6,862 research outputs found

    Electrically-controllable RKKY interaction in semiconductor quantum wires

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    We demonstrate in theory that it is possible to all-electrically manipulate the RKKY interaction in a quasi-one-dimensional electron gas embedded in a semiconductor heterostructure, in the presence of Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit interaction. In an undoped semiconductor quantum wire where intermediate excitations are gapped, the interaction becomes the short-ranged Bloembergen-Rowland super-exchange interaction. Owing to the interplay of different types of spin-orbit interaction, the interaction can be controlled to realize various spin models, e.g., isotropic and anisotropic Heisenberg-like models, Ising-like models with additional Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya terms, by tuning the external electric field and designing the crystallographic directions. Such controllable interaction forms a basis for quantum computing with localized spins and quantum matters in spin lattices.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    E-QED: Electrical Bug Localization During Post-Silicon Validation Enabled by Quick Error Detection and Formal Methods

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    During post-silicon validation, manufactured integrated circuits are extensively tested in actual system environments to detect design bugs. Bug localization involves identification of a bug trace (a sequence of inputs that activates and detects the bug) and a hardware design block where the bug is located. Existing bug localization practices during post-silicon validation are mostly manual and ad hoc, and, hence, extremely expensive and time consuming. This is particularly true for subtle electrical bugs caused by unexpected interactions between a design and its electrical state. We present E-QED, a new approach that automatically localizes electrical bugs during post-silicon validation. Our results on the OpenSPARC T2, an open-source 500-million-transistor multicore chip design, demonstrate the effectiveness and practicality of E-QED: starting with a failed post-silicon test, in a few hours (9 hours on average) we can automatically narrow the location of the bug to (the fan-in logic cone of) a handful of candidate flip-flops (18 flip-flops on average for a design with ~ 1 Million flip-flops) and also obtain the corresponding bug trace. The area impact of E-QED is ~2.5%. In contrast, deter-mining this same information might take weeks (or even months) of mostly manual work using traditional approaches

    A Computational Study of the Weak Galerkin Method for Second-Order Elliptic Equations

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    The weak Galerkin finite element method is a novel numerical method that was first proposed and analyzed by Wang and Ye for general second order elliptic problems on triangular meshes. The goal of this paper is to conduct a computational investigation for the weak Galerkin method for various model problems with more general finite element partitions. The numerical results confirm the theory established by Wang and Ye. The results also indicate that the weak Galerkin method is efficient, robust, and reliable in scientific computing.Comment: 19 page

    The FENE dumbbell polymer model: existence and uniqueness of solutions for the momentum balance equation

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    We consider the FENE dumbbell polymer model which is the coupling of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations with the corresponding Fokker-Planck-Smoluchowski di ffusion equation. We show global well-posedness in the case of a 2D bounded domain. We assume in the general case that the initial velocity is sufficiently small and the initial probability density is sufficiently close to the equilibrium solution; moreover an additional condition on the coeffcients is imposed. In the corotational case, we only assume that the initial probability density is sufficiently close to the equilibrium solution

    Redistribution of multi-phase particulate organic carbon in a marine shelf and canyon system during an exceptional river flood: Effects of Typhoon Morakot on the Gaoping River-Canyon system

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    This is the final published version of the article. It was originally published in Marine Geology (Sparkes RB, Lin I-T, Hovius N, Galy A, Liu JT, Xu X, Yang R, Marine Geology 2015, 363, 191–201, doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2015.02.013) http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.margeo.2015.02.013Volumetrically, turbidity currents are the prime suppliers of sediment to the deep sea, and conveyors of organic carbon from the terrestrial biosphere and submarine shelf into marine depositional basins. They result from complex processes of erosion, transport and deposition that can be difficult to study in detail. Here we present data from the Gaoping submarine canyon system, off SW Taiwan, which was perturbed in 2009 by the addition of flood deposits following Typhoon Morakot and sampled by gravity coring less than 2 months after the event. We use the different origins of organic carbon, distinguished by their carbon and nitrogen concentrations and δ13C and δ15N isotopic composition, to compare and contrast standard and extreme sedimentological conditions. Using well-constrained end-members, the results were de-convolved into inputs of metamorphic and sedimentary fossil organic carbon eroded within the Gaoping River basin, terrestrial non-fossil carbon and marine organic matter. In the upper Gaoping Canyon, sedimentation is dominated by the highly-localised hyperpycnal input of river washload and submarine sediment slumps, each associated with extensive flooding following Typhoon Morakot, whilst the shelf experienced deposition and reworking of hemi-pelagic marine sediments. A terrestrial signal is also found in the core-top of a fine-grained shelf sample over 20 km from the Gaoping Canyon, in a region normally dominated by marine carbon deposition, showing that Morakot was an unusually large flood event. Conversely, sediment from just above the canyon thalweg contains 0.23 wt.% depth-averaged marine organic carbon (37% of the TOC content) implying that terrestrial OC-dominated turbidites are tightly constrained within the canyon. Hyperpycnal processes can lead to the rapid and efficient transport of both terrestrial and submarine sediments to more permanent burial locations.RS was supported by an Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EP/P502365/1 and EP/P504120/1) studentship. JTL was supported by grant number NSC95-2745-M-110-001 for the Fate of Terrestrial–Nonterrestrial Sediments in High Yield Particle–Export River–Sea Systems Program, which provided the cores in this study. We thank Peter Talling for his insightful and constructive comments on the manuscript and a further, anonymous reviewer for generous endorsement

