414 research outputs found

    Seroprevalence of Antibodies against Seal Influenza A(H10N7) Virus in Harbor Seals and Gray Seals from the Netherlands

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    In the spring and summer 2014, an outbreak of seal influenza A(H10N7) virus infection occurred among harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) off the coasts of Sweden and Denmark. This virus subsequently spread to harbor seals off the coasts of Germany and the Netherlands. While thousands of seals were reported dead in Sweden, Denmark and Germany, only a limited number of seals were found dead in the Netherlands. To determine the extent of exposure of seals in the Netherlands to influenza A/H10N7 virus, we measured specific antibody titers in serum samples from live-captured seals and seals admitted for rehabilitation in the Netherlands by use of a hemagglutination inhibition assay and an ELISA. In harbor seals in 2015, antibodies against seal influenza A(H10N7) virus were detected in 41% (32 out of 78) pups, 10% (5 out of 52) weaners, and 58% (7 out of 12) subadults or adults. In gray seals (Halichoerus grypus) in 2015, specific antibodies were not found i

    Propiedades psicométricas y datos normativos de la prueba ECCO_Senior: un instrumento para evaluar la comprensión gramatical en adultos mayores

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    El test ECCO_Senior se diseñó para evaluar la comprensión de oraciones en adultos mayores. Es una prueba corta y de fácil aplicación, que se ha empleado en distintos estudios previos. En el estudio participaron 670 personas, de 50 a 85 años de edad, que cumplían criterios de inclusión relativos al estatus cognitivo general, el estado de ánimo y porcentaje mínimo de aciertos en el test. Además de los test de cribado (MEC y GDS-15) y un cuestionario socio-demográfico, se aplicó a todos los participantes el test ECCO_Senior con el que se pueden obtener distintos índices (generales y específicos). Además de comprobar si existen diferencias entre los grupos según la edad y el nivel educativo, se evaluaron las propiedades psicométricas del test, incluyendo evidencias de validez en las que se probó la bondad de ajuste de tres modelos estructurales que sirven para identificar los índices que explican un mayor porcentaje de la varianza del constructo (comprensión de oraciones). Se ofrecen normas interpretativas del test por edad y nivel de estudios en los Apéndices. Los resultados indican que el test permite evaluar la comprensión de oraciones con una fiabilidad adecuada y es sensible a las dificultades que puede experimentar un adulto al realizar esta tarea. Los tres modelos muestran un buen ajuste y permiten concluir que las oraciones no ajustadas al orden sintáctico canónico y los distractores léxicos (si se considera el tipo de ítem) serían los mejores indicadores en términos del porcentaje de la varianza del constructo que explican.The ECCO_Senior test was designed to assess sentence comprehension in older adults. It is a short test and easy to apply, which has been used in different previous studies. The study involved 670 people, 50 to 85 years of age, who met inclusion criteria related to general cognitive status, mood and minimum percentage of performance in the test. In addition to the screening tests (MEC and GDS-15) and a socio-demographic questionnaire, the ECCO_Senior test was applied to all participants with which different indices (general and specific) can be obtained. In addition to checking if there are differences between the groups according to age and educational level, we evaluated the psychometric properties of the test, evidences of validity included, thus we tested the goodness of fit of three structural models that serve to identify the indices that explain a greater percentage of the variance of the construct (comprehension of sentences). Interpretive norms of the test are offered by age and level of studies in the Appendices. The results indicate that the test allows to evaluate sentence comprehension with adequate reliability and it is sensitive to the difficulties that an adult may experience when performing this task. The three models show a good fit and allow us to conclude that the sentences not adjusted to the canonical syntactic order and lexical foils (if the type of item is considered) would be the best indexes in terms of the percentage of construct’s variance they explain

    Extracellular sodium regulates fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23) formation

