22 research outputs found

    Ruptura tetive ekstenzora digitoruma nakon prednje artroskopije gležnja

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    Aim: The aim of this paper is to increase awareness of orthopaedic surgeons about an uncommon yet possible complication of ankle arthroscopy – iatrogenic extensor digitorum rupture. Ankle arthroscopy is becoming more widespread and according to the literature, the complication rate varies from 9% up to 17%. Case report: We are presenting a case of 32-year old police officer who recreationally plays soccer. The patient presented with clear signs of anterior ankle impingement confirmed by X-ray and the MRI. During ankle arthroscopy massive tibial and talar bone spurs were found with significant synovial reaction, nearly 10 loose intraarticular bodies and syndesmotic ossification. The patient was placed in a walking boot and early postoperative recovery went as planned. Physical therapy started 14 days after the procedure. Five weeks after the surgery while dorsiflexing his fingers patient felt a "snap" over his ankle followed by swelling. He couldn\u27t dorsiflex his fingers afterwards. MRI showed a rupture of the common extensor digitorum tendon. The patient was treated with open reconstruction of the tendon and lower leg immobilisation for 6 weeks followed by physical therapy and partial weight bearing. The patient made a full recovery. Conclusion: It is of the utmost importance to keep in mind that ankle arthroscopy alongside it\u27s obvious benefits is not void of complications. Iatrogenic tendon lesion is always possible and should be suspected with any loss of movement in foot and ankle after the procedure. Urgent MRI and immediate reconstruction showed good results in our case.Cilj: Cilj prikaza je podići svijest ortopeda o vrlo rijetkoj no mogućoj komplikaciji artroskopije gležnja – jatrogenoj rupturi tetive ekstenzor digitoruma. Artroskopija gležnja postaje sve raširenija i prema literaturi učestalost komplikacija varira od 9 % do 17 %. Prikaz slučaja: Prikazujemo slučaj 32-godišnjeg policajca koji se rekreativno bavi nogometom. Pacijent se javio s izraženim simptomima prednjeg sraza gležnja koji su potvrđeni RTG-om i MR-om. Tijekom artroskopije pronašli smo masivne koštane izdanke tibije i talusa uz znatnu sinovijalnu reakciju, 10 slobodnih zglobnih tijela te osifikaciju sindesmoze. Poslijeoperativno je postavljena hodna ortoza te je poslijeoperacijski oporavak išao prema planu. Fizikalna terapija započeta je 14 dana od zahvata. Pet tjedana od zahvata, kada je pacijent učinio dorzifleksiju prstiju, osjetio je kako je „nešto puknulo” u gležnju te se pojavila oteklina. Više nije mogao učiniti dorzifleksiju prstiju. MR je pokazao puknuće zajedničke tetive ekstenzora digitoruma. Pacijent je podvrgnut sekundarnom zahvatu – otvorenoj rekonstrukciji tetive te potom potkoljeničnoj imobilizaciji tijekom 6 tjedana. Potom je uslijedila fizikalna terapija te postepeno povećanje oslonca na operiranu nogu. Pacijent se potpuno oporavio. Zaključak: Neizmjerno je važno imati na umu kako artroskopija gležnja, osim svojih očitih prednosti, ima i ozbiljne komplikacije. Jatrogeno puknuće tetiva uvijek je moguće te ga treba imati na umu kod bilo kakvog gubitka pokreta u gležnju i stopalu nakon zahvata. Hitni MR te rekonstruktivni zahvat u našem su slučaju pokazali izvrsne rezultate

    Changes in nutrition type between generations influence on bone structural changes in rat female offspring

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    Background and Purpose: It is believed that changes in feeding protocol between generations have influence on the balance of the whole organism. Epidemiological studies suggest that skeletal growth is programmed during intrauterine and early postnatal life. The aim of the study was to determinate impact of maternal dietary fat excess and nutrition of female offspring on the bone structural changes in latter. Materials and Methods: Ten female Sprague Dawley rats were randomly divided in two groups. One group was fed with high content of saturated fatty acid food (HFD) and the other with standard laboratory chow (CD). Offspring from both groups were randomly divided in two subgroups after coupling and lactation period, subsequently there were four groups of offspring (n=6 each) with different feeding protocol: a) CD-CD – control diet mothers and offspring, b) CD-HFD – control diet mothers and high fat diet offspring, c) HFD-CD – high fat diet mothers and control diet offspring and d) HFD-HFD – high fat diet mothers and offspring. At the age of 18 weeks in female offspring bone microstructure was analyzed in fifth lumbar vertebra using digital photographic images. Results and Conclusions: The control diet female offspring of high fat fed mothers showed the highest values of trabecular thickness and trabecular number, while the CD-HFD offspring group had the highest values of trabecular separation and cortical thickness. Maternal nutritional status affects the future development of offspring

    Hyperleptinemia – Non-Haemodynamic Risk Factor for the Left Ventricular Hypertrophy Development in Hypertensive Overweight Females

