7 research outputs found

    High Distribution of CD40 and TRAF2 in Th40 T Cell Rafts Leads to Preferential Survival of this Auto-Aggressive Population in Autoimmunity

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    CD40-CD154 interactions have proven critical in autoimmunity, with the identification of CD4(lo)CD40(+) T cells (Th40 cells) as harboring an autoaggressive T cell population shedding new insights into those disease processes. Th40 cells are present at contained levels in non-autoimmune individuals but are significantly expanded in autoimmunity. Th40 cells are necessary and sufficient in transferring type 1 diabetes in mouse models. However, little is known about CD40 signaling in T cells and whether there are differences in that signaling and subsequent outcome depending on disease conditions. When CD40 is engaged, CD40 and TNF-receptor associated factors, TRAFs, become associated with lipid raft microdomains. Dysregulation of T cell homeostasis is emerging as a major contributor to autoimmune disease and thwarted apoptosis is key in breaking homeostasis.Cells were sorted into CD4(hi) and CD4(lo) (Th40 cells) then treated and assayed either as whole or fractionated cell lysates. Protein expression was assayed by western blot and Nf-kappaB DNA-binding activity by electrophoretic mobility shifts. We demonstrate here that autoimmune NOD Th40 cells have drastically exaggerated expression of CD40 on a per-cell-basis compared to non-autoimmune BALB/c. Immediately ex-vivo, untreated Th40 cells from NOD mice have high levels of CD40 and TRAF2 associated with the raft microdomain while Th40 cells from NOR and BALB/c mice do not. CD40 engagement of Th40 cells induces Nf-kappaB DNA-binding activity and anti-apoptotic Bcl-X(L) expression in all three mouse strains. However, only in NOD Th40 cells is anti-apoptotic cFLIP(p43) induced which leads to preferential survival and proliferation. Importantly, CD40 engagement rescues NOD Th40 cells from Fas-induced death.CD40 may act as a switch between life and death promoting signals and NOD Th40 cells are poised for survival via this switch. This may explain how they expand in autoimmunity to thwart T cell homeostasis