14 research outputs found

    Strongly Coupled Magnetic and Electronic Transitions in Multivalent Strontium Cobaltites

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    The topotactic phase transition in SrCoOx (x = 2.5-3.0) makes it possible to reversibly transit between the two distinct phases, i.e. the brownmillerite SrCoO2.5 that is a room-temperature antiferromagnetic insulator (AFM-I) and the perovskite SrCoO3 that is a ferromagnetic metal (FM-M), owing to their multiple valence states. For the intermediate x values, the two distinct phases are expected to strongly compete with each other. With oxidation of SrCoO2.5, however, it has been conjectured that the magnetic transition is decoupled to the electronic phase transition, i.e., the AFM-to-FM transition occurs before the insulator-to-metal transition (IMT), which is still controversial. Here, we bridge the gap between the two-phase transitions by density-functional theory calculations combined with optical spectroscopy. We confirm that the IMT actually occurs concomitantly with the FM transition near the oxygen content x = 2.75. Strong charge-spin coupling drives the concurrent IMT and AFM-to-FM transition, which fosters the near room-T magnetic transition characteristic. Ultimately, our study demonstrates that SrCoOx is an intriguingly rare candidate for inducing coupled magnetic and electronic transition via fast and reversible redox reactions

    Ligand-hole localization in oxides with unusual valence Fe

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    Unusual high-valence states of iron are stabilized in a few oxides. A-site-ordered perovskite-structure oxides contain such iron cations and exhibit distinct electronic behaviors at low temperatures, e.g. charge disproportionation (4Fe4+ → 2Fe3+ + 2Fe5+) in CaCu3Fe4O12 and intersite charge transfer (3Cu2+ + 4Fe3.75+ → 3Cu3+ + 4Fe3+) in LaCu3Fe4O12. Here we report the synthesis of solid solutions of CaCu3Fe4O12 and LaCu3Fe4O12 and explain how the instabilities of their unusual valence states of iron are relieved. Although these behaviors look completely different from each other in simple ionic models, they can both be explained by the localization of ligand holes, which are produced by the strong hybridization of iron d and oxygen p orbitals in oxides. The localization behavior in the charge disproportionation of CaCu3Fe4O12 is regarded as charge ordering of the ligand holes, and that in the intersite charge transfer of LaCu3Fe4O12 is regarded as a Mott transition of the ligand holes


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    We discuss the possibility of an intermediate-spin ground state for a d5 (d6) system. The intermediate-spin state is stabilized by the relative stability of the ligand hole state that it hybridizes with. Using atomic multiplet calculations we showed that an intermediate-spin ground state is possible for Co4+ (d5) when the d6L state dominates the ground state. From a comparison of the experimental Co 2p x-ray absorption spectroscopy spectrum with the calculated one we assume an intermediate-spin ground state for SrCoO3. The intermediate-spin ground state is a highly symmetrical state with high-spin Co d6 ions on each site. Each oxygen then contributes 1/3 hole which is antiferromagnetically coupled to both neighboring Co ions. In this way the itinerant oxygen holes couple the high-spin Co d6 ions ferromagnetically. With this model of oxygen holes that introduce ferromagnetic correlations we can also explain the spin-glass behavior for slightly doped LaCoO3

    Electronic structure of MnO

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    The electronic structure of MnO has been investigated using high-energy (x-ray photoelectron and bremsstrahlung-isochromat) spectroscopies. An experimental gap of 3.9 eV is found. By comparing the experimental results to a configuration-interaction cluster model, values for the different parameters in a model Hamiltonian are found [U=8.5 eV, DELTA = 8.8 eV, and (pd-sigma) = 1.3 eV]. These parameter values place MnO in the intermediate region of the Zaanen-Sawatzky-Allen phase diagram. By using the same parameters, the d-d forbidden optical-absorption energies can be calculated, and good agreement with experiment is found

    Management of coagulation abnormalities in liver disease

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    Liver disease is characterized by changes in all phases of hemostasis. These hemostatic alterations were long considered to predispose patients with liver disease towards a bleeding tendency, as they are associated with prolonged conventional coagulation tests. However, these patients may also suffer from thrombotic complications, and we now know that the hemostatic system in patient with liver disease is, in fact, in a rebalanced state. In this review we discuss the concept of rebalanced hemostasis and its implications for clinical management of patients with liver disease. For instance, there is no evidence that the use of prophylactic blood product transfusion prior to invasive procedures reduces bleeding risk. Clinicians should also be aware of the possibility of thrombosis occurring in patients with a liver disease, and regular thrombosis prophylaxis should not be withheld in these patients