4 research outputs found

    The centrosome and spindle as a ribonucleoprotein complex

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2011. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Springer for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Chromosome Research 19 (2011): 367-376, doi:10.1007/s10577-011-9186-7.The presence of nucleic acids in centrosomes and the spindle have been proposed, observed, and reported since the 1950s. Why did the subject remain, perhaps even until today, such a controversial issue? The explanation is manifold, and includes legitimate concern over contamination from other cellular compartments in biochemical preparations. With a typically high background of cytoplasmic ribosomes, even microscopic images of stained intact cells could be difficult to interpret. Also, evidence for RNA and DNA in centrosomes accumulated for approximately 40 years but was interspersed with contradictory studies, primarily regarding the presence of DNA (reviewed in Johnson and Rosenbaum, 1991; Marshall and Rosenbaum, 2000). Perhaps less tangible but still a likely cause for lingering controversy is that the presence of nucleic acids in the spindle or centrosomes will require us to look differently at these structures from a functional, and more to the point, evolutionary standpoint.This work was supported by grants from the NIH (GM088503) and NSF (MCB0843092) to MCA

    Parthenogenesis in insects: the centriole renaissance

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    Building a new organism usually requires the contribution of two differently shaped haploid cells, the male and female gametes, each providing its genetic material to restore diploidy of the new born zygote. The successful execution of this process requires defined sequential steps that must be completed in space and time. Otherwise, development fails. Relevant among the earlier steps are pronuclear migration and formation of the first mitotic spindle that promote the mixing of parental chromosomes and the formation of the zygotic nucleus. A complex microtubule network ensures the proper execution of these processes. Instrumental to microtubule organization and bipolar spindle assembly is a distinct non-membranous organelle, the centrosome. Centrosome inheritance during fertilization is biparental, since both gametes provide essential components to build a functional centrosome. This model does not explain, however, centrosome formation during parthenogenetic development, a special mode of sexual reproduction in which the unfertilized egg develops without the contribution of the male gamete. Moreover, whereas fertilization is a relevant example in which the cells actively check the presence of only one centrosome, to avoid multipolar spindle formation, the development of parthenogenetic eggs is ensured, at least in insects, by the de novo assembly of multiple centrosomes. Here, we will focus our attention on the assembly of functional centrosomes following fertilization and during parthenogenetic development in insects. Parthenogenetic development in which unfertilized eggs are naturally depleted of centrosomes would provide a useful experimental system to investigate centriole assembly and duplication together with centrosome formation and maturation

    Petroleum Industry Analytical Applications of Atomic Spectroscopy

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