23 research outputs found
The role of imitation in video-based interventions for children with autism.
- Author
- A. Anderson
- Aldridge MA
- Apple AL
- Ayres KM
- Bellini S
- Byrne RW
- C. J. Lindsay
- Cardon TA
- Carpenter M
- Charlop-Christy MH
- Chartrand TL
- Cooper J
- Corbett BA
- D. W. Moore
- Delano M
- Ganz JB
- Hamilton AF
- Hitchcock C
- Ingersoll B
- Ingersoll B
- Ingersoll B
- K. Dillenburger
- McDuffie A
- Mechling L
- Meltzoff AN
- Nally B
- Nikopoulos CK
- Nikopoulos CK
- Nikopoulos CK
- Nikopoulos CK
- Ramachandran VS
- Rayner CS
- Rogers SJ
- Sevlever M
- Sidman M
- Stone WL
- Tereshko L
- Whiten A
- Williams JHG
- Young JM
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- 01/08/2013
- Field of study
Factors contributing to students and instructors experiencing a lack of time in college calculus
- Author
- A Flores
- A Roth McDuffie
- A Zajacova
- AV Langen
- B Spinath
- C Rasmussen
- C Rasmussen
- C Reeves
- CR Haugen
- CS Dweck
- D Bressoud
- E Johnson
- E Johnson
- E Seymour
- FS Wach
- H Niemi
- H Wu
- J Ellis
- J Ellis
- J Oakes
- JF Wagner
- MS Gresalfi
- President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST)
- PW Thompson
- R Blair
- R Core Team
- RW Lent
- S Eronen
- S Yoshinobu
- U Hoadley
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Transvaginal Urethrolysis for Urethral Obstruction
- Author
- A Gomelsky
- A Groutz
- A Groutz
- AJ Croak
- C Klutke
- CA Cross
- CL Amundsen
- GA Defreitas
- GD Webster
- HB Goldman
- HB Goldman
- HB Goldman
- HE Richter
- HM Scarpero
- HM Scarpero
- I Zorzos
- JG Blaivas
- JG Blaivas
- JM Carey
- JS Starkman
- JT Anger
- L Brubaker
- L Kusuda
- LK Carr
- LK Carr
- ME Albo
- P Austin
- RR Dmochowski
- RW McDuffie Jr
- S Chassagne
- SP Petrou
- SP Petrou
- VW Nitti
- VW Nitti
- WW Leng
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Does bladder wall thickness decrease when obstruction is resolved?
- Author
- A Dorflinger
- A Elbadawi
- A Kuhn
- A Kuhn
- Annette Kuhn
- CH Holschneider
- CM Glazener
- CP Bates
- D Robinson
- Dudley Robinson
- E Gorton
- GH Jarvis
- H Akpinal
- J Segal
- JD McConnel
- JG Blaivas
- JJ Klutke
- JS Starkman
- JS Starkman
- KL Ward
- Luigi Raio
- M Belal
- M Oelke
- M Oelke
- MM Karram
- P Abrams
- P Abrams
- PE Zimmern
- Peter Kuhn
- R McCrey
- R Odorica
- RC Bump
- RW McDuffie
- S Al-Hayek
- S Salvatore
- Sonja Brandner
- V Khullar
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Use of Emotional Cues for Lexical Learning: A Comparison of Autism Spectrum Disorder and Fragile X Syndrome
- Author
- A DeGiacomo
- A McDuffie
- A McDuffie
- A Philofsky
- A Remington
- AJ Esbensen
- AL Gross
- AL Woodward
- American Psychiatric Association
- Andrea McDuffie
- Angela John Thurman
- Ann Mastergeorge
- ASM Kau
- BA Oostra
- C Bagni
- C Lord
- CB Mervis
- CB Mervis
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- D Baldwin
- D Baldwin
- D Hessl
- DA Baldwin
- DA Baldwin
- DC Crawford
