25 research outputs found
Multi-scale approach of the instrumented indentation technique on the fracture toughness estimation
Instrumented Indentation Technique (IIT) is widely used to determine the mechanical properties of materials. The elastic modulus is usually determined by applying the methodology proposed by Oliver and Pharr [1] who supposed that its value is independent of the indentation depth. However, some authors [2, 3] have observed a decrease of the elastic modulus when the indenter displacement increases which allowed them to introduce a continuous damage theory used afterwards to estimate the fracture toughness of ductile materials. The assumption made by the authors is that a damage in the region very close to the bottom of the indent results in the formation of microvoids which leads to the variation of the elastic modulus as a function of the indenter displacement. Starting from this observation, Lee et al. [2] proposed an energy model based on the Griffithâs theory and the continuous damage mechanics (CDM) which states that the elastic modulus variation is related to the fraction void volume through a variable damage, introduced by Kachanov [4], related to the surface density of the microdefects. On the other hand, the works carried out over ductile materials by Li et al. [3] have been performed only with nanoindentation data preventing a discussion on the scale-Ââeffect. (...
Multi-scale approach of the instrumented indentation technique on the fracture toughness estimation
Instrumented Indentation Technique (IIT) is widely used to determine the mechanical properties of materials. The elastic modulus is usually determined by applying the methodology proposed by Oliver and Pharr [1] who supposed that its value is independent of the indentation depth. However, some authors [2, 3] have observed a decrease of the elastic modulus when the indenter displacement increases which allowed them to introduce a continuous damage theory used afterwards to estimate the fracture toughness of ductile materials. The assumption made by the authors is that a damage in the region very close to the bottom of the indent results in the formation of microvoids which leads to the variation of the elastic modulus as a function of the indenter displacement. Starting from this observation, Lee et al. [2] proposed an energy model based on the Griffithâs theory and the continuous damage mechanics (CDM) which states that the elastic modulus variation is related to the fraction void volume through a variable damage, introduced by Kachanov [4], related to the surface density of the microdefects. On the other hand, the works carried out over ductile materials by Li et al. [3] have been performed only with nanoindentation data preventing a discussion on the scale-Ââeffect. (...
Mechanical properties of thermally sprayed porous alumina coating by Vickers and Knoop indentation
Depending on the thermal spraying conditions, coatings obtained can present different defects, like pores, cracks and/or unmelted particles, and different surface roughnesses, that can affect the determination of the hardness and elastic modulus. The present work investigates the mechanical properties, determined by means of Knoop and Vickers indentations, of a plasma as-sprayed alumina coating, obtained with a nano-agglomerated powder sprayed using a PTF4 torch, in order to highlight how the surface defects interfere into the indentation process. As a main result, Knoop indentation compared to Vickers one gives less dispersive results (15% and 33%, respectively), that are, in addition, more representative of the coating properties. The mean values obtained are 110 ± 40 GPa for the elastic modulus and 1.75 ± 0.42 GPa for the hardness. In addition, and for the two indenter types used, multicyclic indentation has been performed because it allows a more appropriate characterization of such heterogeneous coatings due to the representation of the mechanical properties as a function of the indentation load and/or the penetration depth, leading to more reliable results according to the depth-variability of the coating microstructure
Mechanical properties by indentation of aluminium nitride nanometric thin film
Les propriĂ©tĂ©s mĂ©caniques des films minces sont gĂ©nĂ©ralement dĂ©terminĂ©es par nanoindentation pour Ă©viter lâinfluence du substrat. En effet, nous savons que le substrat influence cette mesure dĂšs lors que lâindenteur pĂ©nĂštre Ă plus de 10 % de lâĂ©paisseur du film pour la duretĂ©, ce chiffre pouvant ĂȘtre ramenĂ© Ă 1 % pour le module dâĂ©lasticitĂ©. Pour des films extrĂȘmement minces pour lesquels la mesure directe des propriĂ©tĂ©s ne serait pas possible, lâapplication de modĂšles pour sĂ©parer la contribution du substrat de la mesure est alors nĂ©cessaire. Dans ce travail, la duretĂ© et le module dâĂ©lasticitĂ© dâun film de nitrure dâaluminium de 250 nm dâĂ©paisseur dĂ©posĂ© par Magnetron Sputtering ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©terminĂ©es par nanoindentation. Pour rĂ©duire lâinfluence de lâincertitude de lâĂ©paisseur du film sur la dĂ©termination des propriĂ©tĂ©s mĂ©caniques, nous proposons de masquer cette Ă©paisseur dans les termes de lissage de plusieurs modĂšles et dâĂ©tudier leurs convergences. Concernant le module dâĂ©lasticitĂ©, nous avons observĂ© que les valeurs suivaient une courbe typique en S entre deux asymptotes, une qui tend vers la valeur du module du film pour les trĂšs faibles profondeurs dâindentation et lâautre vers celle du substrat pour les plus fortes charges. Dans ces conditions, le modĂšle dâAntunes et al. utilisant le paramĂštre de Gao gĂ©nĂ©ralement utilisĂ© dans de telles Ă©tudes, car ne faisant intervenir aucun coefficient de lissage, ne peut reprĂ©senter correctement lâĂ©volution des points expĂ©rimentaux. Câest pourquoi nous proposons dâutiliser une loi du type Avrami qui permet de bien prendre en compte ces deux tendances. Finalement, nous obtenons 10 GPa pour la duretĂ© et 150 GPa pour le module dâĂ©lasticitĂ© en accord avec les donnĂ©es de la littĂ©rature.The mechanical properties of thin film are usually determined by nanoindentation in order to circumvent the influence of the substrate. Indeed, it is recognized that the substrate interferes into the measurement when the indenter penetrates more than 10% of the film thickness for the