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    The bone-derived hormone fibroblast growth factor-23 (FGF23) has recently received much attention due to its association with chronic kidney disease and cardiovascular disease progression. Extracellular sodium concentration ([Na+^{+}]) plays a significant role in bone metabolism. Hyponatremia (lower serum [Na+^{+}]) has recently been shown to be independently associated with FGF23 levels in patients with chronic systolic heart failure. However, nothing is known about the direct impact of [Na+^{+}] on FGF23 production. Here, we show that an elevated [Na+^{+}] (+20 mM) suppressed FGF23 formation, whereas low [Na+^{+}] (-20 mM) increased FGF23 synthesis in the osteoblast-like cell lines UMR-106 and MC3T3-E1. Similar bidirectional changes in FGF23 abundance were observed when osmolality was altered by mannitol but not by urea, suggesting a role of tonicity in FGF23 formation. Moreover, these changes in FGF23 were inversely proportional to the expression of NFAT5 (nuclear factor of activated T cells-5), a transcription factor responsible for tonicity-mediated cellular adaptations. Furthermore arginine vasopressin (AVP), which is often responsible for hyponatremia, did not affect FGF23 production. Next, we performed a comprehensive and unbiased RNA-seq analysis of UMR-106 cells exposed to low vs. high [Na+^{+}], which revealed several novel genes involved in cellular adaptation to altered tonicity. Additional analysis of cells with Crisp-Cas9 mediated NFAT5 deletion indicated that NFAT5 controls numerous genes associated with FGF23 synthesis, thereby confirming its role in [Na+^{+}]-mediated FGF23 regulation. In line with these in vitro observations, we found that hyponatremia patients have higher FGF23 levels. Our results suggest that [Na+^{+}] is a critical regulator of FGF23 synthesis

    Extracellular sodium regulates fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23) formation.

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    The bone-derived hormone fibroblast growth factor-23 (FGF23) has recently received much attention due to its association with chronic kidney disease and cardiovascular disease progression. Extracellular sodium concentration ([Na+]) plays a significant role in bone metabolism. Hyponatremia (lower serum [Na+]) has recently been shown to be independently associated with FGF23 levels in patients with chronic systolic heart failure. However, nothing is known about the direct impact of [Na+] on FGF23 production. Here, we show that an elevated [Na+] (+20 mM) suppressed FGF23 formation, whereas low [Na+] (-20 mM) increased FGF23 synthesis in the osteoblast-like cell lines UMR-106 and MC3T3-E1. Similar bidirectional changes in FGF23 abundance were observed when osmolality was altered by mannitol but not by urea, suggesting a role of tonicity in FGF23 formation. Moreover, these changes in FGF23 were inversely proportional to the expression of NFAT5 (nuclear factor of activated T cells-5), a transcription factor responsible for tonicity-mediated cellular adaptations. Furthermore arginine vasopressin (AVP), which is often responsible for hyponatremia, did not affect FGF23 production. Next, we performed a comprehensive and unbiased RNA-seq analysis of UMR-106 cells exposed to low vs. high [Na+], which revealed several novel genes involved in cellular adaptation to altered tonicity. Additional analysis of cells with Crisp-Cas9 mediated NFAT5 deletion indicated that NFAT5 controls numerous genes associated with FGF23 synthesis, thereby confirming its role in [Na+]-mediated FGF23 regulation. In line with these in vitro observations, we found that hyponatremia patients have higher FGF23 levels. Our results suggest that [Na+] is a critical regulator of FGF23 synthesis

    Depletion of CD11c+ cells in the CD11c.DTR model drives expansion of unique CD64+ Ly6C+ monocytes that are poised to release TNF-α

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    Dendritic cells (DCs) play a vital role in innate and adaptive immunities. Inducible depletion of CD11c+ DCs engineered to express a high-affinity diphtheria toxin receptor has been a powerful tool to dissect DC function in vivo. However, despite reports showing that loss of DCs induces transient monocytosis, the monocyte population that emerges and the potential impact of monocytes on studies of DC function have not been investigated. We found that depletion of CD11c+ cells from CD11c.DTR mice induced the expansion of a variant CD64+ Ly6C+ monocyte population in the spleen and blood that was distinct from conventional monocytes. Expansion of CD64+ Ly6C+ monocytes was independent of mobilization from the BM via CCR2 but required the cytokine, G-CSF. Indeed, this population was also expanded upon exposure to exogenous G-CSF in the absence of DC depletion. CD64+ Ly6C+ monocytes were characterized by upregulation of innate signaling apparatus despite the absence of inflammation, and an increased capacity to produce TNF-α following LPS stimulation. Thus, depletion of CD11c+ cells induces expansion of a unique CD64+ Ly6C+ monocyte population poised to synthesize TNF-α. This finding will require consideration in experiments using depletion strategies to test the role of CD11c+ DCs in immunity

