7 research outputs found

    The Determinant of Job Performance for Laborers in Manufacturing Companies in Jakarta

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    This study aims to answer the determinants of job performance based on workplace spirituality, workplace climate, and compensation. Spiritual workplaces are represented by engaging work and a sense of community. By conducting multiple regression tests on respondents from manufacturing companies in Jakarta, it can be concluded that a sense of community and compensation determine the increase in the job performance of workers. The method used is descriptive and verification tests with the classical assumption test. To increase the sense of community, companies can emphasize the formation of workers' sense of belonging to an organization through informal activities such as outings and 'small talks' with employees so that they feel part of the company. Keywords: Job Performance; Workplace Spirituality; Workplace Climate; Compensation; Engaging Work; Sense of CommunityPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjawab faktor penentu job performance berdasarkan workplace spirituality, workplace climate, dan compensation. Workplace spirituality direpresentasikan oleh engaging work dan sense of community. Dengan melakukan uji regresi berganda pada responden buruh perusahaan manufaktur di Jakarta, dapat disimpulkan bahwa sense of community dan compensation menjadi penentu meningkatnya job performance buruh. Metode yang digunakan uji deskriptif dan verifikatif dengan uji asumsi klasik. Untuk meningkatkan sense of community, perusahaan dapat menekankan pada pembentukan rasa belonging pekerja pada suatu organisasi melalui kegiatan-kegiatan informal seperti outing dan ‘small talks’ dengan karyawannya agar mereka merasa menjadi bagian dari perusahaan. Kata Kunci: Prestasi Kerja; Spiritualitas Tempat Kerja; Iklim Tempat Kerja; Kompensasi; Pekerjaan Melibatkan; Sense of Communit

    Screening of Children with Upper Respiratory Tract Infection for Otitis Media with Effusion

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    Objective: To determine the recurrence rate of Otitis Media with Effusion (OME) among children without hearing loss, in relation to different upper respiratory tract infections. Methodology: This cross-sectional study was conducted at the Shifa Foundation Community Health Centre (SFCHC) in Islamabad from February 2020 to February 2021, this study involved otoscopic examinations by a blinded team member. Tympanometry was performed on patients displaying OME signs. Both the examiner and performer were unaware of the child's study status to minimize bias. Results: The study included children with a mean age of 7.35 ± 2.30 years, predominantly males (59.4%). Common symptoms were nasal obstruction (98%), mouth breathing (97%), and sore throat (98%). Physical examination revealed no Deviated Nasal Septum (DNS), nasal polyps, or tender sinuses. Mucopurulent nasal discharge (94.1%), adenoid hypertrophy (98%), and congested tonsils (96%) were prevalent. Dull/opaque tympanic membranes were present in 22.8% of children, while 74.3% displayed a light reflex, and 26.7% had a prominent short process of malleus. Conclusion: Otitis media with effusion is frequent in children with recurrent upper respiratory tract infections, non-specific ear symptoms, and poor school performance. Although typically benign with a high rate of spontaneous resolution, it often leads to parental anxiety, unnecessary investigations, and sometimes unwarranted medication. Key Words: Otitis Media with Effusion, Recurrent Upper Respiratory Tract Infection, Hearing Loss

    The effect of tranexamic acid in unilateral and bilateral total knee arthroplasty in the South Asian population: A retrospective cohort study

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    Introduction: Together with evidence of higher bleeding tendencies, the vulnerability of the South-Asian population to anemia secondary to a higher prevalence of hemoglobinopathies and micronutrient deficiencies merits further exploration of the effects of tranexamic acid on this population. Additionally, limited access to self-care facilities and certain sociocultural beliefs and practices may not be conducive to a speedy recovery from surgical complications. The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of intraoperative administration of tranexamic acid during total knee arthroplasty when considering the South-Asian population. Methodology: Medical record files of 355 patients who underwent total knee arthroplasty (2007-2015) were reviewed to collect data regarding patient characteristics, surgical variables and post-operative complications. Unilateral and Bilateral total knee arthroplasty were studied separately. Analysis was done using t-test, Mann-Whitney U test, chi-square and Fisher\u27s exact square where appropriate. The threshold for significance was p \u3c 0.05. Results: The study showed that for unilateral surgery, tranexamic acid caused a significant reduction in estimated blood loss (p-value=0.011), total operative time, calculated blood loss, and hemoglobin change (p-valueConclusions: Although tranexamic acid effectively reduces intraoperative blood loss, it does not have an effect on the need for post-operative blood transfusions. The increased length of stay and special care unit admissions associated with tranexamic acid use should be explored further to reveal the complete safety profile of tranexamic acid administration in the South-Asian population during total knee arthroplasty.2

    Self-reported health and smoking status, and body mass index: a case-control comparison based on GEN SCRIP (GENetics of SChizophRenia In Pakistan) data

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    Introduction Individuals with schizophrenia are at a high risk of physical health comorbidities and premature mortality. Cardiovascular and metabolic causes are an important contributor. There are gaps in monitoring, documenting and managing these physical health comorbidities. Because of their condition, patients themselves may not be aware of these comorbidities and may not be able to follow a lifestyle that prevents and manages the complications. In many low-income and middle-income countries including Pakistan, the bulk of the burden of care for those struggling with schizophrenia falls on the families.Objectives To determine the rate of self-reported physical health disorders and risk factors, like body mass index (BMI) and smoking, associated with cardiovascular and metabolic disorders in cases of schizophrenia compared with a group of mentally healthy controls.Design A case-controlled, cross-sectional multicentre study of patients with schizophrenia in Pakistan.Settings Multiple data collection sites across the country for patients, that is, public and private psychiatric OPDs (out patient departments), specialised psychiatric care facilities, and psychiatric wards of teaching and district level hospitals. Healthy controls were enrolled from the community.Participants We report a total of 6838 participants’ data with (N 3411 (49.9%)) cases of schizophrenia compared with a group of healthy controls (N 3427 (50.1%)).Results BMI (OR 0.98 (CI 0.97 to 0.99), p=0.0025), and the rate of smoking is higher in patients with schizophrenia than in controls. Problems with vision (OR 0.13 (0.08 to 0.2), joint pain (OR 0.18 (0.07 to 0.44)) and high cholesterol (OR 0.13 (0.05 to 0.35)) have higher reported prevalence in controls. The cases describe more physical health disorders in the category ‘other’ (OR 4.65 (3.01 to 7.18)). This captures residual disorders not listed in the questionnaire.Conclusions Participants with schizophrenia in comparison with controls report more disorders. The access in the ‘other’ category may be a reflection of undiagnosed disorders

    Global and countrywide prevalence of subclinical and clinical mastitis in dairy cattle and buffaloes by systematic review and meta-analysis

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