6 research outputs found
Pruritus in pregnancy: a study of anatomical distribution and prevalence in relation to the development of obstetric cholestasis
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
External Stimuli and the Development and Organization of Behavior
- Author
- AD Mayer
- AS Fleming
- AS Fleming
- AT Cowie
- B Tschantz
- B Tschantz
- B.F. Brockway
- BD Sachs
- BF Brockway
- BM Freeman
- BM Slotnick
- BTrottellummen Tschantz
- C Diakow
- C Moore
- CE Grosvenor
- CE Grosvenor
- CE Grosvenor
- CE Grosvenor
- CG Beer
- CG Beer
- D Crews
- D Lack
- DF Lott
- DF Lott
- DH Hubel
- DH Hubel
- DR Lambe
- DS Lehrman
- DS Lehrman
- DS Lehrman
- DW Lincoln
- E Noirot
- E Steel
- E Steele
- EF Nutting
- EO Wilson
- F Tilney
- FA Beach
- G Gottlieb
- G Gottlieb
- G Gottlieb
- G Gottlieb
- G Gottlieb
- H Moltz
- H Selye
- H. Vorheer
- HFR Prechtl
- HG Birch
- HI Siegel
- HI Siegel
- I Rothchild
- J Alcock
- J Lien
- J Terkel
- J Terkel
- J. Cosnier
- JB Calhoun
- JH Crook
- JH Crook
- JL Gerlach
- JP Hailman
- JP McMurtry
- JS Rosenblatt
- JS Rosenblatt
- JS Rosenblatt
- JS Rosenblatt
- JS Rosenblatt
- JS Rosenblatt
- JS Rosenblatt
- JSSuckling Rosenblatt
- JW Everett
- JY Lettvin
- K Brown-Grant
- K Larsson
- KH Lu
- L Roth
- L Roth
- LA Rosenblum
- LA Rosenblum
- LR Herrenkohl
- M Clements
- M Friedman
- M Impekoven
- M Impekoven
- M Impekoven
- M Konishi
- M Leon
- M Matthews
- M.A. Vince
- M.B. Friedman
- MA Hofer
- MA Vince
- MA Vince
- MA Vince
- MA Vince
- Mayer G. Delayed nidation in rats
- MB Friedman
- MC Shelesnyak
- MF Cheng
- MF Cheng
- MF Cheng
- MF Cheng
- MH Teicher
- MK McClintock
- MT Teicher
- MX Zarrow
- MX Zarrow
- NCG Freeman
- NT Adler
- OR Langworthy
- ovarian recrudescence in the lizard
- P Ingelbrecht
- RA Hinde
- RA Hinde
- RA Hinde
- RC Kolodney
- RF Becker
- RF Ewer
- RF Ewer
- RL Morris
- RL Trivers
- RL Trivers
- RS Bridges
- RS Bridges
- S Reisbick
- TB Brazelton
- TC Schneirla
- TC Schneirla
- TC Schneirla
- V Vuorenkoski
- W.C. Stanley
- WF Windle
- WG Hall
- WG Hall
- WG Hall
- WJ Welker
- WM Wheeler
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1978
- Field of study
A model for one-dimensional morphoelasticity and its application to fibroblast-populated collagen lattices
- Author
- A Desmoulière
- A Desmoulière
- A Goriely
- A Goriely
- A Yavari
- AG Moon
- AJ Roberts
- AK Harris
- B Hinz
- BM Steinberg
- C Guidry
- C Guidry
- C Valero
- Cameron L. Hall
- CF Clement
- CG Bellows
- CG Bellows
- D Ambrosi
- D Ambrosi
- D Ambrosi
- D Ambrosi
- D Stopak
- D. L. Sean McElwain
- DC Koppenol
- DC Koppenol
- DE Discher
- DI Schreiber
- DI Schreiber
- DM Knapp
- DM Knapp
- E Bell
- E Comellas
- E Kröner
- E Kröner
- E Kuhl
- E Tamariz
- EH Lee
- EK Rodriguez
- F Ascione
- F Grinnell
- F Grinnell
- F Grinnell
- F Grinnell
- F Grinnell
- F Grinnell
- G Gabbiani
- G Gabbiani
- G Majno
- G Talas
- GI Zahalak
- GW Jones
- H Rosenfeldt
- H Xiao
- HP Ehrlich
- HP Ehrlich
- I Ferrenq
- IE Roseborough
- J Fluck
- JA García-Grajales
- JC Dallon
- JD Humphrey
- JEF Green
- JJ Tomasek
- JJ Tomasek
- JMA Farsi
- JP Marquez
- K Mochitate
- KE Murphy
- KE Murphy
- KE Murphy
- KJ Kelynack
