8 research outputs found

    Isomer Spectroscopy of Neutron-rich 165,167Tb

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    Open Access JournalWe present information on the excited states in the prolate-deformed, neutron-rich nuclei 165;167Tb100;102. The nuclei of interest were synthesized following in-flight fission of a 345 MeV per nucleon 238U primary beam on a 2 mm 9Be target at the Radioactive Ion-Beam Factory (RIBF), RIKEN, Japan. The exotic nuclei were separated and identified event-by-event using the BigRIPS separator, with discrete energy gamma-ray decays from isomeric states with half-lives in the _s regime measured using the EURICA gamma-ray spectrometer. Metastable-state decays are identified in 165Tb and 167Tb and interpreted as arising from hindered E1 decay from the 7/2-[523] single quasi-proton Nilsson configuration to rotational states built on the 3/2-[411] single quasi-proton ground state. These data correspond to the first spectroscopic information in the heaviest, odd-A terbium isotopes reported to date and provide information on proton Nilsson configurations which reside close to the Fermi surface as the 170Dy doubly-midshell nucleus is approached.postprin

    Spin-wave amplification and lasing driven by inhomogeneous spin-transfer torques

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    \u3cp\u3eWe show that an inhomogeneity in the spin-transfer torques in a metallic ferromagnet under suitable conditions strongly amplifies incoming spin waves. Moreover, at nonzero temperatures the incoming thermally occupied spin waves will be amplified such that the region with inhomogeneous spin-transfer torques emits spin waves spontaneously, thus constituting a spin-wave laser. We determine the spin-wave scattering amplitudes for a simplified model and setup, and show under which conditions the amplification and lasing occurs. Our results are interpreted in terms of a so-called black-hole laser, and could facilitate the field of magnonics, which aims to utilize spin waves in logic and data-processing devices.\u3c/p\u3

    Isomer spectroscopy of neutron-rich <font size=-1><sup>168</sup></font>Tb<font size=-1><sub>103</sub></font>

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    In-flight fission of a 345 MeV per nucleon 238U primary beam on a 2 mm thick 9Be target has been used to produce and study the decays of a range of neutron-rich nuclei centred around the doubly mid-shell nucleus 170Dy at the RIBF Facility, RIKEN, Japan. The produced secondary fragments of interest were identified eventby- event using the BigRIPS separator. The fragments were implanted into the WAS3ABI position sensitive silicon active stopper which allowed pixelated correlations between implants and their subsequent β-decay. Discrete γ-ray transitions emitted following decays from either metastable states or excited states populated following beta decay were identified using the 84 coaxial high-purity germanium (HPGe) detectors of the EURICA spectrometer, which was complemented by 18 additional cerium-doped lanthanum bromide (LaBr3

    Triaxiality of neutron-rich 84;86;88Ge from low-energy nuclear spectra

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    -ray transitions between low-spin states of the neutron-rich 84;86;88Ge were measured by means of in-flight -ray spectroscopy at 270 MeV/u. Excited 6+ 1 , 4+ 1;2 and 2+ 1;2 states of 84;86Ge and 4+ 1 and 2+ 1;2 states of 88Ge were observed. Furthermore a candidate for a 3+ 1 state of 86Ge was identified. This state plays a key role in the discussion of ground-state triaxiality of 86Ge, along with other features of its low-energy level scheme. A new region of triaxially deformed nuclei is proposed in the Ge isotopic chain

    Triaxiality of neutron-rich 84,86,88Ge from low-energy nuclear spectra

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    γ-ray transitions between low-spin states of the neutron-rich 84,86,88Ge were measured by means of in-flight γ-ray spectroscopy at 270 MeV/u. Excited 6+1,4+1,2, and 2+1,2 states of 84,86Ge and 4+1 and 2+1,2 states of 88Ge were observed. Furthermore, a candidate for a 3+1 state of 86Ge was identified. This state plays a key role in the discussion of ground-state triaxiality of 86Ge, along with other features of its low-energy level scheme. A new region of triaxially deformed nuclei is proposed in the Ge isotopic chain.status: publishe

    94 -Decay Half-lives of Neutron-Rich 55Cs to 67Ho: Experimental Feedback and Evaluation of the r-Process Rare-Earth Peak Formation

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    The -decay half-lives of 94 neutron-rich nuclei 144−151Cs, 146−154Ba, 148−156La, 150−158Ce, 153−160Pr, 156−162Nd, 159−163Pm, 160−166Sm, 161−168Eu, 165−170Gd, 166−172Tb, 169−173Dy, 172−175Ho and two isomeric states 174mEr, 172mDy were measured at Radioactive Isotope Beam Factory (RIBF), providing a new experimental basis to test theoretical models. Striking, large drops of -decay half-lives are observed at neutron-number N = 97 for 58Ce, 59Pr, 60Nd, 62Sm, and N = 105 for 63Eu, 64Gd, 65Tb, 66Dy. Features in the data mirror the interplay between pairing effects and microscopic structure. r-Process network calculations performed for a range of mass models and astrophysical conditions show that the 57 half-lives measured for the first time play an important role in shaping the abundance pattern of rare-earth elements in the solar system