tracking spin and charge with spectroscopy in spin-polarised 1D systems

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    We calculate the spectral function of a one-dimensional strongly interacting chain of fermions, where the response can be well understood in terms of spinon and holon excitations. Upon increasing the spin imbalance between the spin species, we observe the single-electron response of the fully polarised system to emanate from the holon peak while the spinon response vanishes. For experimental setups that probe one-dimensional properties, we propose this method as an additional generic tool to aid the identification of spectral structures, e.g. in ARPES measurements. We show that this applies even to trapped systems having cold atomic gas experiments in mind.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Terceiro e quarto relatórios de avaliação do IPCC: comparação entre cenários futuros de distribuição geográfica do Sipha flava no Brasil.

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    O trabalho visou comparar os resultados da distribuição geográfica do Sipha flava com base no Terceiro e no Quarto Relatório de Avaliação do IPCC no território brasileiro. O afídeo apresenta ampla distribuição geográfica, e pode causar danos às diversas culturas utilizadas na alimentação do gado de leite. As imagens que contém as médias de temperatura com tamanho de 30? (meio grau) cada pixel, dos relatórios do IPCC foram classificadas de acordo com as faixas de temperatura de sobrevivência do inseto, realizadas em laboratório por Oliveira et al. (2009), assim foi possível gerar o cenário A2 para os anos 2020, 2050 e 2080 (cenário em que o aquecimento traria modificações drásticas para o clima) com base no Quarto Relatório (IPCC, 2007). O software ArcGIS foi utilizado na confecção dos mapas para o Quarto Relatório. A comparação dos mapas para os relatórios em questão mostrou que em termos de regiões, a favorabilidade continua com a mesma tendência para os meses de temperaturas médias mais altas no ano de 2020, mas com algumas modificações nos estados abrangidos. Observa-se um aumento das áreas não favoráveis nos anos de 2050 e 2080 nas regiões Norte, Nordeste e Centro-Oeste

    An SU(4) Model of High-Temperature Superconductivity and Antiferromagnetism

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    We present an SU(4) model of high-temperature superconductivity having many similarities to dynamical symmetries known to play an important role in microscopic nuclear structure physics and in elementary particle physics. Analytical solutions in three dynamical symmetry limits of this model are found: an SO(4) limit associated with antiferromagnetic order; an SU(2) X SO(3) limit that may be interpreted as a d-wave pairing condensate; and an SO(5) limit that may be interpreted as a doorway state between the antiferromagnetic order and the superconducting order. The model suggests a phase diagram in qualitative agreement with that observed in the cuprate superconductors. The relationship between the present model and the SO(5) unification of superconductivity and antiferromagnetic order proposed by Zhang is discussed.Comment: A long paper extended from the early version cond-mat/9903150; accepted by Phys. Rev.
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