18 research outputs found

    タイ北部のChiang Mai市における学生の栄養素摂取量に関する実態調査

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    タイの学生の食生活および栄養摂取状況を明らかにするために,「簡易食物摂取状況調査表(タイ版)」を作成し、Chiang Mai大学の学生を対象に栄養素摂取量についての調査を行った。エネルギー摂取量は、1日あたり全体で平均1,756.4kcalであり、男性で1,792.4kcal、女性で1,740.5kcalと男女間で有意な差は認められなかった。タンパク質および炭水化物の1日あたりの摂取量にっいては、それぞれ男性で58.2gおよび293.9g、女性で56.7gおよび283.8gであった。脂質の摂取量(平均42.4g/日)および脂肪エネルギー比(平均21.6%)については,男女で差異が見られなかった。学生の朝食欠食率については,男女合わせて全体で43.0%であった。朝食の欠食者のエネルギー摂取量は平均1,591.0kcal/日と,1日に3回の食事を摂取している学生の1,881.3kcal/日と比べて,統計学的に有意に低値であった。朝食欠食者にはイライラやだるさ、疲労感などの不定愁訴の症状が現れる割合が高いことが知られている。学生の健康維持や食生活を改善するためには,健康教育プログラムの中において,栄養教育と共に,食事指導やカウンセリングなどが必要と考えられる。To elucidate a general view of eating habits of people in Thailand, a questionnaire survey was conducted that examined the current nutritional status of university students in urban Chiang Mai. The subjects comprised 98 healthy students with an average age of 21.5 years from two classes at Chiang Mai University. They were requested to answer the self-reported questionnaire in their classes. Entitled the "Simplified Questionnaire of Food Intake", it contains 17 items related to dietary habits. It was revised for Thai people in the Thai language. A total of 88 students answered the questionnaire completely. These students took in 1, 756.4 kcal on average from 57.2g protein, 287.1g carbohydrate and 42.4g lipid daily. The relative energy of lipid was 22.6% on average. These percentages were close to the estimated averages of 64.3% carbohydrate, 13.4% protein and 22.2% lipid as energy sources by the National Nutrition Committee. There were no differences in the daily intake of energy and these macronutrients between male and female students. The incidence of students without a breakfast was 43.0% on average. These students took in only 1, 591.0 kcal/day, which was significantly lower than 1, 881.3 kcal/day in students consuming 3 meals daily (p<0.001). It is reported that breakfast is effective against impatience, fatigue and laziness. It was suggested that those students with irregular dietary habits are in need of nutritional guidance and counseling in the health promotion program of the university to maintain their good health and improve their eating habits