103 research outputs found

    Goat milk production and quality on Tanzania-grass pastures, with supplementation.

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    It was evaluated the production and quality of milk produced by goats grazing Panicum maximum Jacq cv. Tanzania (Guineagrass) and receiving four levels of concentrate supplementation. Eight Anglo Nubian goats, aged between two and four years, 43.6 kg in average body weight and between the 2nd and 4th lactation were distributed into two 4 x 4 balanced Latin square design. The supplementation levels were: 0.0, 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5% of body weight. The concentrate was composed of corn and soybean meal. The intake of dry matter and nutrients, and the daily production of milk, 4% fat-corrected milk, fat, protein, lactose and total solids had increased (p < 0.05) with supplementation, whereas fat and total solids percentage were reduced (p < 0.05). The concentrate supplementation up to 1.5% of live weight in Tanzania-grass pasture raises the intake of dry matter and nutrients, resulting in a linear increase in milk production and of its components. [Produção e qualidade do leite de cabras em pasto cultivado de capim-Tanzânia suplementadas com concentrado]. Resumo: Avaliou-se a produção e qualidade do leite de cabras em pasto cultivado de Panicum maximum Jacq cv. Tanzânia sob níveis de suplementação com concentrado. Foram utilizadas oito cabras da raça Anglonubiana, com idade entre dois e quatro anos, peso médio de 43,6 kg, entre a 2ª e 4ª ordem de lactação, distribuídas em duplo quadrado latino balanceado 4 x 4. Os níveis de suplementação avaliados foram: 0,0; 0,5; 1,0 e 1,5% do peso vivo. O concentrado, foi composto por grão de milho e farelo de soja. O consumo de matéria seca e de nutrientes e as produções diárias de leite, de leite corrigido a 4% de gordura, gordura, proteína, lactose e sólidos totais aumentaram com a suplementação, enquanto que os teores de gordura e sólidos totais reduziram. A suplementação com concentrado em até 1,5% do peso vivo em pasto cultivado de capim-tanzânia promove aumento no consumo de matéria seca e de nutrientes da dieta, do que resulta o aumento linear na produção de leite e de seus constituintes

    Atividade antioxidante total em frutos de diferentes genótipos de umbuzeiro oriundos de Petrolina, PE.

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    Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a atividade antioxidante total dos extratos fenólicos obtidos de frutos de 32 genótipos de umbuzeiro através de dois métodos: ABTS e Sistema l3-caroteno/ácido linoléico

    Estratégia de transferência de tecnologia e comunicação para a sustentabilidade da sojicultura brasileira.

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    Estratégia de transferência de tecnologia e comunicação para a sustentabilidade da sojicultura brasileira, Introdução à prospecção de demandas da cadeia produtiva da soja, Estratégia de fortalecimento institucional, Planejamento estratégico de transferência de tecnologia e comunicação.bitstream/item/162787/1/DOC-392.pd

    Estratégia de transferência de tecnologia e comunicação para a sustentabilidade da sojicultura brasileira.

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    Estratégia de transferência de tecnologia e comunicação para a sustentabilidade da sojicultura brasileira, Introdução à prospecção de demandas da cadeia produtiva da soja, Estratégia de fortalecimento institucional, Planejamento estratégico de transferência de tecnologia e comunicação.bitstream/item/162787/1/DOC-392.pd

    Preservation and maceration of amazon açai leaflet Tissue to obtain genomic DNA.

