16 research outputs found

    Molecular Identification of Selected <i>Streptomyces</i> Strains Isolated from Mexican Tropical Soils and their Anti-<i>Candida</i> Activity

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    The increasing incidence of Candida albicans infections and resistance to current antifungal therapies has led to the search for new and more effective antifungal compounds. Actinobacterial species from the Streptomyces genus are recognized as some of the major producers of antimicrobial compounds. Therefore, the aims of this study were: (1) the identification of Streptomyces strains isolated from Mexican tropical acidic soils, (2) the evaluation of their antifungal activity on C. albicans, and (3) the exploration of the presence of polyketide synthase genes in their genome and antifungal secondary metabolites in their extracts. Four actinobacterial strains, isolated from previously unexplored soils with antibacterial antecedents, were selected. These strains were identified as Streptomyces angustmyceticus S6A-03, Streptomyces manipurensis S3A-05 and S3A-09, and Streptomyces parvisporogenes S2A-04, according to their molecular analyses. The ethanol extract of the lyophilized supernatant of S. parvisporogenes displayed the most interesting antifungal activity against C. albicans, with a minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of 0.5 mg/mL. Type I polyketide synthase (PKS-I) and non-ribosomal peptide synthase (NRPS) genes were detected in all strains. In addition, type II PKS genes (PKS-II) were also found in S. manipurensis S3A-05 and S. parvisporogenes. LC-UV-HRMS analysis of the active organic extract of S. parvisporogenes indicated the presence of the known antifungal compound carbazomycin G as the major component

    Biological Pretreatment of Mexican Caribbean Macroalgae Consortiums Using Bm-2 Strain (Trametes hirsuta) and Its Enzymatic Broth to Improve Biomethane Potential

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    The macroalgae consortium biomass in the Mexican Caribbean represents an emerging and promising biofuel feedstock. Its biological pretreatment and potential for energetic conversion to biomethane were investigated, since some macroalgae have hard cell walls that present an obstacle to efficient methane production when those substrates are used. It has been revealed by anaerobic digestion assays that pretreatment with a Bm-2 strain (Trametes hirsuta) isolated from decaying wood in Yucatan, Mexico was 104 L CH4 kg·VS−1; In fact, the fungal pretreatment produced a 20% increase in methane yield, with important amounts of alkali metals Ca, K, Mg, Na of 78 g/L, ash 35.5% and lignin 15.6%. It is unlikely that high concentrations of ash and alkali metals will produce an ideal feedstock for combustion or pyrolysis, but they can be recommended for a biological process

    Laccase Gene Expression and Vinasse Biodegradation by Trametes hirsuta Strain Bm-2

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    Vinasse is the dark-colored wastewater that is generated by bioethanol distilleries from feedstock molasses. The vinasse that is generated from molasses contains high amounts of pollutants, including phenolic compounds and melanoindin. The goal of this work was to study the expression of laccase genes in the Trametes hirsuta strain Bm-2, isolated in Yucatan, Mexico, in the presence of phenolic compounds, as well as its effectiveness in removing colorants from vinasse. In the presence of all phenolic compounds tested (guaiacol, ferulic acid, and vanillic acid), increased levels of laccase-encoding mRNA were observed. Transcript levels in the presence of guaiacol were 40 times higher than those in the control. The lcc1 and lcc2 genes of T. hirsuta were differentially expressed; guaiacol and vanillin induced the expression of both genes, whereas ferulic acid only induced the expression of lcc2. The discoloration of vinasse was concomitant with the increase in laccase activity. The highest value of enzyme activity (2543.7 U/mL) was obtained in 10% (v/v) vinasse, which corresponded to a 69.2% increase in discoloration. This study demonstrates the potential of the Bm-2 strain of T. hirsuta for the biodegradation of vinasse

    Improvement in Methane Production from Pelagic Sargassum Using Combined Pretreatments