    Root trenching: a useful tool to estimate autotrophic soil respiration? A case study in an Austrian mountain forest

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    We conducted a trenching experiment in a mountain forest in order to assess the contribution of theautotrophic respiration to total soil respiration and evaluate trenching as a technique to achieve it. We hypothesised that the trenching experiment would alter both microbial biomass and microbial community structure and that Wne roots (less than 2 mm diameter) would be decomposed within one growing season. Soil CO2 eZux was measured roughlybiweekly over two growing seasons. Root presence and morphology parameters, as well as the soil microbial community were measured prior to trenching, 5 and 15 months after trenching. The trenched plots emitted about 20 and 30% less CO2 than the control plots in the Wrst and secondgrowing season, respectively. Roots died in trenched plots, but root decay was slow. After 5 and 15 months, Wne root biomass was decreased by 9% (not statistically diferent)and 30%, (statistically diVerent) respectively. When wecorrected for the additional trenched-plot CO2 eZux due to Wne root decomposition, the autotrophic soil respiration rose to »26% of the total soil respiration for the Wrst growing season, and to »44% for the second growing season.Soil microbial biomass and community structure was not altered by the end of the second growing season. We conclude that trenching can give accurate estimates of the autotrophic and heterotrophic components of soil respiration, ifmethodological side eVects are accounted for, only

    Neuroinflammatory processes in cognitive disorders:Is there a role for flavonoids and n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in counteracting their detrimental effects?

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    Neuroinflammatory processes are known to contribute to the cascade of events culminating in the neuronal damage that underpins neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease. With the ageing population and increased cases of neurodegenerative diseases, there is a crucial need for the development of new strategies capable to prevent, delay the onset or treat brain dysfunction and associated cognitive decline. Growing evidence sheds light on the use of dietary polyphenols and n-3 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids to improve cognitive performances and reduce the neuroinflammatory and oxidative stress responses occurring with age and neurodegenerative pathologies. This review will summarise the most recent information related to the impact and mechanisms underlying the neuroinflammatory processes in neurodegenerative disorders. We will also detail the current evidence indicating that flavonoids and n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids are strong candidate in preventing neuroinflammation and modulating age-related memory decline, and will describe the potential mechanisms of action underlying their neuroprotective effects. As such, these dietary bioactives represent important precursor molecules in the quest to develop of a new generation of drugs capable of counteracting neuroinflammation and neurodegenerative diseases

    Efavirenz versus boosted atazanavir-containing regimens and immunologic, virologic, and clinical outcomes: A prospective study of HIV-positive individuals

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    Abstract Objective: To compare regimens consisting of either ritonavir-boosted atazanavir or efavirenz and a nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NRTI) backbone with respect to clinical, immunologic, and virologic outcomes. Design: Prospective studies of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected individuals in Europe and the United States included in the HIV-CAUSAL Collaboration. Methods: HIV-positive, antiretroviral therapy-naive, and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)-free individuals were followed from the time they started an atazanavir or efavirenz regimen. We estimated an analog of the “intention-to-treat” effect for efavirenz versus atazanavir regimens on clinical, immunologic, and virologic outcomes with adjustment via inverse probability weighting for time-varying covariates. Results: A total of 4301 individuals started an atazanavir regimen (83 deaths, 157 AIDS-defining illnesses or deaths) and 18,786 individuals started an efavirenz regimen (389 deaths, 825 AIDS-defining illnesses or deaths). During a median follow-up of 31 months, the hazard ratios (95% confidence intervals) were 0.98 (0.77, 1.24) for death and 1.09 (0.91, 1.30) for AIDS-defining illness or death comparing efavirenz with atazanavir regimens. The 5-year survival difference was 0.1% (95% confidence interval: −0.7%, 0.8%) and the AIDS-free survival difference was −0.3% (−1.2%, 0.6%). After 12 months, the mean change in CD4 cell count was 20.8 (95% confidence interval: 13.9, 27.8) cells/mm3 lower and the risk of virologic failure was 20% (14%, 26%) lower in the efavirenz regimens. Conclusion: Our estimates are consistent with a smaller 12-month increase in CD4 cell count, and a smaller risk of virologic failure at 12 months for efavirenz compared with atazanavir regimens. No overall differences could be detected with respect to 5-year survival or AIDS-free survival