38 research outputs found

    Land-Use Experiments in the Loch Laidon Catchment

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    This report presents the results from the Stream Water Quality component of the Loch Laidon catchment land-use experiment which commenced in 1992. The experiment was established with the aim of examining the effects of cattle grazing on the aquatic and terrestrial habitats and biota of a moorland area of upland Scotland

    First report of Theileria annulata in Nigeria : findings from cattle ticks in Zamfara and Sokoto States

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    Background: Ticks and tick-borne pathogens (TBPs) represent a significant economic burden to cattle farming in sub-Saharan Africa including Nigeria. However, in the northern part of this country, where the largest livestock population resides, little is known about the contemporary diversity of ticks and TBPs. This area is particularly vulnerable to climate change, undergoing marked transformation of habitat and associated flora and fauna that is also likely to include ticks. This study aimed to document the occurrence of tick species and Apicomplexan TBPs in cattle from north-western Nigeria. Methods: In 2017, ticks were collected from cattle in Zamfara and Sokoto States and identified morphologically. Additionally, a subset of ticks was screened molecularly for the detection of apicomplexan DNA. Results: A total of 494 adult ticks were collected from 80 cattle in Zamfara and 65 cattle in Sokoto State. Nine tick species were encountered, among which the presence of one, Hyalomma turanicum, had not previously been recorded in Nigeria. Hyalomma rufipes was the most prevalent tick infesting cattle in Zamfara State (76%), while Hyalomma dromedarii was the most prevalent in Sokoto State (44%), confirming the widespread transfer of this species from camels onto livestock and its adaptation to cattle in the region. Of 159 ticks screened, 2 out of 54 (3.7%) from Zamfara State and 29 out of 105 (27.6%) from Sokoto State harboured DNA of Theileria annulata, the agent of tropical theileriosis. Conclusions: This study confirms the presence of a broad diversity of tick species in cattle from north-western Nigeria, providing the first locality records for Zamfara State. The occurrence of H. turanicum indicates a distribution of this tick beyond northern Africa. This study provides the first report for T. annulata in Nigerian ticks. Given its enormous burden on livestock farming in north Africa and across Asia, further investigations are needed to better understand its epidemiology, vector transmission and potential clinical significance in cattle from northern Nigeria and neighbouring Sahelian countries

    Análise crítica dos sistemas neurais envolvidos nas respostas de medo inato Critical analysis of the neural systems organizing innate fear responses

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    O nosso entendimento das bases neurofisiológicas da reação emocional do medo baseia-se em grande parte nos estudos que envolvem respostas condicionadas a estímulos fisicamente aversivos, como, por exemplo, o choque elétrico nas patas. Enquanto este paradigma parece ser útil para avaliarmos os sistemas neurais envolvidos na resposta do, assim chamado, medo condicionado (que tipicamente tem se limitado à observação da resposta de congelamento), este paradigma parece ter sérias limitações para investigarmos as bases neurais das respostas de medo em circunstancias naturais. Trabalhos recentes utilizando técnicas de lesões neurais bem como de mapeamento funcional em animais expostos a predadores naturais, ou somente ao odor destes predadores, revelam uma série de estruturas neurais como responsáveis pelas respostas de medo inato, bastante distintas daquelas previamente implicadas nas respostas de condicionamento aversivo. Como revisto no presente trabalho, entre estas estruturas temos distritos diferenciados da zona medial do hipotálamo; setores específicos da amídala e do sistema septo-hipocampal, envolvidos, respectivamente no processamento de pistas relacionadas à presença do predador e na análise contextual do ambiente; e setores da matéria cinzenta periaquedutal, já classicamente envolvidos na expressão de respostas de defesa. Estas informações podem ser potencialmente importantes para a análise e terapêutica de psicopatologias relacionadas aos distúrbios da reação emocional de medo.<br>Unconditioned emotional responses elicited by exposure to a predator have served as the prototypical exemplar for analyses of the behavioral biology of fear-related emotionality. However, the primary research model for the study of fear has involved shock-based cue and context conditioning. While these shock-based models have provided a good understanding of neural systems regulating specific conditioned fear-related behaviors (typically freezing), it is not known if the neural systems underlying an array of defensive responses to innate, unconditioned, painless threat stimuli, and conditioning to these stimuli, are the same as those involved in foot shock and its conditioning sequellae. Recent work involving lesions and c-Fos activation in conjunction with predator or predator odor exposure suggest specific neural systems for response to these, potentially different from the systems outlined in Pavlovian fear conditioning studies. As outlined in the present review, these systems include the medial hypothalamic defensive circuit; specific amygdalar and septo-hippocampal territories, involved in processing, respectively, cues related to the predator presence and environmental contextual analysis; and the periaqueductal gray, known to be critically involved in the expression of predator-induced responses. This information may be potentially important in analysis of defense-related psychopathologies and in the design of therapeutic interventions for them

    The Real Entity Theory and the Primary Interest of the Firm: Equilibrium Theory, Stakeholder Theory and Common Good Theory

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    According to the entity theory, the firm is a real person interested in survival and growth quantitatively and qualitatively. However, the literature is often vague and ambiguous for what concern the conditions to achieve for the survival and growth, as well as the modalities through which find the right compromise between continuity (or long-term profitability) and social function (or sociality) of the firm. This chapter wants to contribute to the theories that consider the firm as a real entity, proposing the concept of ‘primary interest of the firm’, which includes the conditions that allow firms to survive and grow, as well as to serve the common good of their stakeholders and society. The primary interest concept is multidimensional and derives from the intersection of three theories: equilibrium theory, stakeholder theory and common good theory