1 research outputs found
Local cerebral glucose utilization in the brain of old, learning impaired rats
- Author
- A Baskys
- A Biegon
- A Biegon
- A Moretti
- A Wree
- A Wree
- A Wree
- A Wree
- A Wree
- AM Issa
- AS Lippa
- C Bertoni-Freddari
- C Kennedy
- CA Barnes
- CB Smith
- CB Smith
- CE Finch
- CW Cotman
- D Gurwitz
- DG Stein
- DM Caspary
- DS Olton
- E Bauchweitz-Milton
- E Bauchweitz-Milton
- E Schlicker
- ED London
- EK Perry
- EM Keithley
- EM Keithley
- F Gomez-Pinilla
- F Guidobono
- FH Gage
- FH Gage
- G Buzsáki
- G Nowak
- G Paxinos
- G Smith
- GV Simpson
- H Björklund
- H Gozlan
- H Stephan
- H Takei
- H Takei
- H Watanabe
- H Watanabe
- HC Burck
- HE Savaki
- I Degrell
- J Astrup
- J McCulloch
- J Sirvio
- J Victoria
- JA Joseph
- JA Joseph
- JA Miller
- JC Manna La
- JE Birren
- JE Springer
- JL Schardein
- JM Ordy
- JS Freilich
- K Fujisawa
- K Zilles
- K Zilles
- K Zilles
- K Zilles
- K Zilles
- K Zilles
- KR Brizzee
- L Heimer
- L Sachs
- L Sokoloff
- L Sokoloff
- L Sokoloff
- L Sokoloff
- M Banay-Schwartz
- M Marchi
- M Ohata
- MA Casey
- MJ Karnowsky
- MJ Leon de
- ML Feldman
- MW Decker
- NG Weiland
- NL Shinowara
- NW Pedigo
- O Giorgi
- P Kugler
- PJ Whitehouse
- PM Wise
- PW Landfield
- R Duara
- R Duara
- R Strong
- RSJ Franckowiak
- RT Bartus
- RT Bartus
- S Algeri
- SB Waller
- SH Pradhan
- SI Rapoport
- SI Rapoport
- SI Rapoport
- SW Scheff
- T Kadar
- T Schuurman
- TT Soncrant
- TT Soncrant
- V Hoeffding
- V Luine
- W Fischer
- W Tack
- WA Cooper
- WJ Schwartz
- Y Geinisman
- YL Lai
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study