8 research outputs found

    Interactive Effects of Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria and Phosphates Sources on Growth and Phosphorus Nutrition of Soybean under Moderate Drought

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    The growth of legume plants is usually improved by the rhizobacteria inoculation under low phosphorus (P) and alleviation of P nutrition plays important role in plant drought stress response. The aim of this study was to assess the comparative efficacy of two plant growth promoting rhizobacteria namely Burkholderia cepacia B36 and Enterobacter radicincitans D5/23T combined with two sources of phosphates in soybean (Glycine max L.) under low water supply. Plants were grown under P soluble versus insoluble P fertilization for comparing the effects of soybean inoculation on growth, uptake and use efficiency of phosphorus under moderate drought stress. At the beginning of flowering, half of plants was subjected to low water supply (35% water holding capacity, WHC) for 12 days while control plants were well watered - 70% WHC. The plants were harvested at the end of drought and physiological traits and P contents were analyzed. The inoculation treatments showed better plant growth and nutrient uptake when compared to uninoculated control. The application of the Burkholderia cepacia was more efficiently in terms plant growth than E. radicincitans especially under insoluble phosphates. Phosphorus concentrations of shoots and roots increased with both bacterial strains. The bacterial inoculation has much better stimulatory effect on nutrient uptake by soybean fertilized with insoluble phosphates. Study findings indicate that the combined application of PGPR (Burkholderia cepacia B36) and P amendments has the potential to improve P nutrition and growth of soybean cultivated on P-deficient soil under well-watered as well as moderate drought condition


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    This paper proposes an analysis of the influence of genotype, soil type, crop year and the interaction between these factors on the yield and on the main quality indices of spring barley. The research was conducted on four spring barley varieties (Annabell, Thuringia, Cristalia and Tunika) grown on two soil types (typical chernozem and calcaric aluviosoil) in the Vădeni area, Brăila County, in 2008-2010


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    Implementation of the dry-farming work system is one of the solutions that allow maintaining the balance between the growing demand for the production of food and plant materials with different uses, together with the negative impact that intensive agriculture has on the planet's natural resources. The paper aims to observe how some species of oilseed plants, namely Sinapisalba L., Linumusitatissimum L., and Coriandrumsativum L., can adapt to the prolonged drought conditions of the south-eastern part of Romania and its impact on the quality and quantity of the harvests obtained. Sinapisalba L. proved to be the plant with the highest sensitivity to the lack of precipitation, suffering losses of 70-80%. The emergence of coriander was higher compared to flax and mustard

    The Behavior of Some Alternative Crops Under the Synergic Effect of Soil Work and Climate Conditions in the Eastern Area of Romania

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    Water and thermal stress accentuated in the last decade, hinder farmers from obtaining rich and balanced harvests in the quality-quantity ratio. Thus, it is studied to carry out minimal soil work and to cultivate a wide range of agricultural species that have increased adaptability to climate changes. Dry farming is one of those working systems that allow the exploration of several combinations of soil works and rarely cultivated plants that can replace conventional crops. The present experiment was carried out to observe the influence of tillage on the yield of some alternative types of grassy cereals cultivated under water and thermal stress conditions in the eastern part of Romania, in the 2020-2022 agricultural years, at A.R.D.S., Braila. Rye and triticale crops were sown in three repetitions for each tillage: L1 – Plow (control), L2 – Paraplow, L3 – Scarifier, L4 – Heavy Disc, and L5 – No Tillage. The 2020-2021 agricultural year was rich in precipitation, therefore the difference in yields, for L2, L3, and L4 tillage compared to control - L1, was between -540 kg/ha and +267 kg/ha for the rye crop and between 0 - 535 kg/ha for triticale crop. Climatic conditions influenced yields, especially for triticale crops

    The Resistance of Sunflower to the Attack of Some Pathogenic Agents in the Climate Conditions of the Northeast Baragan