    Genomic Expansion of Magnetotactic Bacteria Reveals an Early Common Origin of Magnetotaxis with Lineage-specific Evolution

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    The origin and evolution of magnetoreception, which in diverse prokaryotes and protozoa is known as magnetotaxis and enables these microorganisms to detect Earth’s magnetic field for orientation and navigation, is not well understood in evolutionary biology. The only known prokaryotes capable of sensing the geomagnetic field are magnetotactic bacteria (MTB), motile microorganisms that biomineralize intracellular, membrane-bounded magnetic single-domain crystals of either magnetite (Fe3O4) or greigite (Fe3S4) called magnetosomes. Magnetosomes are responsible for magnetotaxis in MTB. Here we report the first large-scale metagenomic survey of MTB from both northern and southern hemispheres combined with 28 genomes from uncultivated MTB. These genomes expand greatly the coverage of MTB in the Proteobacteria, Nitrospirae, and Omnitrophica phyla, and provide the first genomic evidence of MTB belonging to the Zetaproteobacteria and “Candidatus Lambdaproteobacteria” classes. The gene content and organization of magnetosome gene clusters, which are physically grouped genes that encode proteins for magnetosome biosynthesis and organization, are more conserved within phylogenetically similar groups than between different taxonomic lineages. Moreover, the phylogenies of core magnetosome proteins form monophyletic clades. Together, these results suggest a common ancient origin of iron-based (Fe3O4 and Fe3S4) magnetotaxis in the domain Bacteria that underwent lineage-specific evolution, shedding new light on the origin and evolution of biomineralization and magnetotaxis, and expanding significantly the phylogenomic representation of MTB

    How to Identify Exposed Women Who Are Infected with Neisseria gonorrhoeae.

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    Treatment trials of antibiotics for Neisseria gonorrhoeae infections frequently enroll primarily men with urethritis, as the diagnosis of acute gonococcal infection in men with urethritis is easily made by Gram stain of the urethral exudate, followed by confirmatory culture or nucleic acid amplification tests (NAATs). Enrolling women in treatment trials is of great importance, but N. gonorrhoeae cervical infections cause nonspecific symptoms. This makes it difficult to conduct interventional trials, as large numbers of women with nonspecific symptoms need to be screened for infection. Gram stain of cervical secretions has a strikingly low sensitivity, and culture and/or NAAT results are not available at the time of screening. This necessitates recall and delayed treatment of infected women who may not return and who may spread the infection during the interval. In this chapter we present an algorithm, derived from a comparison of women who did, or did not, become infected during exposure, which identifies those women who are highly likely to be infected before culture and/or NAAT results are available. The algorithm provides an efficient way to conduct interventional trials in women without the problem of recall and delayed treatment

    Near-Surface Te+ 125 Spins with Millisecond Coherence Lifetime

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    Impurity spins in crystal matrices are promising components in quantum technologies, particularly if they can maintain their spin properties when close to surfaces and material interfaces. Here, we investigate an attractive candidate for microwave-domain applications, the spins of group-VI Te+125 donors implanted into natural Si at depths as shallow as 20 nm. We show that surface band bending can be used to ionize such near-surface Te to spin-active Te+ state, and that optical illumination can be used further to control the Te donor charge state. We examine spin activation yield, spin linewidth, and relaxation (T1) and coherence times (T2) and show how a zero-field 3.5 GHz "clock transition"extends spin coherence times to over 1 ms, which is about an order of magnitude longer than other near-surface spin systems
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