15 research outputs found

    Viabilidade econômica de vacas leiteiras F1 Holandês x Zebu com diferentes bases maternas e ordens de parto

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    RESUMO Objetivou-se avaliar a viabilidade econômica de vacas F1 de Holandês x Zebu de diferentes bases maternas e ordens de parto. Foram utilizados dados do Campo Experimental da Epamig (Felixlândia-MG). Analisaram-se 406 lactações de vacas F1 H x Z de diferentes bases maternas. Estimaram-se a receita e os custos operacional efetivo, operacional total e custo total. As F1 Holandês x Gir tiveram médias de custos maiores (R3582,30),seguidaspelasF1Holande^sxNelogir(R 3582,30), seguidas pelas F1 Holandês x Nelogir (R 3448,06), e o menor foi das F1 Holandês x Nelore (R3145,07).AreceitatotalfoimaiorparaasvacasF1Holande^sxGireF1Holande^sxNelogir,comvaloresdeR 3145,07). A receita total foi maior para as vacas F1 Holandês x Gir e F1 Holandês x Nelogir, com valores de R 4394,96 e R4245,61,respectivamente,eamenorreceitafoiparaF1Holande^sxNelore,comvalordeR 4245,61, respectivamente, e a menor receita foi para F1 Holandês x Nelore, com valor de R 3976,12. O lucro foi de R812,65;R 812, 65; R 797,54 e R$ 831,04 para as F1 filhas de base materna Gir, Nelogir e Nelore, respectivamente. Todas as bases maternas são viáveis economicamente e podem ser utilizadas no sistema de produção de leite e bezerros para venda. Todas as ordens de parto de Holandês x Zebu estudadas são viáveis economicamente

    A Multi-parameter Approach to Automated Building Grouping and Generalization

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    This paper presents an approach to automated building grouping and generalization. Three principles of Gestalt theories, i.e. proximity, similarity, and common directions, are employed as guidelines, and six parameters, i.e. minimum distance, area of visible scope, area ratio, edge number ratio, smallest minimum bounding rectangle (SMBR), directional Voronoi diagram (DVD), are selected to describe spatial patterns, distributions and relations of buildings. Based on these principles and parameters, an approach to building grouping and generalization is developed. First, buildings are triangulated based on Delaunay triangulation rules, by which topological adjacency relations between buildings are obtained and the six parameters are calculated and recorded. Every two topologically adjacent buildings form a potential group. Three criteria from previous experience and Gestalt principles are employed to tell whether a 2-building group is ‘strong,’ ‘average’ or ‘weak.’ The ‘weak’ groups are deleted from the group array. Secondly, the retained groups with common buildings are organized to form intermediate groups according to their relations. After this step, the intermediate groups with common buildings are aggregated or separated and the final groups are formed. Finally, appropriate operators/algorithms are selected for each group and the generalized buildings are achieved. This approach is fully automatic. As our experiments show, it can be used primarily in the generalization of buildings arranged in blocks

    Ellipsoid-of-Revolution to Tangential Plane

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    C 10(3): The Ten Parameter Conformal Group as a Datum Transformation in Three-Dimensional Euclidean Space

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    Map Projections of Alternative Structures: Torus, Hyperboloid, Paraboloid, Onion Shape and Others

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    “Ellipsoid-of-Revolution to Cylinder”: Transverse Aspect

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    “Sphere to Cylinder”: Transverse Aspect

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    Ellipsoid-of-Revolution to Sphere and from Sphere to Plane

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