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    Due to its national economic importance, the sunflower crop has established itself as the main oleaginous crop cultivated in Romania. It faces several diseases that are difficult to fight chemically. The creation of hybrids resistant to the attack of pathogens has proven to be an effective, safe, and environmentally friendly solution. This paper aims to examine the resistance of some biological sunflower creations created in Romania, to the attack of Phomopsis helianthi and Phoma macdonaldi fungi, in 2021. The experiment was placed in field conditions with a natural infestation, at A.R.D.S. Braila. The used biological material was represented by nine new sunflower hybrids. Two problem pathogens were studied: Phomopsis helianthi (perfect stage Diaporthe helianthi) and Phoma macdonaldi (perfect stage Leptosphaeria lindquistii). The climatic conditions of 2021 were favorable for the growth of the pathogens. Phoma macdonaldi had an average attack frequency of 38.8% and an average attack intensity of 1.71%, while Phomopsis helianthi recorded average values of 67.8% and 3.08%, respectively. The lowest attack degree of the Phoma macdonaldi pathogen was found in H3 (0.35%). Regarding the pathogen Phomopsis helianthi, the hybrid H3 showed good resistance, with an attack degree of 1.64%

    Broomrape (Orobanche cumana wallr.) control, by developing genetic resistant genotypes in sunflower

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    Sunflower broomrape (Orobanche cumana Wallr.) is a parasitic plant which has a significant negative impact on seed yield. The parasite is spread in large areas of Europe, Asia and it has identified recently, in North Africa. Breeding for resistance is regarded as the most effective, feasible and environmentally friendly solution to control sunflower broomrape. However, breeding for resistance is challenging as new races of the parasite have evolved. The use of resistant hybrids of monogenic resistance type, is followed by the appearance of new more virulent races that overcome the existing resistance genes. So, it is necessary to develop sunflower hybrids which can accumulate qualitative and quantitative resistance in a single one, in order to have a durable resistance. Among this, by developing Clearfield Production System in sunflower it could have an important control strategy and complemented the genetic resistance against the parasite

    Sustainable Rural Development through Promoting Non-Agricultural Activities

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    In rural Romania the main activity is agriculture, so much of the rural population is occupied in agriculture and earns income from this activity [35]. Due to small areas of agricultural land, lack of agricultural machinery and access to credit, many farms are subsistence. In the new 2014-2020 period, for job creation and for increasing the incomes of the rural population, it is necessary to diversify the activities and promote small-scale businesses

    Broomrape (Orobanche cumana Wallr.), the most important parasite in sunflower crop in Romania

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    Broomrape (Orobanche cumana Wallr.) is a parasitic angiosperm that has been causing a great deal of damage to sunflower production for more than a century. There has been a constant tug-of-war between sunflower breeders and Orobanche cumana, with frequent changes in which side has the upper hand. Almost as soon as the breeders find a source of resistance to the latest race of the parasite, broomrape responds by evolving another virulent race. Russian researchers identified the first two races of this parasite (A and B), after that, being identified other four races (C, D, E and F) as well as the sunflower differentials carrying the dominant genes for resistance, by the researchers in Romania and Spain. In the last years, some authors have communicated the appearance of the new, very virulent populations of broomrape, in different regions cultivated with sunflower, over the world. Sunflower selection for broomrape resistance makes use of different methods for testing breeding materials (in the field or in greenhouse), looks for resistance sources and has so far produced significant results. Dominant genes for resistance to races A, B, C, D, E and F have been found and incorporated into cultivated sunflower genotypes. The resistant hybrids having resistance to the broomrape populations more virulent than race F have been produced by incorporating genes of resistance, coming specially from wild Helianthus species. The aim of our investigation was to compare the virulence of broomrape samples collected in different areas cultivated with sunflower and infested with broomrape, from Romania. The same, we studied the dissemination of these populations in time and territory, in relation with different sunflower resistant genotypes. It was evaluated the influence of the parasite populations on the sunflower hybrids seed yield. Ten populations of broomrape collected from different locations in Romania have been used in the artificial infestation conditions, for establishing the presence of different broomrape (Orobanche cumana Wallr.) races in these areas. The broomrape samples were stored in saved conditions and used for artificial infestation in the green house and phytotron. There have been tested sunflower differentials for the broomrape races until the sixth one and, different hybrids with different resistance to the newest virulent populations of the parasite. Results of evaluation of sunflower differentials for different races or populations of the parasite Orobanche cumana have demonstrated that in Romania, the three more spread broomrape populations in the largest area cultivated with sunflower, are very different regarding the virulence and dissemination of the parasite. The influence of the parasite on sunflower seed yield was very high, depending by the hybrid type of resistance