3 research outputs found

    Risks and benefits of sharing patient information on social media: a digital dilemma

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    Social media (SoMe) has witnessed remarkable growth and emerged as a dominant method of communication worldwide. Platforms such as Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), LinkedIn, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube have become important tools of the digital native generation. In the field of medicine, particularly, cardiology, attitudes towards SoMe have shifted, and professionals increasingly utilize it to share scientific findings, network with experts, and enhance teaching and learning. Notably, SoMe is being leveraged for teaching purposes, including the sharing of challenging and intriguing cases. However, sharing patient data, including photos or images, online carries significant implications and risks, potentially compromising individual privacy both online and offline. Privacy and data protection are fundamental rights within European Union treaties, and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) serves as the cornerstone of data protection legislation. The GDPR outlines crucial requirements, such as obtaining ‘consent’ and implementing ‘anonymization’, that must be met before sharing sensitive and patient-identifiable information. Additionally, it is vital to consider the patient’s perspective and prioritize ethical and social considerations when addressing challenges associated with sharing patient information on SoMe platforms. Given the absence of a peer-review process and clear guidelines, we present an initial approach, a code of conduct, and recommendations for the ethical use of SoMe. In conclusion, this comprehensive review underscores the importance of a balanced approach that ensures patient privacy and upholds ethical standards while harnessing the immense potential of SoMe to advance cardiology practice and facilitate knowledge dissemination

    On the Mechanics of Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement

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    Transcatheter aortic valves (TAVs) represent the latest advances in prosthetic heart valve technology. TAVs are truly transformational as they bring the benefit of heart valve replacement to patients that would otherwise not be operated on. Nevertheless, like any new device technology, the high expectations are dampened with growing concerns arising from frequent complications that develop in patients, indicating that the technology is far from being mature. Some of the most common complications that plague current TAV devices include malpositioning, crimp-induced leaflet damage, paravalvular leak, thrombosis, conduction abnormalities and prosthesis-patient mismatch. In this article, we provide an in-depth review of the current state-of-the-art pertaining the mechanics of TAVs while highlighting various studies guiding clinicians, regulatory agencies, and next-generation device designers