13 research outputs found

    Gene expression profiling revealed novel mechanism of action of Taxotere and Furtulon in prostate cancer cells

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    BACKGROUND: Both Taxotere and Capecitabine have shown anti-cancer activity against various cancers including prostate cancer. In combination, Taxotere plus Capecitabine has demonstrated higher anti-cancer activity in advanced breast cancers. However, the molecular mechanisms of action of Taxotere and Capecitabine have not been fully elucidated in prostate cancer. METHODS: The total RNA from PC3 and LNCaP prostate cells untreated and treated with 2 nM Taxotere, 110 μM Furtulon (active metabolite of Capecitabine), or 1 nM Taxotere plus 50 μM Furtulon for 6, 36, and 72 hours, was subjected to Affymetrix Human Genome U133A Array analysis. Real-time PCR and Western Blot analysis were conducted to confirm microarray data. RESULTS: Taxotere and Furtulon down-regulated some genes critical for cell proliferation, cell cycle progression, transcription factor, cell signaling, and oncogenesis, and up-regulated some genes related to the induction of apoptosis, cell cycle arrest, and differentiation in both cell lines. Taxotere and Furtulon also up-regulated some genes responsible for chemotherapeutic resistance, suggesting the induction of cancer cell resistance to these agents. CONCLUSIONS: Taxotere and Furtulon caused the alternation of a large number of genes, many of which may contribute to the molecular mechanisms by which Taxotere and Furtulon inhibit the growth of prostate cancer cells. This information could be utilized for further mechanistic research and for devising optimized therapeutic strategies against prostate cancer

    The living microarray: a high-throughput platform for measuring transcription dynamics in single cells

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Current methods of measuring transcription in high-throughput have led to significant improvements in our knowledge of transcriptional regulation and Systems Biology. However, endpoint measurements obtained from methods that pool populations of cells are not amenable to studying time-dependent processes that show cell heterogeneity.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Here we describe a high-throughput platform for measuring transcriptional changes in real time in single mammalian cells. By using reverse transfection microarrays we are able to transfect fluorescent reporter plasmids into 600 independent clusters of cells plated on a single microscope slide and image these clusters every 20 minutes. We use a fast-maturing, destabilized and nuclear-localized reporter that is suitable for automated segmentation to accurately measure promoter activity in single cells. We tested this platform with synthetic drug-inducible promoters that showed robust induction over 24 hours. Automated segmentation and tracking of over 11 million cell images during this period revealed that cells display substantial heterogeneity in their responses to the applied treatment, including a large proportion of transfected cells that do not respond at all.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The results from our single-cell analysis suggest that methods that measure average cellular responses, such as DNA microarrays, RT-PCR and chromatin immunoprecipitation, characterize a response skewed by a subset of cells in the population. Our method is scalable and readily adaptable to studying complex systems, including cell proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis.</p

    Infectivity enhanced adenoviral-mediated mda-7/IL-24 gene therapy for ovarian carcinoma

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    Objective. Melanoma differentiation associated gene-7 [mda-7/interleukin (IL)-24] has been identified as a novel anti-cancer agent, which specifically induces apoptosis in cancer cells but not in normal epithelial, endothelial and fibroblast cells. The objective of this study was to evaluate the anti-tumor effect of adenovirus-mediated mda-7/IL-24 (Ad.mda-7) gene therapy in ovarian carcinoma and further improve anti-tumor effect by enhancing infectivity of Ad.mda-7. Methods. A panel of human ovarian carcinoma cells, OV-4, HEY, SKOV3, SKOV3.ipI and control normal human mesothelial cells, were infected by a replication deficient recombinant adenovirus encoding mda-7/IL-24 and control virus Ad.CMV.Luc. After 72 h, apoptosis was evaluated by TUNEL and Hoechst staining and further quantified by fluorescent activated cell sorter (FACS) analysis. Infectivity of Ad.mda-7 was enhanced by retargeting it to CD40 or EGF receptors overexpressed on ovarian cancer cells. Subsequently, enhancement in apoptosis of CD40- or epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)-retargeted Ad.mda-7 was evaluated. Results. Adenoviral-mediated delivery of mda-7 induces apoptosis ranging from 10-23% in human ovarian cancer cells tested with the highest percentage of apoptosis noted in SKOV3 cells. Minimal apoptosis was noted in normal mesothelial cells. CD40- or EGFR-retargeted Ad.mda-7 increased apoptosis by 10-32% when compared to that achieved with untargeted Ad.mda-7. Conclusion. Ad.mda-7 exhibits ovarian cancer-specific apoptosis, but does not affect normal human mesothelial cells. Infectivity enhanced CD40- and EGFR-retargeted Ad.mda-7 augments apoptosis induction, thus increasing the therapeutic index and translational potential of Ad.mda-7 gene therapy. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Molecular diagnosis of human cancer type by gene expression profiles and independent component analysis

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    The precise diagnosis of cancer type based on microarray data is of particular importance and is also a challenging task. We have devised a novel pattern recognition procedure based on independent component analysis (ICA). Different from the conventional cancer classification methods, which are limited in their clinical applicability of cancer diagnosis, our method extracts explicitly, by ICA algorithm, a set of specific diagnostic patterns of normal and tumor tissues corresponding to a set of biomarkers for clinical use. We validated our procedure with the colon and prostate cancer data sets and achieved good diagnosis (>90%) on the data sets studied here. This technique is also suitable for the identification of diagnostic expression patterns for other human cancers and demonstrates the feasibility of simple and accurate molecular cancer diagnostics for clinical implementation. © 2005 Nature Publishing Group All rights reserved.link_to_subscribed_fulltex

    Guanine nucleotides regulate sphingosine kinase 1 activation by eukaryotic elongation factor 1A and provide a mechanism for eEF1A-associated oncogenesis

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    Sphingosine kinase 1 (SK1) catalyses the formation of bioactive phospholipid sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P). Elevated cellular SK1 activity and S1P levels enhance cell proliferation and survival, and are strongly implicated in tumourigenesis. Regulation of SK1 activity can occur through various mechanisms, including phosphorylation and protein–protein interactions. We have previously shown that eukaryotic elongation factor 1A (eEF1A) interacts with and directly activates SK1, but the mechanisms regulating this were undefined. Notably, eEF1A has GTPase activity and can exist in GTP- or GDP-bound forms, which are associated with distinct structural conformations of the protein. Here, we show that the guanine nucleotide-bound state of eEF1A regulates its ability to activate SK1, with eEF1A.GDP, but not eEF1A.GTP, enhancing SK1 activity in vitro. Furthermore, we show that enhancing cellular eEF1A.GDP levels through expression of a guanine nucleotide dissociation inhibitor of eEF1A, translationally controlled tumour protein (TCTP), increased SK1 activity in cells. We also examined a truncated isoform of eEF1A1, termed prostate tumour inducer-1 (PTI-1), which can induce neoplastic cell transformation through undefined mechanisms. PTI-1 lacks the G protein domain of eEF1A1 and is therefore unable to undergo the GTP-binding-induced conformational change. Notably, we found that PTI-1 can directly activate SK1 and that this seems to be essential for neoplastic transformation induced by PTI-1, as chemical SK1 inhibitors or overexpression of a dominant-negative SK1 blocked this process. Thus, this study defines the mechanism regulating eEF1A-mediated SK1 activation, and also establishes SK1 as being integral for PTI-1-induced oncogenesis.TM Leclercq, PAB Moretti and SM Pitso