- EI Pierpont
- EM Dykens
- F Munir
- G Scerif
- GH Roid
- GJ Bassell
- GJ Hollich
- H Bani Hani
- H Tager-Flusberg
- HK Ryland
- J Jang
- J Price
- J Volden
- JE Roberts
- JJ Wolff
- K Cornish
- K Gotham
- KM Cornish
- KM Cornish
- L Abbeduto
- L Abbeduto
- L Cordeiro
- Leonard Abbeduto
- M Harris
- M Rutter
- M Rutter
- M Tomasello
- M Tomasello
- M Tomasello
- M Tomasello
- MA Preissler
- Marie Moore Channell
- MB Kemper
- MM Seltzer
- MMM Mazzocco
- P Lewis
- P Mundy
- R Luyster
- Randi Hagerman
- RC Serlin
- RM Hodapp
- RW Frick
- S Baron-Cohen
- S Ellis Weismer
- S Harris
- S Lanfranchi
- S Risi
- Sara T. Kover
- SJ Spence
- SL Bishop
- ST Kover
- ST Kover
- T Gliga
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Related Disorders
- Author
- BI Hoffman
- C Ortiz-Nels
- CE Harman
- CG Mackworth Young
- CG Mackworth-Young
- D Alarcon-Segovia
- D Estes
- D McDonald
- DA Fenton
- DA Isenberg
- DR Budman
- EL Dubois
- EN Harris
- ES Cathcart
- EW Monroe
- F Crovato
- F Leneman
- FC McDuffie
- GJ Gibson
- GRV Hughes
- GRV Hughes
- GRV Hughes
- JG Lanham
- JGP Sissons
- JJ Conte
- JN Gilliam
- JP Callen
- JR Batchelor
- JS Sergent
- KD Brandt
- LA Rubin
- LJ Catoggio
- LS McCormick
- M Abeles
- MA Byron
- MB Pepys
- MF Hasper
- N Zein
- O Nived
- PR Coburn
- RA Asherson
- RA Asherson
- RA Asherson
- RA Asherson
- RG Lahita
- RI Rynes
- RM Bernstein
- RM Bernstein
- RN Bennett
- RP Kimberley
- RP Warin
- RW Gannon
- S Eyanson
- S Hall
- S Hall
- S O’loughlin
- SJ Rivero
- TM Zizic
- WJ Fessel
- WR Best
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1988
- Field of study
Bladder outlet obstruction in women: Prevalence, recognition, and management
- Author
- A Goutz
- A Rost
- AC Diokno
- AJ Wein
- CL Amundsen
- D Chaikin
- D Griffiths
- DC Chaikin
- DJ Farrar
- GD Webster
- GE Leach
- GE Lemack
- GM Ghoniem
- GS Steele
- H Petit
- HB Goldman
- HE Foster
- JA Massey
- JG Blaivas
- JG Blaivas
- JG Blaivas
- JR Spencer
- JR Woodside
- JS Bass
- K Gronbaek
- KJ Weld
- KV Carlson
- KV Carlson
- L Romanzi
- LD Cardoza
- LK Carr
- ME Mayo
- NA Zinner
- NS Horbach
- P Gallien
- PH Abrams
- Rupa Patel
- RW McDuffie
- S Chassagne
- S Juma
- SL Axelrod
- SP Petrou
- TO Morgan
- Victor W. Nitti
- VM Nitti
- VW Nitti
- VW Nitti
- VW Nitti
- W Schafer
- WE Kaplan
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Surgery for Stress Urinary Incontinence: Open Approaches
- Author
- A Abbassian
- A Chopra
- A Marchetti
- AE Bent
- AH Aldridge
- B Moehrer
- BF Scott
- BJ Flynn
- CL Amundsen
- CL Amundsen
- CY Liu
- CY Lui
- D Ladwig
- DC Chaikin
- DM Gleason
- EJ McGuire
- EJ McGuire
- EJ McGuire
- EJ McGuire
- EJ McGuire
- EJ Wright
- EM McDougall
- EM Tanagho
- EP Arnold
- FB Scott
- Fe Govier
- G Lose
- G Quadri
- G Webster
- GD Webster
- GE Leach
- GE Leach
- GM Ghoniem
- GS Park
- H Thomas
- HN Winfield
- HR Hadley
- I Zorzos
- IJ Fishman
- J Feyereisl
- J Ross
- JC Burch
- JK Light
- JM Carbone