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    The constant golden tides of Sargassum spp., identified to be a mixture of Sargassum natans and Sargassum fluitans, observed recently in the Mexican Caribbean have affected the marine ecosystem and the local economy and have created the need for solutions for their management and use. The Sargassum arrivals have thus been considered as third-generation feedstock for biofuel. Their potential for energetic conversion to biomethane was investigated, with hydrolysis as the limiting step due to its complex composition; therefore, in the present study, different physical, chemical, and enzymatic pretreatments and a combination of them have been evaluated, with the additional use of granular activated carbon, to determine the best yield and methane quality. The combined pretreatments of 2.5% hydrogen peroxide, followed by an enzymatic pretreatment (enzymatic extract from Trametes hirsuta isolated from decomposing wood in the Yucat&aacute;n Peninsula-Mexico), was the best option, reaching a biodegradability of 95% and maximum methane yield of 387 &plusmn; 3.09 L CH4/kg volatile solid. The use of a conductive material, such as granular activated carbon, did not generate significant changes in performance and methane concentration

    Two Phase Anaerobic Digestion System of Municipal Solid Waste by Utilizing Microaeration and Granular Activated Carbon

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    In an anaerobic digestion (AD) process, the hydrolysis phase is often limited when substrates with high concentrations of solids are used. We hypothesized that applying micro-aeration in the hydrolysis phase and the application of granular activated carbon (GAC) in the methanogenesis phase could make the AD process more efficient. A packed bed reactor (PBR) coupled with an up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) was conducted, and its effects on methane generation were evaluated. The micro-aeration rate applied in PBR was 254 L-air/kg-Total solids (TS)-d was compared with a control reactor. Micro-aeration showed that it reduced the hydrolysis time and increased the organic matter solubilization as chemical oxygen demand (COD) increasing 200%, with a volatile fatty acids (VFAs) increment higher than 300%, compared to the control reactor (without aeration). Our findings revealed that the implementations of microaeration and GAC in the two-phase AD system could enhance methane production by reducing hydrolysis time, increasing solid waste solubilization

    A Current Overview of the Papaya meleira virus, an Unusual Plant Virus

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    Papaya meleira virus (PMeV) is the causal agent of papaya sticky disease, which is characterized by a spontaneous exudation of fluid and aqueous latex from the papaya fruit and leaves. The latex oxidizes after atmospheric exposure, resulting in a sticky feature on the fruit from which the name of the disease originates. PMeV is an isometric virus particle with a double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) genome of approximately 12 Kb. Unusual for a plant virus, PMeV particles are localized on and linked to the polymers present in the latex. The ability of the PMeV to inhabit such a hostile environment demonstrates an intriguing interaction of the virus with the papaya. A hypersensitivity response is triggered against PMeV infection, and there is a reduction in the proteolytic activity of papaya latex during sticky disease. In papaya leaf tissues, stress responsive proteins, mostly calreticulin and proteasome-related proteins, are up regulated and proteins related to metabolism are down-regulated. Additionally, PMeV modifies the transcription of several miRNAs involved in the modulation of genes related to the ubiquitin-proteasome system. Until now, no PMeV resistant papaya genotype has been identified and roguing is the only viral control strategy available. However, a single inoculation of papaya plants with PMeV dsRNA delayed the progress of viral infection

    Physical Characteristics of the Leaves and Latex of Papaya Plants Infected with the Papaya meleira Virus

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    Sticky disease, which is caused by Papaya meleira virus (PMeV), is a significant papaya disease in Brazil and Mexico, where it has caused severe economic losses, and it seems to have spread to Central and South America. Studies assessing the pathogen-host interaction at the nano-histological level are needed to better understand the mechanisms that underlie natural resistance. In this study, the topography and mechanical properties of the leaf midribs and latex of healthy and PMeV-infected papaya plants were observed by atomic force microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Healthy plants displayed a smooth surface with practically no roughness of the leaf midribs and the latex and a higher adhesion force than infected plants. PMeV promotes changes in the leaf midribs and latex, making them more fragile and susceptible to breakage. These changes, which are associated with increased water uptake and internal pressure in laticifers, causes cell disruption that leads to spontaneous exudation of the latex and facilitates the spread of PMeV to other laticifers. These results provide new insights into the papaya-PMeV interaction that could be helpful for controlling papaya sticky disease