200 research outputs found

    Toroidal Orientifolds in IIA with General NS-NS Fluxes

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    Type IIA toroidal orientifolds offer a promising toolkit for model builders, especially when one includes not only the usual fluxes from NS-NS and R-R field strengths, but also fluxes that are T-dual to the NS-NS three-form flux. These new ingredients are known as metric fluxes and non-geometric fluxes, and can help stabilize moduli or can lead to other new features. In this paper we study two approaches to these constructions, by effective field theory or by toroidal fibers twisted over a toroidal base. Each approach leads us to important observations, in particular the presence of D-terms in the four-dimensional effective potential in some cases, and a more subtle treatment of the quantization of the general NS-NS fluxes. Though our methods are general, we illustrate each approach on the example of an orientifold of T^6/Z_4.Comment: 59 pages, references adde

    Lingual kinematic strategies used to increase speech rate: Comparisons between younger and older adults

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    The primary objective of this study was to assess the lingual kinematic strategies used by younger and older adults to increase rate of speech. It was hypothesised that the strategies used by the older adults would differ from the young adults either as a direct result of, or in response to a need to compensate for, age-related changes in the tongue. Electromagnetic articulography was used to examine the tongue movements of eight young (M526.7 years) and eight older (M567.1 years) females during repetitions of /ta/ and /ka/ at a controlled moderate rate and then as fast as possible. The younger and older adults were found to significantly reduce consonant durations and increase syllable repetition rate by similar proportions. To achieve these reduced durations both groups appeared to use the same strategy, that of reducing the distances travelled by the tongue. Further comparisons at each rate, however, suggested a speed-accuracy trade-off and increased speech monitoring in the older adults. The results may assist in differentiating articulatory changes associated with normal aging from pathological changes found in disorders that affect the older population

    Bio-analytical Assay Methods used in Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of Antiretroviral Drugs-A Review

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    Diferentes níveis protéicos na dieta de girinos de rã-touro (Lithobates catesbeianus) e seus efeitos sobre o tecido hepático

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    Resumo: Para verificação da ocorrência de alterações morfológicas no fígado, foram coletados dez animais de cada dieta, no 30º dia (1º período experimental) e no 60º dia (2º período experimental), sendo esse, o último dia do período experimental e início do clímax da metamorfose. Os girinos foram distribuídos em delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado (DIC) com três tratamentos: dieta experimental com 32,68% de proteína bruta e duas dietas comerciais com 37,92% e 57,53% de proteína bruta. Os órgãos coletados foram fixados em solução de Bouin e depois submetidos às práticas da rotina histotecnológica e coradas com hematoxilina - Eosina (HE). Na avaliação microscópica do fígado foram encontradas diversas alterações morfológicas como: Desorganização e vacuolização de hepatócitos, infiltrado inflamatório mononuclear periportal, multifocal e difuso, infiltrado inflamatório eosinofílico, congestão, hemorragia, hemólise e necrose. As alterações hepáticas encontradas neste estudo sugerem que as dietas utilizadas para os girinos de rã-touro, não atenderam suas necessidades dietéticas, afetando a homeostasia dos mesmos, comprometendo assim, sua sanidade