- JM Choe
- JP Parnell
- JQ Clemens
- K Kenton
- KC Kobashi
- KC Kobashi
- KS Nitahara
- LK Carr
- LK Carr
- M Alcalay
- M Alcalay
- M Czaplicki
- MC Lapitan
- MF Paraiso
- MM Ahmed
- MM Karram
- MP Fitzgerald
- MR Zaragosa
- MT McLennan
- P Hilton
- P Kjølde
- PK Sand
- PP Koonings
- R Langer
- R Milani
- RA Appell
- RA Lee
- RW McDuffie
- S Brown
- SW Seigel
- T Khailee
- TC Mainprize
- TO Morgan
- TS Wilson
- V Marshall
- VG Petero
- YK Chin
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2009
- Field of study
The genetics of complex autoimmune diseases: non-MHC susceptibility genes
- Author
- A Pugliese
- AJ Silman
- AK Lindqvist
- AN Theofilopoulos
- AP Prodeus
- B Kalman
- B Kotzin
- BL Kotzin
- C Lundberg
- CA Mein
- CG Drake
- CJ Lord
- CJ Willer
- D Jawaheer
- DF Luo
- DV Serreze
- FJ Probst
- GC Ebers
- GI Bell
- H Caron
- HJ Cordell
- IA Eaves
- J Jirholt
- J Paquette
- J-B Prins
- JA James
- JA Todd
- JB Harley
- JC Venter
- JE Salmon
- JF Kurtzke
- JL Davies
- JM Wu
- JP Hugot
- JX She
- K Nagamine
- KG Becker
- KG Becker
- KL Moser
- L Castaño
- L Fossati
- L Morel
- L Morel
- L Morel
- L Morel
- L Morel
- L Morel
- LA Criswell
- LS Wicker
- M Botto
- M Cargill
- M Gray
- M Hattori
- M McDuffie
- M McDuffie
- M Prochazka
- M Sundvall
- MA McAleer
- MB Hogarth
- MC Bickerstaff
- MC Carroll
- MJ Redondo
- MJ Walport
- MK Halushka
- MM Griffiths
- MP Antoch
- MP Marron
- MP Marron
- N Risch
- NJ Hill
- NJ Leech
- NR Rose
- OT Chan
- P Concannon
- P Gulko
- P Vafiadis
- PA Lyons
- PA Lyons
- PL Podolin
- PL Podolin
- PL Podolin
- PM Gaffney
- PR Taylor
- R Holmdahl
- R Quigg
- R Shai
- R Winchester
- RA Eisenberg
- RA McIndoe
- RE Rowe
- RS Spielman
- RW Warren
- S Bolland
- S Ghosh
- S Sawcer
- S Wright
- SJ Rozzo
- SJ Rozzo
- ST Bennett
- T Siegmund
- TD Gelehrter
- TJ Vyse
- TJ Vyse
- VE Kelley
- Y Ogura
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The first decade of sibutramine and orlistat: a reappraisal of their expanding roles in the treatment of obesity and associated conditions
- Author
- Appolinario JC
- Avenell A
- Aydin N
- Berkowitz RI
- Berkowitz RL
- Birkenfeld A
- Caterson ID
- Chanoine JP
- Corrêa LL
- Coutinho WF
- Coutinho WF
- Damci T
- Diamanti-Kandarakis E
- Eckel RH
- Filippatos TD
- Foster GD
- Friedrich MJ
- Godoy-Matos A
- Golay A
- Goldstein DJ
- Grilo CM
- Hansen DL
- Hauner H
- Hsieh CJ
- Hutton B
- Jacob S
- James WP
- Jeffery RW
- Jordan J
- Kaya A
- Kelley DE
- Li Z
- Liu YL
- Maggioni AP
- McDuffie JR
- McMahon FG
- McNulty SJ
- Milano W
- Mitchell JE
- Mittendorfer B
- National Task Force on the Prevention and Treatment of Obesity
- Neovius M
- O'Meara S
- Panidis D
- Rucker D
- Sari R
- Sharma AM
- Sichieri R
- Sutera PM
- Thomas A
- Tiikkainen M
- Torgerson JS
- Torp-Pedersen C
- Wadden TA
- Wadden TA
- Walmir Coutinho
- WHO Expert Consultation
- Williamson DF
- Zelber-Sagi S
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- Field of study