6 research outputs found
Optimal segmentation for sentences displayed on a video screen
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1980
- Field of study
Litigant Satisfaction Versus Legal Adequacy in Small Claims Court Narratives
- Author
- A Arno
- A Pomerantz
- A Pomerantz
- B Danet
- B Yngvesson
- BD Sales
- CR Bashor
- CS Fillmore
- D Coates
- D Hymes
- DA Guth
- E Lof tus
- EH Steele
- FL Bailey
- G Jefferson
- J Weinstein
- JC Ruhnka
- JM Atkinson
- JM Conley
- JW McElhaney
- KN Llewellen
- L Mather
- L Nader
- N Wolfson
- P Carlen
- P Drew
- R Kulat
- RE Keeton
- RE Miller
- RJ Jarvella
- RL Abel
- RP Abelson
- RP Charrow
- SU Philips
- T McFadgen
- WG Haemmel
- WL Bennett
- WLF Felstiner
- WM O’Barr
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1990
- Field of study
On the Constructive Theory of Memory
- Author
- A Binet
- A Binet
- A Binet
- Belmore S. M. Familiarity of prose materials and constructive memory processes. Unpublished manuscript
- BJ Underwood
- BJF Meyer
- BR Gomulicki
- Brockway J. P. Interaction of past knowledge with memorial processing of structured prose. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation
- CA Perfetti
- CB Key
- CH Frederiksen
- CN Cofer
- CN Cofer
- CN Cofer
- CN Cofer
- CN Cofer
- Conrad C. Context effects in sentence comprehension
- DA Norman
- DJ Dooling
- DJ Dooling
- DW Hamlyn
- E Tulving
- EF Loftus
- EL Welborn
- FC Bartlett
- FC Bartlett
- FH Lewis
- G Mandler
- GA Kelly
- GA Miller
- GW Allport
- HH Kelley
- J Ward
- JD Bransford
- JD Bransford
- JD Bransford
- JD Bransford
- JJ Jenkins
- JP Brockway
- JS Sachs
- K Koffka
- KJW Craik
- KK Pezdek
- L Postman
- MI Posner
- MK Johnson
- ML Northway
- NJ Spencer
- OL Zangwill
- RA Griggs
- RA Sulin
- RC Anderson
- RC Schank
- RE Warren
- RE Warren
- RH Wheeler
- RJ Jarvella
- SG Paris
- TS Hyde
- TT Hewett
- U Neisser
- W Kintsch
- W Kintsch
- W Kintsch
- WB Weimer
- WF Brewer
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1977
- Field of study
- Author
- Agha A.
- Aikhenvald AY
- Aikhenvald AY.
- Boas F.
- Boas F.
- Bruil M.
- Cardona G.
- Chafe W
- Cohen G
- Cook HM.
- Courtney EH.
- Curnow TJ.
- Dankoff R
- de Haan F.
- DeLancey S.
- Evans N.
- Faller M.
- Faller M.
- Friedman VA.
- Garrett EJ.
- Gawne L.
- Gipper S.
- Goffman E.
- Grice PH.
- Hanks WF.
- Hanks WF.
- Hargreaves D.
- Hill JH
- Hill JH.
- Howes D
- Jakobson R.
- Jarvella RJ
- Jespersen O.
- Laughlin RM.
- Lazard G.
- Levinson SC.
- Lidz LA.
- Lila San Roque
- Loughnane R.
- Mizumoto M
- Montgomery-Anderson B.
- Nuckolls JB.
- Rule J.
- Rule WM.
- San Roque L
- San Roque L
- San Roque L.
- San Roque L.
- Sarvasy HS.
- Schieffelin BB
- Schieffelin BB.
- Schieffelin BB.
- Squartini M
- Tournadre N.
- Visser E.
- Widmer M.
- Willett T.
