2,092 research outputs found

    A Study of Burnout and Job Satisfaction Measures of Stress amongst Health Professionals

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    Stress has become an inevitable part of the life of an individual. Modern life has brought tremendous stress on employees at work place called organizational role stress. Burnout is an extreme state of psychological strain and depletion of energy resources arising from prolonged exposure to stressors. Job satisfaction is the employee’s affective response to the job. Job dissatisfaction leads to absenteeism, turnover, and low productivity. The current topic of investigation is ‘A study of burnout and job satisfaction measures of stress amongst health professionals.’Objectives: To study the extent and relationship between organizational role stress and the three dimensions of burnout (emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and personal accomplishment) and job satisfaction in nurses and doctors working in a hospital.Methods: The present descriptive study was conducted on a sample of 100 subjects including 50 nurses and 50 doctors, which were drawn through convenience sampling technique from a selected hospital in Delhi. Three variables were studied and scored with the help of Organizational Role Stress Scale (Pareek), Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI-HSS-Maslach & Jackson) and Job Descriptive Index (JDI-Smith, Kendall and Hulin). Data were statistically analyzed employing descriptive and inferential statistics.Results: The results showed the presence of organizational role stress among both the categories of health professionals namely nurses and doctors but a higher stress was reported among nurses than among doctors. Also, organizational role stress was found to be positively correlated with emotional exhaustion dimension of burnout, and negatively correlated with depersonalization and personal accomplishment, dimensions of burnout and job satisfaction.Conclusion: Organizational role stress has its impact on the health professionals and leads to serious adverse manifestations like burnout and job dissatisfaction. Therefore organizations must work towards stress management of their employees and improve work environment

    Human Resource Management: A Review and Research Agenda

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    This article makes a case for the integration of the largely separate literatures of environmental management and human resource management research. The paper categorizes the existing literature on the basis of Ability–Motivation–Opportunity theory, revealing the role that Green human resource management processes play in people-management practice. The contributions of the paper lie in drawing together the extant literature in the area, mapping the terrain of the field, identifying some gaps in the existing literature and suggesting some potentially fruitful future research agendas. There is a developing form about confirmation supporting cooperation the middle of the thing that need aid termed secondary execution alternately secondary duty human resource management polishes Furthermore Different measures about authoritative execution. However, it will be not reasonable the reason this companionship exists. This paper contends that on furnish a persuading demonstration of this affiliation we have should move forward our hypothetical What's more systematic frameworks previously, three way zones. These would that way for HRM, and particularly that justification for those particular records for practices; that way from claiming authoritative execution; and the linkage the middle of HRM Also execution. A model is introduced inside which on investigate these linkages. The existing writing looking into HRM Furthermore execution is reviewed in the light for this examination on recognize key holes for learning and assistance should center further the Look into necessities[1].   &nbsp

    Performance Improvement of AODV in Wireless Networks using Reinforcement Learning Algorithms

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    This paper investigates the application of reinforcement learning (RL) techniques to enhance the performance of the Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) routing protocol in mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs). MANETs are self-configuring networks consisting of mobile nodes that communicate without the need for a centralized infrastructure. AODV is a widely used routing protocol in MANETs due to its reactive nature, which reduces overhead and conserves energy. This research explores three popular Reinforcement Learning algorithms: SARSA, Q-Learning and Deep Q-Network (DQN) to optimize the AODV protocol's routing decisions. The RL agents are trained to learn the optimal routing paths by interacting with the network environment, considering factors such as link quality, node mobility, and traffic load. The experiments are conducted using network simulators to evaluate the performance improvements achieved by the proposed RL-based enhancements. The results demonstrate significant enhancements in various performance metrics, including reduced end-to-end delay, increased packet delivery ratio, and improved throughput. Furthermore, the RL-based approaches exhibit adaptability to dynamic network conditions, ensuring efficient routing even in highly mobile and unpredictable MANET scenarios. This study offers valuable insights into harnessing RL techniques for improving the efficiency and reliability of routing protocols in mobile ad hoc networks

    Improving the Performance of OLSR in Wireless Networks using Reinforcement Learning Algorithms

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    The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol is a popular proactive routing protocol used in wireless mesh networks. However, like many routing protocols, OLSR can suffer from inefficiencies and suboptimal performance in certain network conditions. To address these issues, researchers have proposed using reinforcement learning algorithms to improve the routing decisions made by OLSR. This paper explores the use of three RL algorithms - Q-Learning, SARSA, and DQN - to improve the performance of OLSR. Each algorithm is described in detail, and their application to OLSR is explained. In particular, the network is represented as a Markov decision process, where each node is a state, and each link between nodes is an action. The reward for taking an action is determined by the quality of the link, and the goal is to maximize the cumulative reward over a sequence of actions. Q-Learning is a simple and effective algorithm that estimates the value of each possible action in a given state. SARSA is a similar algorithm that takes into account the current policy when estimating the value of each action. DQN uses a neural network to approximate the Q-values of each action in a given state, providing more accurate estimates in complex network environments. Overall, all three RL algorithms can be used to improve the routing decisions made by OLSR. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the application of RL algorithms to OLSR and highlights the potential benefits of using these algorithms to improve the performance of wireless networks

    Status of Surrogacy in India: A Critical Study

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    Marriage is a social institution. Couples may have their own children via procreation, in the standard course of nature. Unfortunately, infertile couples are unable to have children. The infertility may be either medical or social. There is an underlying urge in every human being to produce biological descendants who will carry on their lineage in society. Although, a barren couple has the task of learning to cope with their lack of children both internally and externally. As a result, they believe they must turn to artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization, test-tube babies, as well as surrogacy, amongst other methods, in order to ensure their survival in society. These methods brighten their eyes and satisfy their yearning for genetically identical offspring. These advancements have aided infertile couples and adults in overcoming reproduction difficulties caused by infertility, such as medical reasons, the loss of a spouse, being separated, homosexual couples, or gay couples, among other things. Through this paper, I would like to enlighten on surrogacy. Here we would discuss various aspects like meaning, method, types, socio-legal, ethical issues, and various reproductive techniques. In modern age surrogacy is very popular in the whole world. Therefore, surrogacy is a highly sensitive and delicate issue. Indeed, it is high time to enact a law to regulate surrogacy in India. The present paper is totally based on secondary sources of data such as legal journals, books, magazines, newspapers and websites sources etc

    An Experimental Study to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Cryotherapy on Occurrence of Oral Mucositis among Patients Receiving Cancer Chemotherapy in Selected Hospitals of New Delhi

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    An experimental study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of cryotherapy on occurrence of oral mucositis among patients receiving cancer chemotherapy in selected hospitals of New Delhi. The objectives of the study were to assess and compare the effectiveness of cryotherapy on occurrence of oral mucositis among patients receiving cancer chemotherapy in experimental and control groups to establish relationship between occurrence of oral mucositis among patients receiving cancer chemotherapy in experimental group and control group with selected variables. The conceptual framework adopted for the study was based on system model. Quantitative research approach was used in the study to accomplish the objectives of the study. The research design for the study was pre-test and post-test control group design. The sample comprised 60 patients in oncology units of Safdarjung Hospital, selected by random sampling by lottery method. The collected data was analyzed by using both descriptive and inferential statistics. The results showed that there was significant difference between occurrence of oral mucositis among patients receiving cancer chemotherapy in experimental and control groups. In experimental group, there was no significant association between occurrence of oral mucositis among patients receiving cancer chemotherapy with selected variables, viz., gender, nutritional status, duration of illness, concurrent illness, and time period of chemotherapy treatment started, course/cycle, frequency, and other treatment modalities at 0.05 level of significance. In the control group, there was no significant relationship between occurrences of oral mucositis among patients receiving cancer chemotherapy with selected variables, viz., nutritional status, duration of illness, time period of chemotherapy treatment started, course/cycle, frequency, and other treatment modalities at 0.05 level of significance. In the control group, there was significant relationship between occurrence of oral mucositis among patients receiving cancer chemotherapy with selected variables, viz., gender and concurrent illness at 0.05 level of significance. The finding of the present study showed that the majority of the patients with chemotherapy treatment, who were exposed to cryotherapy, experienced reduced occurrence of oral mucositis as compared to patients who were not exposed to cryotherapy

    Study to Assess the Effect of Nursing Interventions on the Stress Level of Parents of Neonates Admitted to Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

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    Introduction: A pre-experimental study to assess the effect of nursing interventions on the stress level of parents of neonates admitted to NICU in selected hospital. The primary objective of the study was to assess the effectiveness of nursing intervention on parental stress among the parents of neonates admitted to NICU.Methods: The present study was conducted among 30 parents of neonates admitted to NICU in a government hospital of New Delhi. The purposive sampling technique was applied. Parents were assessed for stress level by using PSS: NICU (developed by Miles& Funk et al.). On the first day (within 24 hours of admission) followed by nursing interventions which included an informational session of 40 minutes for one time regarding introduction of NICU, indications for admission to NICU, routine care given by staff nurses and doctors to the neonates admitted to NICU, commonly used equipment’s and disposable items at NICU, general instructions regarding the care of neonate at home or after discharge and danger signs for neonates. On the third day, parents were reassessed for parental stress score by using same PSS: NICU scale.Results: Out of 30 parents 21 were mothers and 9 were fathers. The mean pre-nursing intervention parental stress score of 72.9±12.98 were more than the mean posts nursing intervention parental stress score of 58.7±12.37 with mean difference of 14.2±5.61 which shows the significant reduction in stress level of parents of neonates admitted to NICU. The mean pre-nursing intervention parental stress score for other three subscales of PSS: NICU; ‘sight and sound’ 14±4.37, ‘looks and behavior’ 30.4±9.57, ‘parental role’ 28.5±4.92 was more than the mean post nursing intervention parental stress score for these three subscales; ‘sight and sound’8.6±2.84, ‘looks and behavior’ 24.9±9.03 and ‘Parental role’ 25.1±4.44. These results showed that most leading cause of stress among all three subscales was parental role followed by looks and behavior and sight and sounds. The Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics using SPSS v.20.Conclusion: Nursing Intervention was effective in reducing the stress level of parents of neonates admitted to NICU

    The Effectiveness of Isometric Exercises on Pain Perception of Elderly with Osteoarthritis in Selected Old Age Homes

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    Introduction: India is likely to notice an endemic of osteoarthritis with about 80% of the 55 years and above population in the country suffering with wear and tear of joints. 40% of these people are likely to suffer from severe osteoarthritis, which will disable them from daily activities, say the experts quoting the World Health Organization (WHO). Objectives: The study aimed to investigate the effect of isometric exercise in elderly with osteoarthritis in a selected old age home in Delhi. Methods: A randomized control trial was conducted on 50 elderly (25 elderly in experimental group and 25 elderly in control group) aged 60 to 90 years. Nonprobability purposive sampling technique was used for selection of the sample. A structured interview schedule and Numerical Pain Rating Scale, were used for data collection and the data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: Results revealed that the elderly with osteoarthritis in the experimental group had reduction in pain followed by isometric exercise compared to the elderly with osteoarthritis in the control group. Conclusion: Results confirmed that isometric exercise is an effective method of pain relief for elderly with osteoarthritis

    A Descriptive Study to Assess the Prevalence of Anemia and Identify Dietary Practices among Adolescent Girls in Selected School of Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh

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    Introduction: Anemia is one of the major public-health problems that affects the world’s total population widely Anemia is known to affect people belonging to all age-groups, particularly women of child bearing age and children. Hence, the researcher felt the need to conduct a descriptive study to assess the prevalence of anemia and identify dietary practices among adolescent girls in selected school of Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh.Materials and Methods: Quantitative approach with descriptive survey design was used to achieve the objectives of the study. The sample consisted of 100 adolescent girls (11-17 years) from selected school of Moradabad. Convenient sampling technique was used to select the sample. A structured questionnaire was developed to identify dietary practices and to obtain demographic profile of adolescent girls and a recording sheet was used to collect data regarding their haemoglobin level.Results: The data collected was analysed and interpreted using both descriptive and inferential statistics. The study showed that 66% of the adolescents were anemic; out of which 31% were mild anemic, 25% moderate and 10% were severely anemic. There was a significant relationship between anemic statuses of the sample with their frequency of eating junk food. A pamphlet on prevention and management of anemia among adolescent was developed and disseminated to the adolescent girls.Conclusion: The point prevalence of anemia among adolescent girls was found to be 66%. The high prevalence of anaemia among adolescents demands due emphasis on iron and folic acid supplementation, iron rich food intake, health education regarding personal hygiene and periodical deworming to reduce the burden of anaemia among adolescent girls

    Relation of serum 25(OH) D with variables of thyroid and lipid profile in perimenopausal women

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    Background: Deficiency of vitamin D is quite prevalent among elderly population or postmenopausal women worldwide and may affect various function of the body. The status of its deficiency with their relation with other variables are not well explored in perimenopausal women.Methods: 100 perimenopausal women from the department of obstetrics and gynaecology were selected without having known risk of thyroid disorder and cardiovascular disease. The age group criteria for these women were 40 to 50 years. Thyroid profile including TSH, T3, and T4 were estimated by using enzyme linked immunesorbent assay. Serum levels of 25(OH) D3 was estimated by using spectrophotometric method. Lipid profile including TC, TG and HDL-C were estimated CHOD-POD method, GPO-PAP method, and CHOD-POD/Phosphotungustate method. LDL-C was calculated by friedewald formula.Results: There 58 women were presented with insufficient amount of vitamin D. They were characterised with increased BMI, elevated thyrotropin alongwith lower concentrations of T3 and T4. Increased levels of TC, TG and LDL-cholesterol alongwith lower concentration of HDL-C were also observed in women with vitamin d deficiency. Women having vitamin D deficiency were presented with overweight (OR-18.0, p-value=<0.001) and dyslipidemia (OR-12.13, p-value≤0.001). Vitamin D was negatively correlated with variable i.e. BMI, TSH, TC, TG and LDL-C. This negative association was significant (<0.001) while HDL-C and T4 were positively correlated with vitamin D levels in this study population.Conclusions: Vitamin D deficiency frequently occurs in middle aged perimenopausal women. Negative correlation of it with BMI, TSH and lipid variables may suggest the development of cardiovascular disease and hypothyroidism in coming years. Vitamin D supplements or vitamin D containing diet and regular exposure to sun is highly recommended to perimenopausal women
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