6 research outputs found

    LpL^p-integrability, dimensions of supports of fourier transforms and applications

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    It is proved that there does not exist any non zero function in Lp(Rn)L^p(\R^n) with 1p2n/α1\leq p\leq 2n/\alpha if its Fourier transform is supported by a set of finite packing α\alpha-measure where 0<α<n0<\alpha<n. It is shown that the assertion fails for p>2n/αp>2n/\alpha. The result is applied to prove LpL^p Wiener-Tauberian theorems for Rn\R^n and M(2)

    LpL^p Fourier asymptotics, Hardy type inequality and fractal measures

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    Suppose μ\mu is an α\alpha-dimensional fractal measure for some 0<α<n0<\alpha<n. Inspired by the results proved by R. Strichartz in 1990, we discuss the LpL^p-asymptotics of the Fourier transform of fdμfd\mu by estimating bounds of lim infL 1LkξL fdμ^(ξ)pdξ,\underset{L\rightarrow\infty}{\liminf}\ \frac{1}{L^k} \int_{|\xi|\leq L}\ |\widehat{fd\mu}(\xi)|^pd\xi, for fLp(dμ)f\in L^p(d\mu) and 2<p<2n/α2<p<2n/\alpha. In a different direction, we prove a Hardy type inequality, that is, f(x)p(μ(Ex))2pdμ(x)C lim infL1LnαBL(0)fdμ^(ξ)pdξ\int\frac{|f(x)|^p}{(\mu(E_x))^{2-p}}d\mu(x)\leq C\ \underset{L\rightarrow\infty}{\liminf} \frac{1}{L^{n-\alpha}} \int_{B_L(0)} |\widehat{fd\mu}(\xi)|^pd\xi where 1p21\leq p\leq 2 and Ex=E(,x1]×(,x2]...(,xn]E_x=E\cap(-\infty,x_1]\times(-\infty,x_2]...(-\infty,x_n] for x=(x1,...xn)Rnx=(x_1,...x_n)\in\R^n generalizing the one dimensional results proved by Hudson and Leckband in 1992

    Sharp weighted estimates for multi-frequency Calder\'on-Zygmund operators

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    In this paper we study weighted estimates for the multi-frequency ω\omega-Calder\'{o}n-Zygmund operators TT associated with the frequency set Θ={ξ1,ξ2,,ξN}\Theta=\{\xi_1,\xi_2,\dots,\xi_N\} and modulus of continuity ω\omega satisfying the usual Dini condition. We use the modern method of domination by sparse operators and obtain bounds TLp(w)Lp(w)N1r12[w]Ap/rmax(1,1pr), 1r<p<,\|T\|_{L^p(w)\rightarrow L^p(w)}\lesssim N^{|\frac{1}{r}-\frac{1}{2}|}[w]_{\mathbb{A}_{p/r}}^{max(1,\frac{1}{p-r})},~1\leq r<p<\infty, for the exponents of NN and Ap/r\mathbb{A}_{p/r} characteristic [w]Ap/r[w]_{\mathbb{A}_{p/r}}