23,853 research outputs found

    Determination of the Gyrotropic Characteristics of Hexaferrite Ceramics From 75 to 600 GHz

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    Joint research into the behaviour of driven piles

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    Large driven piles are used widely in both onshore and offshore construction. Predicting their limiting capacities and load-displacement behaviour under a range of static and cyclic, axial, lateral and moment loading conditions is critical to many engineering applications. This paper reviews relevant recent joint research by groups at Imperial College London (ICL) and Zhejiang University China (ZJU). Two tracks of enquiry are outlined: (i) assembling and analysing a major and open database of high quality load tests conducted on industrial scale piles at well characterised sites; and (ii) modelling the effective stress regime developed around piles driven in sands. Both avenues of research are vital to enabling scientifically well-founded and yet industrially credible improvements to practical pile design methods. The scope of future joint research is also outlined

    Water quality and water availability variations in an upland Galloway loch with special reference to dissolved organic matter and the distribution of benthic diatoms

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    Upland waters in acid sensitive regions of Scotland are vulnerable to several disturbance processes that most importantly include atmospheric pollution and climate change as well as to local land use. Monitoring in the Round Loch of Glenhead (RLGH) since 1988 has shown that both water acidity and sulphate concentration have declined while the concentration of dissolved organic matter (DOM) has steadily increased. Currently, it is unclear if increasing DOM reflects climate change effects or relief from acid pollution. This report concerns recent research at the RLGH on relating seasonal changes in water supply and coloured dissolved organic matter (cDOM) to the distributions of benthic algae (diatoms). Diatoms are primarily limited by light which in turn varies according to season, water depth and water transparency. cDOM in lake water strongly influences water transparency and our central hypothesis is that benthic diatom distributions are influenced by changes in cDOM concentrations and light availability

    Nonequilibrium Forces Between Neutral Atoms Mediated by a Quantum Field

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    We study all known and as yet unknown forces between two neutral atoms, modeled as three dimensional harmonic oscillators, arising from mutual influences mediated by an electromagnetic field but not from their direct interactions. We allow as dynamical variables the center of mass motion of the atom, its internal degrees of freedom and the quantum field treated relativistically. We adopt the method of nonequilibrium quantum field theory which can provide a first principle, systematic and unified description including the intrinsic field fluctuations and induced dipole fluctuations. The inclusion of self-consistent back-actions makes possible a fully dynamical description of these forces valid for general atom motion. In thermal equilibrium we recover the known forces -- London, van der Waals and Casimir-Polder forces -- between neutral atoms in the long-time limit but also discover the existence of two new types of interatomic forces. The first, a `nonequilibrium force', arises when the field and atoms are not in thermal equilibrium, and the second, which we call an `entanglement force', originates from the correlations of the internal degrees of freedom of entangled atoms.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figure

    A simultaneous confidence band for sparse longitudinal regression

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    Functional data analysis has received considerable recent attention and a number of successful applications have been reported. In this paper, asymptotically simultaneous confidence bands are obtained for the mean function of the functional regression model, using piecewise constant spline estimation. Simulation experiments corroborate the asymptotic theory. The confidence band procedure is illustrated by analyzing CD4 cell counts of HIV infected patients

    Stresses Developed around Displacement Piles Penetration in Sand

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