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    The objective of this study was to test the efficiency of preservation and maceration methods for Euterpe precatoria leaflet tissue to obtain genomic DNA for molecular studies. The leaflets of E. precatoria were collected in an experimental field at Embrapa Acre, Brazil. The study was conducted in a completely randomized design with 10 replicates, in a 12 × 2 factorial structure, with 12 storage treatments (fresh; lyophiliser 3 days; refrigerator 3, 5, and 7 days; silica gel 7, 10, 20, and 30 days; and transport buffer 3, 5, and 7 days) and two leaf tissue maceration methods (liquid nitrogen and the TissueLyser®). Statistically significant differences in the obtained DNA concentration were found between the maceration and storage treatments. The TissueLyser® macerator produced higher DNA concentrations when compared to liquid nitrogen. For the storage treatments, five groups were formed based on DNA concentration when macerated with the TissueLyser® and two groups when macerated with liquid nitrogen. The DNA concentrations ranged from 285.00 ng/µL (7 days in transport buffer) to 702.00 ng/µL (30 days in silica gel) when the leaflets were macerated with liquid nitrogen, and from 572.73 ng/µL (30 days in silica gel) to 2,850.00 ng/µL (3 days in lyophiliser) using the TissueLyser® macerator. The DNA purity (A260/A280 nm) varied from 1.30 to 1.70 when the leaflets were macerated with liquid nitrogen and from 1.30 to 1.90 with the TissueLyser® macerator. Despite the variations in leaf tissue preservation and DNA concentration, all treatments were effective for DNA isolation and it was possible to amplify genomic regions of microsatellite markers by PCR. It was concluded that leaflets of E. precatoria stored in a lyophiliser and processed with an automatic macerator resulted in satisfactory DNA for molecular studies

    Avaliação da transferibilidade para Euterpe precatoria demarcadores microssatélites desenvolvidos para Euterpe edulis.

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    Euterpe precatoria, conhecido popularmente como açaí-solteiro apresenta potencial agronômico, tecnológico e econômico e vem ganhando destaque pela comercialização de seus frutos. A produção desse açaizeiro está baseada no extrativismo e por isso práticas de manejo têm sido recomendadas para uma coleta sustentável. Para se recomendar taxas sustentáveis de coleta dos frutos, é fundamental se ter informações sobre a variabilidade genética das populações naturais O açaizeiro apresenta grande importância, devido à crescente demanda por seus frutos nos mercados consumidores: local, regional e nacional. Esta crescente procura, faz com que seja incentivado estudos de diversidade e estrutura genética de populações de açaizeiros nativos, visando a conservação, uma vez que, na atualidade, a comercialização do produto é feita, quase exclusivamente do extrativismo, refletindo assim o pouco conhecimento genético das populações O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a transferibilidade de locos microssatélites da espécie Euterpe edulis para Euterpe precatoria a fim de confirmar a aplicabilidade destes marcadores em estudos genéticos Foram analisados 18 locos microssatélites desenvolvidos para E. edulis utilizando 20 indivíduos de duas populações naturais (Formoso e Novo Segredo) de E. precatoria coletados na reserva indígena Kaxinawá de Nova Olinda, Feijó-Acre Todos os locos (100%) amplificaram e nove destes (50%) foram polimórficos. Observou-se um total de 29 alelos na população Novo Segredo e 27 alelos na população Formoso, variando de dois a cinco alelos por loco, com média de três alelos/loco. A heterozigosidade esperada na população Formoso variou entre 0,100 e 0,668, com média de 0,421. Na população Novo Segredo houve variação entre 0,100 e 0,710, com média de 0,418. Os valores de heterozigosidade observada variaram entre 0,100 e 0,800, com médias de 0,333 e 0,267 para Formoso e Novo Segredo, respectivamente Os marcadores microssatélites relatados tornam-se ferramentas fundamentais para estudos em genética de população do açaizeiro E. precatoria, pois desempenham um papel importante no aumento do conhecimento da variabilidade genética da espécie. Este conjunto de marcadores servirão de suporte para futuros estudos de caracterização molecular das populações naturais de E. precatoria, auxiliando na definição de estratégias de conservação, manejo e melhoramento genético para esta espécie Este conjunto de marcadores servirão de suporte para futuros estudos de caracterização molecular das populações naturais de E. precatoria , auxiliando na recomendação de práticas de manejo sustentável e também de estratégias para a conservação e melhoramento genético desta espéci

    Introducing the INSIGNIA project: environmental monitoring of pesticide use through honey bees