- KM Pryse
- KR Rajagopal
- L Yang
- LA Taber
- LG Bowden
- LM Sander
- M Ben Amar
- M Marenzana
- MA Carlson
- MB Vaughan
- MC Evans
- MD Stevenson
- MK Rausch
- MS Kolodney
- NL Halliday
- O Gonzalez
- P Patwari
- P Roy
- P Roy
- P Tracqui
- PD Arora
- PL Chandran
- R Stojanović
- R Stojanović
- R Vandiver
- RC Augusteyn
- RT Tranquillo
- S Enoch
- S Göktepe
- S Ramtani
- S Ramtani
- S Rhee
- Scott W. McCue
- Shakti N. Menon
- SN Menon
- T Elsdale
- T Wakatsuki
- TP Amadeu
- VA Lubarda
- VA Lubarda
- VH Barocas
- VH Barocas
- VH Barocas
- YC Chen
- YC Fung
- YC Lin
- Z Feng
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Mechanical homeostasis in tissue equivalents: a review
- Author
- A Elosegui-Artola
- A Mammoto
- A Mauri
- A Orlandi
- A Zemel
- AH Dahlmann-Noor
- AP Bhole
- BC Isenberg
- BH Campbell
- BL Bangasser
- BM Baker
- BM Steinberg
- BP Flynn
- BS McEwen
- C Bernard
- C Bonnans
- C Zhu
- CE Chan
- CJ Cyron
- CJ Cyron
- CJ Cyron
- CJ Cyron
- D Boettiger
- D Karamichos
- D Könnig
- D Stamenović
- DD Simon
- DD Simon
- DD Simon
- DG Ezra
- DJ Buttle
- DL Butler
- DT Butcher
- E Bell
- EA Cavalcanti-Adam
- EA Sander
- EA Sander
- EJ Lee
- F Bonnier
- F Grinnell
- F Grinnell
- F Grinnell
- F Grinnell
- FA Braeu
- G Grenier
- G Jenkins
- G Jiang
- GA Holzapfel
- H Davis
- H Wolinsky
- HB Schiller
- HP Ehrlich
- HP Ehrlich
- J Alcaraz
- J Joshi
- J Xie
- J-J Hu
- JA Schiro
- JC Dallon
- JD Humphrey
- JD Humphrey
- JD Humphrey
- JD Humphrey
- JD Humphrey
- JF Eichinger
- JJ Hu
- JJ Tomasek
- JP Califano
- JP Marquez
- K Chen
- K Duval
- KJ Kelynack
- KJA Davies
- KK Sethi
- LR Sewanan
- M Chiquet
- M Eastwood
- M Eastwood
- M Ghibaudo
- M Marenzana
- M Walker
- M Yamato
- MA Bisson
- MA Bisson
- MA Schwartz
- MD Stevenson
- ME Kotas
- MH Kural
- MJ Bissel
- MS Hall
- MS Kolodney
- N Piolanti
- P Delvoye
- P Friedl
- P Lu
- P Lu
- P Sawadkar
- PN Watton
- PY Lee
- Q Cheng
- R Chovatiya
- R Oria
- RA Brown
- RA Brown
- RA Ignotz
- RA Redden
- RC Bates
- RE Shadwick
- RK Sawhney
- S Domaschke
- S Loerakker
- S Sukharev
- S Thomopoulos
- S Thomopoulos
- S Weng
- SM Hall
- T Jin
- T Matsumoto
- T Wakatsuki
- T Yeung
- TA Wynn
- TD Ross
- TR Cox
- V Knezevic
- VH Barocas
- VM Weaver
- W Weninger
- WB Cannon
- WB Cannon
- WR Legant
- WS Leong
- X Zhao
- Y Nakagawa
- Y Okabe
- YA Miroshnikova
- YK Zhu
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
d-Serine as the gatekeeper of NMDA receptor activity: implications for the pharmacologic management of anxiety disorders
- Author
- A Burgos-Robles
- A Feder
- A Hashimoto
- A Hashimoto
- A Kishimoto
- A Panatier
- A Shimasaki
- AB Patel
- AC Basu
- AJ Berger
- AK Mustafa
- AR Polak
- B Peyrovian
- B Szilagyi
- BM Elzinga
- BS McEwen
- C Ebrahimi
- C Henneberger
- CE Terrillion
- CF Gillespie
- CH Lin
- CJ Morgan
- D Mataix-Cols
- D Rosenberg
- D Rosenberg
- D Rosenberg
- D Rosenfield
- DL Graham
- DL Walker
- DS Dunlop
- DS Dunlop
- DT Balu
- DT Balu
- DT Balu
- DT Balu
- DT Balu
- DT Balu
- DT Balu
- E Dumin
- E Kaplan
- E Kartvelishvily
- EA Phelps
- EJ Perez
- FL Woon
- G Heimer
- G Kolodney
- GJ Quirk
- H Betz
- H Lin
- H Safory
- H Sason
- H Wolosker