hardness determination and 1% for the elastic modulus determination. For very thin films for which a direct measurement of the mechanical properties is not possible, models must be applied to separate the contribution of the substrate into the measurement. In this work, hardness and elastic modulus of aluminum nitride film of 250 nm of thickness deposited by Magnetron Sputtering have been determined by nanoindentation. In order to reduce the influence of the uncertainty of the film thickness value on the mechanical property determination, we suggest to introduce the thickness term into the fitting parameters of the different models and to study the convergence of these models. Concerning the elastic modulus, we observed that the experimental data varied following a typical S-curve between tow asymptotes, one which tends toward the value of the film modulus for very low indenter displacements and the other toward that of the substrate for the highest indentation loads. In these conditions, the model proposed by Antunes et al. using the Gaoâs function in which no fitting parameters are involved cannot adequately represent the experimental data variation. That is the reason why we propose to apply similarly to the Avramiâs law which allows to take into account the tendencies at the two extremum. Finally, we obtained values close to 10 GPa and 150 GPa for the hardness and the elastic modulus, respectively, in accordance with the literature data
High Cycle Fatigue Damage Evaluation of Steel Pipelines Based on Microhardness Changes During Cyclic Loads: Part II
ACTIInternational audienceThe hardness of a material shows its ability to resist to microplastic deformation caused by indentation or penetration and is closely related to the plastic slip capacity of the material. Therefore, it could be significant to study the resistance to microplastic deformations based on microhardness changes on the surface, and the associated accumulation of fatigue damage. The present work is part of a research study being carried out with the aim of proposing a new method based on microstructural changes, represented by a fatigue damage indicator, to predict fatigue life of steel structures submitted to cyclic loads, before macroscopic cracking. Here, Berkovich indentation tests were carried out in the samples previously submitted to high cycle fatigue (HCF) tests. It was observed that the major changes in the microhardness values occurred at the surface of the material below 3 ÎŒm of indentation depth, and around 20% of the fatigue life of the material, proving that microcracking is a surface phenomenon. So, the results obtained for the surface of the specimen and at the beginning of the fatigue life of the material will be considered in the proposal of a new method to estimate the fatigue life of metal structures
Estudio del comportamiento mecanico de compuestos de mezcla polimerica con adicion de cĂĄscara de arroz y compatibilizante
L utilisation et la mise au point de polymĂšres renforcĂ©s sont des activitĂ©s dĂ©jĂ anciennes et de nombreuses Ă©tudes leur ont dĂ©jĂ Ă©tĂ© consacrĂ©es. ParallĂšlement Ă l utilisation des matiĂšres plastiques la question de leur recyclage se pose avec de plus en plus d acuitĂ©. Le travail prĂ©sentĂ© cherche Ă comprendre le rĂŽle d un renfort constituĂ© d Ă©corce de riz sur le comportement mĂ©canique d un mĂ©lange de polyolĂ©fines. Un plan d expĂ©rience est construit sur la base 1) de mĂ©langes de polyolĂ©fines recyclĂ©s 2) d ajout d Ă©corce de riz et 3) d ajout d agent compatibilisant et 4) sur le mode d Ă©laboration par injection ou compression. L adhĂ©rence de l Ă©corce de riz avec la matrice polymĂšre a Ă©tĂ© examinĂ©e en relation avec sa microstructure et sa composition. Il est mis en Ă©vidence que l addition d Ă©corce de riz seule rĂ©duit les propriĂ©tĂ©s de traction mais que l addition d agent compatibilisant favorise la dĂ©formation du polymĂšre. La diffĂ©rence est notable entre les valeurs des propriĂ©tĂ©s de traction des Ă©prouvettes Ă©laborĂ©es par injection ou par compression. Cependant, les rĂ©sultats peuvent ĂȘtre comparĂ©s valablement Ă l aide d un paramĂštre capacitĂ© de charge que nous proposons comme le rapport entre la tension maximale et la dĂ©formation maximale qui renseigne sur la capacitĂ© globale de rĂ©sistance et de dĂ©formation aux conditions Ă rupture. Du point de vue du processus physico-chimique on peut conclure que l addition de compatibilisant amĂ©liore l adhĂ©rence entre les composants polymĂšres et de l Ă©corce de riz, et par voie de consĂ©quence la surface de rupture. L indice de capacitĂ© de charge que nous proposons pourrait ĂȘtre considĂ©rĂ© comme un facteur de conception pertinent.The use and development of reinforced polymers are long-standing activities and many studies have already been done on the subject. With the development of the use of plasticsthe question of recycling becomes more and more acute. The work presented here reflects these concerns by seeking to understand the role of a reinforcement consisting of rice husk on the mechanical behavior of a mixture of polyolefins. The experimental design which was used was built on the base 1) of polyolefin blends 2) the addition of rice wheat and 3) the addition of compatibilizer and 4) the mode of preparation by injection or compression. The adhesion of rice husk with the polymer matrix has been examined in relation to its microstructure and composition. It was also revealed that the addition of rice wheat alone reduces the tensile properties but that the addition of compatibilizer promotes the deformation of the polymer blend. A noticeable difference was found between tensile properties of specimens prepared by injection or compression. However, the results can be validly compared if we introduce a parameter called "load capacity" that we propose as the ratio between the maximum voltage and maximum strain which provides information on the overall ability of strength and deformation conditions at fracture. From the standpoint of physical-chemical process it can be concluded that the addition of compatibilizer improves the adhesion between the polymer components and rice wheat and consequently the fracture surface. The index of "load capacity" that we propose could be considered a relevant design factor.LILLE1-Bib. Electronique (590099901) / SudocSudocFranceF