- Ăœnal E
- Publication venue
- 'Annual Reviews'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Domains of Fuzzy-Trace Theory
- Author
- A Newell
- A Thumb
- A Tversky
- AC Wilkinson
- AD Baddeley
- BA Campbell
- BR Ekstrand
- C Ankrum
- C Greco
- C Olney
- CE Osgood
- CF Moore
- CJ Brainerd
- CJ Brainerd
- CJ Brainerd
- CJ Brainerd
- CJ Brainerd
- CJ Brainerd
- CJ Brainerd
- CJ Brainerd
- CJ Brainerd
- CJ Brainerd
- CJ Brainerd
- CJ Brainerd
- CJ Brainerd
- CJ Brainerd
- CJ Brainerd
- CJ Brainerd
- CJ Brainerd
- CJ Brainerd
- CJ Brainerd
- CJ Brainerd
- CR Schmidt
- D Dagenbach
- D Kahneman
- DE Berlyne
- DE Broadbent
- DF Bjorklund
- DF Bjorklund
- DF Bjorklund
- DF Bjorklund
- DF Bjorklund
- DF Bjorklund
- DM Kreindler
- EB Lehman
- EC Tolman
- EF Loftus
- EF Loftus
- EF Loftus
- EH Lenneberg
- EL Thorndike
- F Wulf
- FC Bartlett
- FM Rabinowitz
- FN Dempster
- FN Dempster
- GK Zipf
- GS Halford
- H Helson
- H Hoffding
- HF Harlow
- HH Kendler
- HL Swanson
- J Hudson
- J Perner
- J Piaget
- J Piaget
- J Shedler
- J Smedslund
- J Smedslund
- J Townsend
- JB Cooney
- JH Flavell
- JP Rushton
- JS Johnson
- JW Alba
- K Marbe
- L Hasher
- LM Reder
- LR Gleitman
- M Chapman
- M Chapman
- M Perlmutter
- MH Marx
- ML Howe
- ML Howe
- ML Howe
- ML Howe
- ML Howe
- ML Howe
- ML Signorella
- MR Lamb
- P Callahan
- R Hastie
- R Schweickert
- RE Guttentag
- RE Nisbett
- RH Granger
- RJ Jarvella
- RM Shiffrin
- RM Shiffrin
- S Carey
- S Freud
- S Katz
- S Wagner
- SJ Ceci
- ST Zimny
- TH Carr
- U Staubli
- VF Reyna
- VF Reyna
- VF Reyna
- VF Reyna
- VF Reyna
- VF Reyna
- VF Reyna
- VF Reyna
- W James
- W Kintsch
- W Kintsch
- W Kintsch
- W Kohler
- W Schneider
- WE Merriman
- WK Estes
- WK Estes
- WK Estes
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1993
- Field of study
Moving Bodies, Acting Selves
- Author
- Allen J
- Ardener E
- Aronson JL
- Barish J
- Basso K
- Bateson G
- Baynton D
- Behar R
- Benedict R
- Bernard HR
- Best D
- Best D
- Best D
- Birdwhistell RL
- Birdwhistell RL
- Birke L
- Boas F
- Bordo S
- Bottomly F
- Bourdieu P
- Brown P
- Browning B
- Burroughs CB
- Butler J
- Bynum CW
- Chapman M
- Comaroff J
- Crick M
- Csordas TJ
- Csordas TJ
- Efron D
- Ekman P
- Farnell B
- Farnell B
- Farnell B
- Fehar M
- Feld S
- Feld S
- Firth R
- Foucault M
- Foucault M
- Foucault M
- Gibson JJ
- Gibson KR
- Giddens A
- Goffman E
- Goffman E
- Goffman E
- Goody J
- Grosz E
- Grosz E
- Hall ET
- Hall ET
- Hanks W
- Harré R
- Harré R
- Harré R
- Harré R
- Harré R
- Harré R
- Havelock E
- Hertz R
- Hewes G
- Howes D
- Hutchinson-Guest A
- Jackson M
- Jaggar A
- Jarvella RJ
- Johnson M
- Kaeppler A
- Kaeppler A
- Keali'inohomoku J
- Keating E
- Keller J
- Kendon A
- Kendon A
- Kendon A
- Levinson D
- Lewis JL
- Malinowski B
- Mallery G
- Martin E
- Mascia-Lees FE
- Mauss M
- McNeill D
- Mead M
- Mead M
- Merleau-Ponty M
- Monaghan L
- Needham R
- Novack CJ
- Nussbaum M
- Onians RB
- Parkin D
- Pocock D
- Radcliffe-Brown AR
- Rapp R
- Rothbart D
- Scarry E
- Schieffelin E
- Seremetakis CN
- Sherzer J
- Shilling C
- Spencer P
- Stoller P
- Stoller P
- Stoller P
- Strathern AJ
- Suleiman S
- Taussig M
- Turner BS
- Tylor EB
- Varela CR
- Vogel SM
- Williams D
- Williams D
- Williams D
- Williams D
- Williams D
- Williams D
- Williams D
- Williams D
- Wittgenstein L
- Young K
- Publication venue
- 'Annual Reviews'
- Publication date
- Field of study