- H Wolosker
- H Wolosker
- H Wolosker
- H Wolosker
- H Wolosker
- HY Lane
- I Zoicas
- J Hartberg
- J Radulovic
- J Sheynin
- J Wang
- JA Bodkin
- JD Bremner
- JD Bremner
- JE LeDoux
- JE LeDoux
- JH Yang
- JK Millar
- JS Choi
- JS Stevens
- JT Ehmsen
- JW Johnson
- K Hashimoto
- K Horiike
- K Miya
- K Sakai
- K Sakimura
- K Strisovsky
- KJ Ressler
- L Balan
- L Curcio
- L Tabatabaie
- LM DeVito
- LM Shin
- LR Squire
- M Horio
- M Le Bail
- M Marchetti
- M Pineda
- M Srour
- M Yamasaki
- MA Benneyworth
- MC Kroes
- MG Craske
- MJ Miserendino
- MR Milad
- MR Milad
- MR Milad
- MW Logue
- MW Otto
- N Damseh
- N Singewald
- N Singewald
- NG Fiorenza
- NW Kleckner
- O Malkesman
- P Fossat
- P Tovote
- PH Janak
- PL Greer
- PM Kim
- R Andero
- R Bergeron
- R Inoue
- RA Lanius
- RA Lanius
- RA Rescorla
- RC Kessler
- RJ Fenster
- RK Pitman
- S Broer
- S Hammond
- S Matsuda
- S Neame
- S Sacchi
- S Sultan
- S Sultan
- S Van der Auwera
- S Zhang
- SD Norrholm
- SL Rauch
- SL Rauch
- SM Rodrigues
- SN Garfinkel
- T Amano
- T Hikida
- T Jovanovic
- T Papouin
- T Sasaki
- TJ de Koning
- TM Ma
- TM Ma
- U Heresco-Levy
- V Senn
- VN Foltyn
- WS Kremen
- Y Bai
- Y Li
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Myofibroblasts and mechano-regulation of connective tissue remodelling
- Author
- A Carrel
- A Desmouliere
- A Desmouliere
- A Desmouliere
- AB Roberts
- AB Roberts
- AK Harris
- AP Sappino
- B Czernobilsky
- B Geiger
- B Geiger
- B Hinz
- B Hinz
- B Schnabl
- BB Young
- C Chaponnier
- C Ffrench-Constant
- CD Nobes
- CH Heldin
- CP Mack
- DIR Higton
- DP Berry
- DW Powell
- E Bell
- E Cukierman
- E Zamir
- F Grinnell
- F Grinnell
- F Grinnell
- F Grinnell
- FT Van der Loop
- FT Van der Loop
- G Gabbiani
- G Gabbiani
- G Gabbiani
- G Gabbiani
- G Majno
- G Payling Wright
- G Serini
- G Serini
- GA Walker
- GB Ryan
- GI Kaye
- H Bostrom
- HK Graham
- HP Ehrlich
- I Appleton
- I Darby
- II Singer
- J Gross
- J Heino
- J Massague
- J Massague
- JF Woessner
- JJ Tomasek
- JJ Tomasek
- JV Jester
- JV Jester
- JV Jester
- K Burridge
- K Burridge
- K Chihara
- K Katoh
- K Katoh
- K Kimura
- K Miyazono
- K Mochitate
- KE Kypreos
- KG Danielson
- KM Sullivan
- L Borsi
- L Ronnov-Jessen
- L Ronnov-Jessen
- L Rubbia-Brandt
- L Yang
- LR Lund
- M Abercrombie
- M Amano
- M Amano
- M Chrzanowska-Wodnicka
- M Eastwood
- M Eastwood
- M Parizi
- M-F Toccanier-Pelte
- MB Hautmann
- MB Vaughan
- MC Gong
- ME Chicurel
- MJ Glimcher
- MJ Glimcher
- MS Kolodney
- N Khalil
- NL Halliday
- NQ Balaban
- O Skalli
- P Charbord
- P Delvoye
- P Lindahl
- P Lindahl
- P Martin
- P Schmid
- PD Arora
- PD Arora
- PD Byers
- RA Brown
- RA Brown
- RA Brown
- RA Brown
- RA Ignotz
- RA Porter
- RB Watson
- RC Jones
- RJ Pelham Jr
- RM Garana
- RS Bressler
- RT Prajapati
- S Jamieson
- S Kasugai
- S O'Kane
- SG Roy
- SG Spanakis
- SJ Kim
- SK Masur
- SK Masur
- SR Glasser
- T Christen
- T Elsdale
- T Ishizaki
- T Leung
- T Muellner
- T Nemetschek
- T Wakatsuki
- TE Kreis
- V Dugina
- VC Mudera
- W Beertsen
- W Schurch
- W Schurch
- WA Border
- Y Ezura
- Y Kapanci
- Y Kapanci
- Y Kawano
- Y Yokoi
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study