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    Obesity is directly and strongly associated with hypertension and left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH). Development of LVH is multifactorial, caused both by haemodynamic and non-haemodynamic factors. Hypertension is the main haemodynamic factor. Humoral mechanisms, as a non-haemodynamic factor for LVH development, have not been completely explained. The aim of this study is to determine whether hyperleptinemia can be one of humoral – non-haemodynamic factor inducing LVH together with haemodynamic factors in overweight females. The study was done on thirty six adult, overweight female patients, body mass index in range 25–30 kg/m2. Patients are nondiabetic with regular renal function. Twenty one female patients were hypertensive with left ventricular hypertrophy. Control group included fifteen hypertensive female patients without left ventricular hypertrophy. In all patients was determined glucose profile and creatinine clearance, cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL, HDL.Weight, high, circumference of the waist and hips was taken. Cardiovascular determination was done applying two-dimensional ultrasound. Serum leptin level was measured using radioimmunoassay method (RIA). Results showed that serum leptin level was significantly higher in hypertensive, overweight females with LVH. This suggests that non-haemodynamic factors, such as hyperleptinemia, participate in left ventricular hypertrophy development together with haemodynamic factors in adult hypertonic, overweight females

    Morphometric Analysis of the Sternum

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    Sternum has a great clinical significance, considering that median sternotomy is the most common surgical approach used in cardiac surgery. The aim of this study is to standardize the sternum according to size, shape and sex and to obtain ranges of the »standard sternum«. The study was done on 55 male and 35 female sterna of the average age of 65. Complex morphometric analysis of breadth, length and thickness of the sterna were performed on sternal segments which were defined by costal notches. Morphometric analysis shows that the general sternum structure in the females and in the males is equal. The standard dimensions of female and male sternum were determined. Standardization according to shape suggests that there is one standard sternum shape present in more than 2/3 of analysed samples of both sexes

    Numerical Analysis of Standard and Modified Osteosynthesis in Long Bone Fractures Treatment

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    The fundamental problem in osteoporotic fracture treatment is significant decrease in bone mass and bone tissue density resulting in decreased firmness and elasticity of osteoporotic bone. Application of standard implants and standard surgical techniques in osteoporotic bone fracture treatment makes it almost impossible to achieve stable osteosynthesis sufficient for early mobility, verticalization and load. Taking into account the form and the size of the contact surface as well as distribution of forces between the osteosynthetic materials and the bone tissue numerical analysis showed advantages of modified osteosynthesis with bone cement filling in the screw bed. The applied numerical model consisted of three sub-models: 3D model from solid elements, 3D cross section of the contact between the plate and the bone and the part of 3D cross section of the screw head and body. We have reached the conclusion that modified osteosynthesis with bone cement resulted in weaker strain in the part of the plate above the fracture fissure, more even strain on the screws, plate and bone, more even strain distribution along all the screws’ bodies, significantly greater strain in the part of the screw head opposite to the fracture fissure, firm connection of the screw head and neck and the plate hole with the whole plate and more even bone strain around the screw

    Supracondylar Fractures of the Humerus in Children Caused by Traffic

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    A sample of 38 patients aged under 14 treated at the Surgery Clinic of the University Hospital Osijek has been used in showing therapeutic guidelines supported by patients’ functional status after the completed treatment. The patients suffered from supracondylar fractures caused by traffic accidents and classified into three types according to Gartland. Not a single patient with neurocirculatory disturbances has been registered. The most common treatment was a conservative one while more than half of the patients with fractures from type III underwent surgery. The duration of immobilization approximated three weeks whereas patients’ recovery considering their functional status has justified the choice of the treatment. However, a lot can be done in the field of prevention, which would greatly decrease the frequency of such injuries

    Real Mineral Density of the Sternum

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    Mineral density of the sternum is insufficiently known. The aim of this research was to investigate mineralisation of the sternum and collect normative data on mineral density of the standard male and female sternum in elderly people (average age of female samples was 64 and male’s was 62 years). The research was conducted on 93 cadaveric sternums, 56 male and 37 female samples. To determine regional mineral density of the sternum each sample was cut into six bony segments (Figure 1). Mineral density of every segment was determined using the method of ashing. Male sternums were on average denser than female ones in all segments. Average mineral density of the manubrium in women was 0.169 g/cm3 and 0.220 g/cm3 in men. Average mineral density of the body of the sternum also showed existence of sex difference; it was 0.160 g/cm3 in women and 0.227 g/cm3 in men. Both male and female sternums showed identical mineral density distribution. Mineral density of the manubrium and the body was roughly equal, while the analysis of longitudinal segments showed that the central part of both the manubrium and the body of the sternum was denser than lateral parts. Complex determination of the real mineral density for defined segments of the sternum and analysis of the obtained results were used to create the map of mineral density of the sternum in men and women (Figure 2). Maximum density values were four times greater than minimum density values for analysed samples. These data showed that osteoporosis also occurs on the sternum. Loss of structure and lower mineral density decrease the sternum quality and increase the risk of sternal dehiscence after median sternotomy

    Morphological Classification and Sexual Dimorphism of Hyoid Bone: New Approach

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    Hyoid bone is a part of viscerocranium placed between the tongue root and thyroid cartilage to which it is connected by thyrohyoid membrane. Widely accepted morphological classification does not exist. Sexual dimorphism was analysed in this study and new guidelines for anatomical classification of hyoid bones based on anthropometric parameters were given. Total number of analysed bones was 70. The bones were classified into three groups: symmetrical U-type, symmetrical V-type and asymmetrical type according to the angle between greater horns and the proportion of greater horns length. In the females incidence of asymmetrical type is considerably higher than in the males, while the incidence of symmetrical V-type is lower. The angle value that is on average higher in males may be the parameter indicating that in puberty hyoid bone, still not completely ossified, to some extent follows development of thyroid cartilage because of their close anatomical relation