66 research outputs found

    Physical properties of Brazil nuts.

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    The Brazil-nut, also known as Para-nut, is widely used as food and in cosmetic industries. The seeds are rich in lipids and protein, and also present a considerable amount of selenium. Limited research has been conducted on postharvest of the Brazil nut, being an important information to design equipment related to aeration, drying, storage and transportation steps. Thus, the objective of this study was to determine the physical properties of the Brazil-nut with and without tegument. The dimensions found for the almonds with tegument were 39.35 mm in the X axis, 24.19 mm in the Y axis, and 17.88 mm in the Z axis. However for the almond without tegument the values were 31.05 mm in X, 14.38 in Y and 15.91 mm in Z axis. The sphericity was 66.40% and 51.59% for the kernels with and without seed tegument respectively. The kernels with and without tegument presented sphericity of 63.00% and 47.72% respectively. The mass of 1000 almonds was 6.13 kg for almond with teguments and 3.18 kg for almonds without teguments. Specific mass of 0.947 g.cm-3 and 1.003 g.cm-3 for the kernels with and without tegument, coupled with a porosity of 46.88% and 37.60% and, resulting on a bulk density of 0.504 g.cm-3 and 0.626 g.cm-3 for almonds with and without teguments respectively. Finally, the angle of repose for the kernels with teguments was 36.37°. A castanha-do-brasil, tambĂ©m conhecida como castanha-do-parĂĄ, Ă© muito utilizada na alimentação humana e na indĂșstria cosmĂ©tica. As sementes sĂŁo ricas em lipĂ­deos e proteĂ­nas, apresentando ainda uma quantidade considerĂĄvel de SelĂȘnio. Poucas pesquisas vĂȘm sendo realizadas na pĂłs-colheita do produto, sendo as propriedades fĂ­sicas importantes para o desenvolvimento de equipamentos relacionados Ă  aeração, secagem, armazenamento e transporte de produtos. Assim, neste trabalho, teve-se por objetivos: determinar as propriedades fĂ­sicas da castanha-do-brasil com e sem tegumento. O tamanho para as amĂȘndoas com tegumento, foi de 39,35 mm no eixo X, 24,19 mm no eixo Y e 17,88 mm no eixo Z; jĂĄ para a amĂȘndoa sem tegumento os valores foram de 31,05 mm em X, 14,38 mm em Y e 15,91 em Z. A esfericidade foi de 66,40% e 51,59%, para as amĂȘndoas com e sem tegumento, respectivamente. 63,00% e 47,72% foram os valores de esfericidade encontrados para as amĂȘndoas com e sem tegumento, respectivamente. A massa de 1.000 amĂȘndoas foi de 6,13 kg para a amĂȘndoa com tegumento e de 3,18 kg para amĂȘndoas sem tegumento. Valores de massa especĂ­fica de 0,947 g.cm-3 e de 1,003 g.cm-3 para as amĂȘndoas com e sem tegumento, associados a uma porosidade de 46,88% e 37,60%, produziram uma massa especĂ­fica aparente de 0,504 g.cm-3 e de 0,626 g.cm-3. Finalmente, o Ăąngulo de repouso para as amĂȘndoas com tegumento foi de 36,37°

    Avaliação da carbonização do ouriço da castanha-do-brasil em forno tipo tambor.

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    O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar a produção de carvão a partir do ouriço da castanha-do-Brasil utilizando-se tambores metålicos como reator, adaptåveis à característica de mobilidade, típica desta exploração. O tempo médio de carbonização foi relativamente curto, 4:45 horas, o que gerou um rendimento em carvão de 19,11%. O teor de material com carbonização incompleta foi de 35,77%. Sua densidade båsica foi de 0,631 g.cm-3, jå a densidade a granel foi de 0,231g.cm-3. O teor de umidade médio do carvão produzido foi de 4,71%. Materiais volåteis, totalizaram 20,79% da massa total. O teor de cinzas foi de 0,87% e, o carbono fixo foi de 78,33%. O poder calorífico do ouriço pirolisado fo de 7.252,98 kCal.kg-1. Dessa forma, pode-se concluir que o método do tambor é adaptado à produção de carvão a partir do ouriço da castanha-do-Brasil, porém, melhorias no isolamento térmico do reator podem ser propostas para trabalhos futuros; o rendimento gravimétrico em carvão foi baixo, quando comparado ao rendimento por outros métodos de carbonização, provavelmente, em virtude da falta de isolamento térmico; o tempo de carbonização no reator foi consideravelmente menor que os obtidos para a carbonização em mufla de laboratório de produtos similares; o carvão produzido pelo método do tambor obteve características químicas, físicas e térmicas comparåveis ao carvão de outras espécies madeireiras e não-madeireiras

    Benign blockage: gastric outlet obstruction due to a prolapsing gastric pedunculated polyp. Case report and literature review

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    NO ABSTRACT AVAILABLEAn 89-year-old woman was admitted to the emergency department at “Ospedale Civile Umberto I” in Lugo (Ravenna) for 1 month of vomiting, mild epigastric pain, and postprandial diarrhea without fever. Main comorbidities included chronic atrial fbrillation treated with a direct-acting oral anticoagulant, previous MI, hypertension, diabetes, and hypercholesterolemia, though despite her age the patient was autonomous in her daily activities. On admission, laboratory tests included normal WBC count, Hgb, and CRP. Abdominal X-ray demonstrated a stomach flled by ingested food (Fig. 1a) and difuse air–fuid levels accompanied by abdominal distension (Fig. 1b). A surgical consultation was requested; a CT scan was performed confrming gastric distension by ingested food (Fig. 2). Since gastric outlet obstruction was suspected, the patient was hospitalized in a medical unit, treated with NPO and IV fuids. After 2 weeks, a second surgical consultation was requested due to the recurrence of clinical symptoms with unchanged laboratory tests. An upper GI series reported normal gastric and duodenal transit (Fig. 3) while colonoscopy was negative. The patient underwent EGD that showed a 4-cm pedunculated polyp situated in the gastric antrum; the polyp prolapsed into the duodenal bulb creating a “ball valve”-type intermittent obstruction. Biopsy was consistent with a hyperplastic polyp which was endoscopically resected (Fig. 4a–c). The fnal histological report confrmed a benign lesion; the patient was discharged from the hospital without any further invasive treatment in good general condition

    Recuperação e proteção de nascentes em propriedades rurais de Machadinho, RS.

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    A Controversy That Has Been Tough to Swallow: Is the Treatment of Achalasia Now Digested?

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    Esophageal achalasia is a rare neurodegenerative disease of the esophagus and the lower esophageal sphincter that presents within a spectrum of disease severity related to progressive pathological changes, most commonly resulting in dysphagia. The pathophysiology of achalasia is still incompletely understood, but recent evidence suggests that degeneration of the postganglionic inhibitory nerves of the myenteric plexus could be due to an infectious or autoimmune mechanism, and nitric oxide is the neurotransmitter affected. Current treatment of achalasia is directed at palliation of symptoms. Therapies include pharmacological therapy, endoscopic injection of botulinum toxin, endoscopic dilation, and surgery. Until the late 1980s, endoscopic dilation was the first line of therapy. The advent of safe and effective minimally invasive surgical techniques in the early 1990s paved the way for the introduction of laparoscopic myotomy. This review will discuss the most up-to-date information regarding the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment of achalasia, including a historical perspective. The laparoscopic Heller myotomy with partial fundoplication performed at an experienced center is currently the first line of therapy because it offers a low complication rate, the most durable symptom relief, and the lowest incidence of postoperative gastroesophageal reflux
