43 research outputs found

    Reciprocal control of cell proliferation and migration

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    In adult tissue the quiescent state of a single cell is maintained by the steady state conditions of its own microenvironment for what concern both cell-cell as well as cell-ECM interaction and soluble factors concentration. Physiological or pathological conditions can alter this quiescent state through an imbalance of both soluble and insoluble factors that can trigger a cellular phenotypic response. The kind of cellular response depends by many factors but one of the most important is the concentration of soluble cytokines sensed by the target cell. In addition, due to the intrinsic plasticity of many cellular types, every single cell is able, in response to the same stimulus, to rapidly switch phenotype supporting minimal changes of microenviromental cytokines concentration. Wound healing is a typical condition in which epithelial, endothelial as well as mesenchymal cells are firstly subjected to activation of their motility in order to repopulate the damaged region and then they show a strong proliferative response in order to successfully complete the wound repair process. This schema constitute the leitmotif of many other physiological or pathological conditions such as development vasculogenesis/angiogenesis as well as cancer outgrowth and metastasis

    Molecular characteristics of a strain (Salento-1) of Xylella fastidiosa isolated in Apulia (Italy) from an olive plant with the quick decline syndrome

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    DNA-based approaches were used to characterize a strain (Salento-1) of Xylella fastidiosa obtained from an olive plant suffering from the syndrome of quick decline in Apulia (South Italy). Salento-1 was indistinguishable from strain CoDiRO previously isolated from olive in Apulia and assigned to  X. fastidiosa subsp. pauca. Based on our results and comparative analysis with reported data, the subspecies pauca, multiplex, and fastidiosa may invade olive throughout the world (California, Italy, Argentina and Brazil). The strain Salento-1 has been deposited in the National Collection of Plant Pathogenic Bacteria (NCPPB), England, and in the Belgian Coordinated Collections of Microorganisms (BCCM), Belgium

    Characterizing the Gait of People With Different Types of Amputation and Prosthetic Components Through Multimodal Measurements: A Methodological Perspective

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    Prosthetic gait implies the use of compensatory motor strategies, including alterations in gait biomechanics and adaptations in the neural control mechanisms adopted by the central nervous system. Despite the constant technological advancements in prostheses design that led to a reduction in compensatory movements and an increased acceptance by the users, a deep comprehension of the numerous factors that influence prosthetic gait is still needed. The quantitative prosthetic gait analysis is an essential step in the development of new and ergonomic devices and to optimize the rehabilitation therapies. Nevertheless, the assessment of prosthetic gait is still carried out by a heterogeneous variety of methodologies, and this limits the comparison of results from different studies, complicating the definition of shared and well-accepted guidelines among clinicians, therapists, physicians, and engineers. This perspective article starts from the results of a project funded by the Italian Worker's Compensation Authority (INAIL) that led to the generation of an extended dataset of measurements involving kinematic, kinetic, and electrophysiological recordings in subjects with different types of amputation and prosthetic components. By encompassing different studies published along the project activities, we discuss the specific information that can be extracted by different kinds of measurements, and we here provide a methodological perspective related to multimodal prosthetic gait assessment, highlighting how, for designing improved prostheses and more effective therapies for patients, it is of critical importance to analyze movement neural control and its mechanical actuation as a whole, without limiting the focus to one specific aspect

    Molecular characteristics of a strain (Salento-1) of Xylella fastidiosa isolated in Apulia (Italy) from an olive plant with the quick decline syndrome

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    DNA-based approaches were used to characterize a strain (Salento-1) of Xylella fastidiosa obtained from an olive plant suffering from the syndrome of quick decline in Apulia (South Italy). Salento-1 was indistinguishable from strain CoDiRO previously isolated from olive in Apulia and assigned to  X. fastidiosa subsp. pauca. Based on our results and comparative analysis with reported data, the subspecies pauca, multiplex, and fastidiosa may invade olive throughout the world (California, Italy, Argentina and Brazil). The strain Salento-1 has been deposited in the National Collection of Plant Pathogenic Bacteria (NCPPB), England, and in the Belgian Coordinated Collections of Microorganisms (BCCM), Belgium

    Evaluation of SCO1 deletion on Saccharomyces cerevisiae metabolism through a proteomic approach

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    The Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene SCO1 has been shown to play an essential role in copper delivery to cytochrome c oxidase. Biochemical studies demonstrated specific transfer of copper from Cox17p to Sco1p, and physical interactions between the Sco1p and Cox2p. Deletion of SCO1 yeast gene results in a respiratory deficient phenotype. This study aims to gain a more detailed insight on the effects of SCO1 deletion on S. cerevisiae metabolism. We compared, using a proteomic approach, the protein pattern of SCO1 null mutant strain and wild-type BY4741 strain grown on fermentable and on nonfermentable carbon sources. The analysis showed that on nonfermentable medium, the SCO1 mutant displayed a protein profile similar to that of actively fermenting yeast cells. Indeed, on 3% glycerol, this mutant displayed an increase of some glycolytic and fermentative enzymes such as glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase 1, enolase 2, pyruvate decarboxylase 1, and alcohol dehydrogenase 1. These data were supported by immunoblotting and enzyme activity assay. Moreover, the ethanol assay and the oxygen consumption measurement demonstrated a fermentative activity in SCO1 mutant on respiratory medium. Our results suggest that on nonfermentable carbon source, the lack of Sco1p causes a metabolic shift from respiration to fermentation

    Insights on a founder effect: the case of Xylella fastidiosa in the Salento area of Apulia, Italy

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    Xylella fastidiosa causing disease on different plant species has been reported in several European countries, since 2013. Based on multilocus sequence typing (MLST) results, there is evidence of repeated introductions of the pathogen in Spain and France. In contrast, in the Salento area of Apulia (Puglia) in Southern Italy, the existence of a unique Apulian MLST genotype of X. fastidiosa, causing the olive quick decline syndrome (OQDS; also referred to as “CoDiRO” or “ST53”) was proven, and this was tentatively ascribed to X. fastidiosa subsp. pauca. In order to acquire information on intra population diversity European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has strongly called for the characterization of X. fastidiosa isolates from Apulia to produce the necessary data to better understand strain diversity and evolution. In this work, for the first time the existence of sub-variants within a set of  14 “ST53” isolates of X. fastidiosa collected from different locations was searched using DNA typing methods targeting the whole pathogen genome. Invariably, VNTR, RAPD and rep-PCR (ERIC and BOX motifs) analyses indicated that all tested isolates possessed the same genomic fingerprint, supporting the existence of predominant epidemiological strain in Apulia. To further explore the degree of clonality within this population, two isolates from two different Salento areas (Taviano and Ugento) were completely sequenced using PacBio SMRT technology. The whole genome map and sequence comparisons revealed that both isolates are nearly identical, showing less than 0.001% nucleotide diversity. However, the complete and circularized Salento-1 and Salento-2 genome sequences were different, in genome and plasmid size, from the reference strain 9a5c of X. fastidiosa subsp. pauca (from citrus), and showed a PCR-proved large genome inversion of about 1.7 Mb. Genome-wide indices ANIm and dDDH indicated that the three isolates of X. fastidiosa from Salento (Apulia, Italy), namely Salento-1, Salento-2, and De Donno, whose complete genome sequence has been recently released, share a very recent common ancestor. This highlights the importance of continuous and extensive monitoring of molecular variation of this invasive pathogen to understand evolution of adaptive traits, and the necessity for adoption of all possible measures to reduce the risk of new introductions that may augment pathogen diversity

    Insights on a founder effect: the case of <em>Xylella fastidiosa</em> in the Salento area of Apulia, Italy

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    Xylella fastidiosa causing disease on different plant species has been reported in several European countries, since 2013. Based on multilocus sequence typing (MLST) results, there is evidence of repeated introductions of the pathogen in Spain and France. In contrast, in the Salento area of Apulia (Puglia) in Southern Italy, the existence of a unique Apulian MLST genotype of X. fastidiosa, causing the olive quick decline syndrome (OQDS; also referred to as “CoDiRO” or “ST53”) was proven, and this was tentatively ascribed to X. fastidiosa subsp. pauca. In order to acquire information on intra population diversity European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has strongly called for the characterization of X. fastidiosa isolates from Apulia to produce the necessary data to better understand strain diversity and evolution. In this work, for the first time the existence of sub-variants within a set of  14 “ST53” isolates of X. fastidiosa collected from different locations was searched using DNA typing methods targeting the whole pathogen genome. Invariably, VNTR, RAPD and rep-PCR (ERIC and BOX motifs) analyses indicated that all tested isolates possessed the same genomic fingerprint, supporting the existence of predominant epidemiological strain in Apulia. To further explore the degree of clonality within this population, two isolates from two different Salento areas (Taviano and Ugento) were completely sequenced using PacBio SMRT technology. The whole genome map and sequence comparisons revealed that both isolates are nearly identical, showing less than 0.001% nucleotide diversity. However, the complete and circularized Salento-1 and Salento-2 genome sequences were different, in genome and plasmid size, from the reference strain 9a5c of X. fastidiosa subsp. pauca (from citrus), and showed a PCR-proved large genome inversion of about 1.7 Mb. Genome-wide indices ANIm and dDDH indicated that the three isolates of X. fastidiosa from Salento (Apulia, Italy), namely Salento-1, Salento-2, and De Donno, whose complete genome sequence has been recently released, share a very recent common ancestor. This highlights the importance of continuous and extensive monitoring of molecular variation of this invasive pathogen to understand evolution of adaptive traits, and the necessity for adoption of all possible measures to reduce the risk of new introductions that may augment pathogen diversity