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    INSIGNIA aims to design and test an innovative, non-invasive, scientifically proven citizen science environmental monitoring protocol for the detection of pesticides by honey bees. It is a 30-month pilot project initiated and financed by the EC (PP-1-1-2018; EC SANTE). The study is being carried out by a consortium of specialists in honey bees, apiculture, statistics, analytics, modelling, extension, social science and citizen science from twelve countries. Honey bee colonies are excellent bio-samplers of biological material such as nectar, pollen and plant pathogens, as well as non-biological material such as pesticides or airborne contamination. Honey bee colonies forage over a circle of 1 km radius, increasing to several km if required, depending on the availability and attractiveness of food. All material collected is accumulated in the hive.The honey bee colony can provide four main matrices for environmental monitoring: bees, honey, pollen and wax. Because of the non-destructive remit of the project, for pesticides, pollen is the focal matrix and used as trapped pollen and beebread in this study. Although beeswax can be used as a passive sampler for pesticides, this matrix is not being used in INSIGNIA because of its polarity dependent absorbance, which limits the required wide range of pesticides to be monitored. Alternatively, two innovative non-biological matrices are being tested: i) the “Beehold tube”, a tube lined with the generic absorbent polyethylene-glycol PEG, through which hive-entering bees are forced to pass, and ii) the “APIStrip” (Absorbing Pesticides In-hive Strips) with a specific pesticide absorbent which is hung between the bee combs.Beebread and pollen collected in pollen traps are being sampled every two weeks to be analysed for pesticide residues and to record foraging conditions. Trapped pollen provides snapshots of the foraging conditions and contaminants on a single day. During the active season, the majority of beebread is consumed within days, so beebread provides recent, random sampling results. The Beehold tube and the APIStrips are present throughout the 2-weeks sampling periods in the beehive, absorbing and accumulating the incoming contaminants. The four matrices i.e. trapped pollen, beebread, Beehold tubes and APIStrips will be analysed for the presence of pesticides. The botanical origin of trapped pollen, beebread and pollen in the Beehold tubes will also be determined with an innovative molecular technique. Data on pollen and pesticide presence will then be combined to obtain information on foraging conditions and pesticide use, together with evaluation of the CORINE database for land use and pesticide legislation to model the exposure risks to honey bees and wild bees. All monitoring steps from sampling through to analysis will be studied and rigorously tested in four countries in Year 1, and the best practices will then be ring-tested in nine countries in Year 2. Information about the course of the project, its results and publications will be available on the INSIGNIA website www.insignia-bee.eu and via social media: on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/insigniabee.eu/); Instagram insignia_bee); and Twitter (insignia_bee). Although the analyses of pesticide residues and pollen identification will not be completed until December 2019, in my talk I will present preliminary results of the Year 1 sampling.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Introducing the INSIGNIA project: Environmental monitoring of pesticides use through honey bees

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    INSIGNIA aims to design and test an innovative, non-invasive, scientifically proven citizen science environmental monitoring protocol for the detection of pesticides via honey bees. It is a pilot project initiated and financed by the European Commission (PP-1-1-2018; EC SANTE). The study is being carried out by a consortium of specialists in honey bees, apiculture, chemistry, molecular biology, statistics, analytics, modelling, extension, social science and citizen science from twelve countries. Honey bee colonies are excellent bio-samplers of biological material such as nectar, pollen and plant pathogens, as well as non-biological material such as pesticides or airborne contamination. Honey bee colonies forage over a circle of about 1 km radius, increasing to several km if required depending on the availability and attractiveness of food. All material collected is concentrated in the hive, and the honey bee colony can provide four main matrices for environmental monitoring: bees, honey, pollen and wax. For pesticides, pollen and wax are the focal matrices. Pollen collected in pollen traps will be sampled every two weeks to record foraging conditions. During the season, most of pollen is consumed within days, so beebread can provide recent, random sampling results. On the other hand wax acts as a passive sampler, building up an archive of pesticides that have entered the hive. Alternative in-hive passive samplers will be tested to replicate wax as a “pesticide-sponge”. Samples will be analysed for the presence of pesticides and the botanical origin of the pollen using an ITS2 DNA metabarcoding approach. Data on pollen and pesticides will be then be combined to obtain information on foraging conditions and pesticide use, together with evaluation of the CORINE database for land use and pesticide legislation to model the exposure risks to honey bees and wild bees. All monitoring steps from sampling through to analysis will be studied and tested in four countries in year 1, and the best practices will then be ring-tested in nine countries in year 2. Information about the course of the project and its results and publications will be available in the INSIGNIA website www.insignia-bee.eu.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio