4,603 research outputs found

    Desmanthus: A New Forage Legume to Improve Wool Growth in Tropical Australia

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    In tropical Australia, very short and erratic wet seasons are the critical factors in determining forage growth and animal production (Wheeler & Freer, 1986). Grasses are highly susceptible to low rainfall and animal production in such conditions become strictly seasonal. Improvements in meat and wool production by the introduction of stylo species (Stylosanthes sp.) into natural grasslands have been intensively reported (Gillard & Winter, 1984). However, there are currently no suitable introduced legumes for the c.28 million ha of Mitchell grass (Astrebla spp.) plains in heavy clay soils of western North Queensland, grazed predominately by wool producing Merino sheep (Phelps, 1999). Members of the genus Desmanthus appear to offer the possibility for filling this role (Gardiner et al., 2004). This work aimed to evaluate the potential of four Desmanthus accessions, in comparison with Verano stylo (Stylosanthes hamata cv. Verano), as alternative supplements for diets of Mitchell grass hay fed to Merino wethers in western North Queensland

    Implantação e manejo de sistema integração lavoura/pecuária/floresta com Gliricidia sepium.

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    Gliricídia: formas de plantio e cultivo.

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    Implantação e manejo de legumineira com gliricídia (Gliricidia sepium).

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    Avaliacao de linhagens e cultivares de arroz irrigado no estado do Piaui.

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    BRS formoso: cultivar de arroz irrigado para o estado do Piaui.

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    Sistemas silvipastoris: produção animal com benefícios ambientais.

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    Resumo: Sistemas silvipastoris constituem uma modalidade de sistema agroflorestal, que combinam forrageiras, árvores e animais, e que têm sido desenvolvidos em todas as regiões do país, com características específicas quanto às espécies utilizadas, ao arranjo temporal e espacial dos componentes e ao objetivo e funcionalidade do sistema, porém, ainda são pouco adotados. Este trabalho pretende apresentar demandas, demonstrar resultados de produção animal e perspectivas de fornecimento de serviços ambientais, mostrando o potencial de uso destes sistemas para diferentes regiões brasileiras, em especial, para o Nordeste. [Silvopastoral systems: animal production with environmental benefits]. Abstract: Silvopastoral systems are a form of agroforestry system that combine forages, trees and animals, which have been developed in all regions of Brazil, with specific characteristics as the species used, the temporal and spatial arrangement of components and the purpose and functionality of system, however, are still poorly adopted. This work intends to present demands, demonstrate results of animal production and prospects for providing environmental services, showing the potential use of these systems for different Brazilian regions, especially the Northeast